Population absolutely blows and you reduce RPs for Doppels why?



  • KatKat
    edited July 2020 PM
    What does herorius rvring in other realms have to do with you being selfish?

    Maybe if you helped the realm and cared more about the realm versus calling me a stealth zerger maybe mid would be doing better.

    You don't have to be a zerger to help a realm. Think you would know that after 17 years of playing. Is that how you live with yourself? Justify your play style, because in your mind, its for the realm?
    Post edited by Kat on
  • Kat wrote: »

    You don't have to be a zerger to help a realm. Think you would know that after 17 years of playing

    Yah. When the relic is being invaded in mid camping the water to a solo town in hib helps alot.
    Lets face the other elephant in the room. All the players in my guild who are stealth zergers own you 1v1. Ashnorr, me (sepp/kefk), vlao and falcnor which cant handle.

    Ever think of this...maybe its not the hunter rr5 or ranger rr5. Maybe its you that is the issue
  • KatKat
    edited July 2020 PM

    Yah. When the relic is being invaded in mid camping the water to a solo town in hib helps alot.
    Lets face the other elephant in the room. All the players in my guild who are stealth zergers own you 1v1. Ashnorr, me (sepp/kefk), vlao and falcnor which cant handle.

    Ever think of this...maybe its not the hunter rr5 or ranger rr5. Maybe its you that is the issue

    JFC, you are so clueless. Camping around DC was fun..YEARS ago. It's dead and has been for a long time. 99% of the time I have fought sdn, you guys zerged me down. And you know it. Vlao and I actually went back and forth in wins/losses. so either your lying, or again, clueless. He and I actually got along, and he logged over a few times to chat on mid. It is true, I struggled with your high rr rangers...you have been playing your classes years longer then I have..and now you have rr5 created directly to help you win against hunters. If you didn't win, that would say more about you then me. And, you all never 'smashed" me...there were good fights, but you all either successfully wilsoned, or I died. I have no memory of ever fighting your sin 1v1. ...but would be happy to give it a go

    And.btw..it has been years since I complained about the hunter rr5. You really do live in the past

    I really don't know where your venom is coming from. I suggested dopples stay in game, but have the rps be scaled to realm rank. I also suggested they bring back dopple quest..to encourage all realm ranks to roam. Why did that create such anger in you?

    Post edited by Kat on
  • sorry--thought you were a hunter----i did kill a sm near bold doing the doppel quests----air thug--rr5 you know the cheese mode--think it was my first solo kill---i rather group wit peeps :)
  • KatKat
    edited July 2020 PM
    47el wrote: »
    sorry--thought you were a hunter----i did kill a sm near bold doing the doppel quests----air thug--rr5 you know the cheese mode--think it was my first solo kill---i rather group wit peeps :)

    Sorry - I do play hunter, but havent in a while. I play more then one class - but if you don't solo, why are you making comments about how I play 1v1? I take it we never fought
    Post edited by Kat on
  • Kat wrote: »
    how is this HELPING the game?

    Helps my hib with xp/cash bonus and such, so yes, it helps the game. Albgard just PvE's them back in the evening anyways when the majority of hibs log, so I don't understand the complaint.
  • I had no idea those mobs gave RPs. Interesting!
  • Anyone who goes NF even to kill dopps should get rps.

    For me anything that gets people into NF is a positive.

    I find more pressing matters, I mean I play a sin but by observation realm switching kills the game and IRC (yea great they are so leet) but they just kill the enjoyment for vast amount of casual players.

  • Anyone who goes NF even to kill dopps should get rps.

    For me anything that gets people into NF is a positive.

    I find more pressing matters, I mean I play a sin but by observation realm switching kills the game and IRC (yea great they are so leet) but they just kill the enjoyment for vast amount of casual players.

    The skill ceiling is too high for the majority of the remaining players. That's why it feels like the Xuu crew ruins the enjoyment for casuals. I think this would be less of an issue if players were rewarded for at least "attempting" to participate in RvR regardless of the play style. Doppels help with this to an extent but detracts from the overall RvR experience because it rewards players for avoiding each other. The remaining players chase RPs, not "good" or fair fights. Regarding realm switching, it needs to be available when there's only one server playable. Locking out 2/3 of the content in a nearly 20 year old game is not a great strategy for maintaining or even attracting players. On the other hand, players shouldn't be rewarded for joining the "winning" realm either which just leads to ganking. Imposing a lengthy or permanent realm timer only exacerbates that problem because the realm with the most reliable / effective zerg leader will always have the most players. Considering the low population, it's a tall order to have reliable / effective zerg leaders on each realm, every day during both prime times. Therefore, players have to govern themselves to maintain balance, but most of them fail to do so because it's more beneficial to gank for RPs. There have already been several proposals discussed on these forums that aim to lessen the incentive for ganking, especially in one-sided zerg scenarios, so other play styles can flourish. In short, an overhaul to how RPs are awarded and distributed needs to be worked on.
  • That's an interesting string of thoughts and I don't disagree, well maybe on Dopples. I think they create action and are a partial solution to the issues you raised. There is a risk but also an obtainable reward. This gets casuals out and yes they die some, to solos, small mans, full groups, and several groups (looking at you albs). The current ratio is pretty good. You probably get 5x rps for killing an average player as you would for a dopple, so if there's an enemy around you want to go for them. Also, killing enemies reduces the # of people trying to kill your dopples. The spread action I believe is actually good. Otherwise you have full groups just killing everything else, and then the BAD full groups dying to decent groups, and coming back with 2-3 groups, so the decent full groups don't get action any more. Having it spread out somewhat means that all playstyles can get some action without being pushed out (getting no rps).... and you need fish food (dopples) to get the casuals to come out and bite.

    As far as zerg fights this is where I think you are spot on. There's often little to no reward for casuals. I think the latest stormlord changes won't actually fix this, as generally when you stick your head out vs the hib zerg, 3-4 hib casters are nearest target stun nuking you. If one or even 2 of them don't land you will still get stunned pretty much every time.


    1) Remove or reduce oil damage reduction chants and increase the protection a war ram/fortified war ram provides vs oil. Preferably also allowing Tank 2ndary magic resists and AOM to also impact essence resistances. Without that you'd possibly have tanks dying to 3 timed oils. Now pouring oil can't be the only solution because only (up to) 3 people can do that and also inner oils are often unuseable either because the tank train has destroyed oils and/or the higher ramparts allow many casters to target and destroy any inner oil pourer. As is though, even putting up a sneaky oil last second and dropping on 15 casters, there's many times where none of them die to a direct hit.

    2) Give defenders a baseline defense/attack RP bonus when flames are extinguished or the keep is taken. Nothing crazy, scaling by keep level? 1k for a red keep, 2k for a purple keep?
  • It’s time to drop the subscription fee, it’s the ONLY thing that’s going to get more players back permanently, which in turn will alleviate 90% of the problems plaguing daoc at the moment.

    I said way back EC wouldn’t bring players back apart from the casual looker for a month or two. Other mmo’s are thriving during covid and charge less than daoc to play them. It’s time to stop relying on the old faithful subscribers of yesteryear and attract new and old back.

    The game isn’t going to go through any significant change, this game now and what it has been for an age is what you’re going to get albeit some new texture changes.

    It’s time to CPR the cow and get some decent numbers back in, this is only doable by dropping the fee and maintaining revenue via mtx.
    Demmpsey - Animist
    Demmps - Vampiir
    Mimins - Bard
    Dempseas - Warden
    Dempsee - Hero
  • Why are people forgetting before doppels bow town was the sonly solo areas which constantly got camped

    at least with maze and inbetween route of bugane ports you have a chance of dodging groups, the doppel farmers are also easy RPS if you are solo, i feel like the community have a 10 sec memory span sometimes.
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