I came, I saw, I left
I came back to the game and it was AWESOME! (March 2020) It was as much fun as I’ve had in the game since the mid 2000s. I’m old (**** we all are) so I sat my 10 year old daughter beside me and she loved the game as much as I did, albiet for different reasons than me (she was running Molvik grps by the end of the first week and loved the social aspect)
I ran solo, small man, and by the end of May I was running 8.... something I had never done before. Was a blast.
I want to give credit to broadsword.... people keep coming back and they deserve the cred.
But, I I quit almost as quickly as I restarted due solely to the population drain once COVID restrictions were lifted and summer kicked in,
Mechanically and aesthetically the game is as good as any other.... but the population blows. It’s on broadsword to bring in new players. They aren’t. My daughter (who is mainly a roblox and minecraft nerd) LOVED daoc. So do I.
Fix the population = fix the game in my opinion. Advertise, fix the skill gap, fix the free account bull crap..... daoc is still a cash cow in the right hands.
Just sayin
I ran solo, small man, and by the end of May I was running 8.... something I had never done before. Was a blast.
I want to give credit to broadsword.... people keep coming back and they deserve the cred.
But, I I quit almost as quickly as I restarted due solely to the population drain once COVID restrictions were lifted and summer kicked in,
Mechanically and aesthetically the game is as good as any other.... but the population blows. It’s on broadsword to bring in new players. They aren’t. My daughter (who is mainly a roblox and minecraft nerd) LOVED daoc. So do I.
Fix the population = fix the game in my opinion. Advertise, fix the skill gap, fix the free account bull crap..... daoc is still a cash cow in the right hands.
Just sayin
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So maybe coming from similar circumstances I agree there should be more easy to play classes or at least specs. The issue is not making them OP for skilled players at the same time. For example: Heal locks. OP if you're skilled, but take away the DOT combo or the lifetap altogether for lock and it would be a solid hey spam this and use these 3 other spells class to teach your 10 year old. Same with Bards. OP if you're skilled, if you're not, and you mostly play in the hero zerg, you're just a 16 resist class with POM, WB good defensives, getaway tools, and a monster group heal and great R5.
Maybe all 3 main heal classes heal line should be easier to play. Put the trick heal spell stuff on other classes/lines. Those players are usually the most adverse to dying and don't mind sitting still trying to heal vs targeting assisting and moving/staying out of LOS let alone watching for debuffs and immunity timers and uses, etc.
It shouldnt be about winning fights all the time or zergs or even getting rps all the time in fights but lower skill players should be able to grab a class on any realm and have a say 20% chance of getting rps vs a char they attack.
Zerg fight every realm should have a class with stun + dd combo. Smite cleric and ment/eld/chanter provide wonderful classes for likely contributing to a group for people who aren't that skilled. Mid should also have a stun dd class. Otherwise people gravitate towards the other realms in more numbers and you have less fights because why fight vs vastly superior #s.
The skill gap will always reap rewards for skilled players. 8man small man or zerg. given coordination and understanding of play. Making it more friendly for lower skill players to do okay will only increase the field of play (more fish in the sea).
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
It was great getting to know you. You are a true sportsman and quality player. I am sorry you quit.
Hope you come back.
Much respect
6 months ago when I returned I really like the QoL changes that Broadsword made to the new gear etc. Now it's been 6 month since EC and no change on that (current model basically makes new players run away from game...) and also some still absolutely ridiculous class balance has not happened since well before I quit the game so like 2 years at this point I feel like Necros are still stupid for example.
It just really bothers me that so many games can make changes so quickly to fix seemingly simple issues, and make efforts to bring people into game, and then there is Broadsword I feel like their mentality is to be super stubborn and stick their nose in the air
Yep, this is the reason I left was due to the slow process of making changes. If there was something not quite right with the class changes or what not it would take them months or even half a year to revert it and this just took so long. I just feel if they did weekly or at least every 2 weeks it would bring people back.
EC on the other hand should of been fixed and eased on the restrictions within the month they got feedback. How it's taken them over 4-5 months and still waiting on the next patch to make those changes is beyond me. I do understand Covid19 hasn't helped but I do feel there is lack communications with the producer and it's player base.
Their monthly newsletter doesn't really tell you anything but that they are working on the patch which was meant to be out 2-3 months ago and this has happened with EC and previous patches. Honesty really does go along way but if that's the way they want to run the game and respond to the community then that's their choice. I just feel there lack of communication has made players think if they want to sub or not. The lack of population is really hitting this game and sometimes I'm not sure if they really care.
Like Motley Crue said, “Girl don’t go away mad, girl just go away”.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
First just after EC release - stayed for 2 days. Back to ESO.
Came back again a week or so ago.
Actually thought of resubbing...for 5 minutes.
Didn't and won't because it would only be to remove ~cripple the game~ restrictions forced on new players and old,
not for something better like bonuses to housing, awesome skins etc.
Doubt I will stay.
Too easy to just go play ESO part-time sub (restricted only in dlc/housing/craftbag)
and spend my money in their cash shop on whatever candy items catch my eye.
No craftbag - use mules, small apartments, account wide banks, buy anything (dlc etc) in shop,.
No xp/rr restrictions. No class restrictions.
Sometimes I sub there, majority of my money spent in shop not sub.
Better population there, play what I want how I want, and level at the same rate as other people to max levels
Guess that is the difference in imagination between the 2 companies:
Broadsword - cripple the gameplay and this will force people to sub (many pass).
ESO - Don't cripple the gameplay,make the shop awesome, and offer bonuses to subs (many sub).
Shrug my 2 cents.
Who really cares about what any of you think. REALLY. Some people want this, some want that, the only thing that matters is that the game is fun. If Broadsword can make the game fun again, everyone will be happy. The game is not fun when you stand at a frontier town LFG for 2 hours for an 8 man and can't find one. The game isn't fun when you start an 8 man and look to fill the group for 2 hours and can't fill the group. Low population sucks and that is the most important issue that Broadsword has to fix.
Almost none of those people would return to retail.
Simply put retail blows. If they'd release a classic server... or even rerelease Gareth/Ector/Lamorak I'm sure some would come play here. Truth is ToA stuff sucks... as does everything after DR.
Truth is, I think people will get a life and stop playing in their mothers basement.
To be serious I don't think this game has long left and if steam works, all well and good but I don't think it will last. It's such an old game that all the young generation will play more modern games. There is hardly a market for this game to the new generation and when they look at the graphics they will be turned off immediately. I don't think the population will increase much even if there is a new server. Like many have said that there will be a huge boost of players for a couple of months and once all the hype is over it will go back to the levels you have now.
I've loved this game but I guess we have to look at the reality of how old it is.
IF you are not playing because of TOA ( 15 yrs ago) then you dont want to play. MLs make QOL better. What is so bad about TOA now? You dont have to do encounters anymore. Just get the ML tokens and done. Artifacts are not really used anymore. and if they are, you dont have to do encounter. just get them and level item in about 15-20 min.
so what is the new/good game to play???
for more than a month that is
That is my biggest issue with Broadsword. Charging a premium for less support than the competition. It's a great way to ensure the death of any MMO. RIP.
We've all had years to digest solutions the community has, on classic vanilla servers and reverts, to balance changes, to the whole casuals versus hardcores debate. Bunch of stuff. Stuff we don't even remember now, because the game is so old now.
It's not about that stuff. Maybe it kinda was. But it's not.
There is a whole "Unchained" fad going on now with several games. To conservative christians, we know that they literally think that people's souls are chained to these games. Games like dark age of camelot. Like someone posted up there, they said, "just go away, stop coming back." So if people even come back to say hello, or even look at the website, it's a trespass, right? We get it. Communists took over the game and now it's trespassing to even look this way. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. Except there are still Jews living in Sodom and Gomorrah now. What are they going to do about it? That's because we already gave up this game a long time ago. Because of the commies and the gaps of the haves and the have nots they created.
It's really simple. This game is not like playing a Single Player game for children where it is pretty easy to be satisfied beating the game. What happens instead, is, the communists are actually accusing the single players as just Liking their stagnant rut they get in without all the purple epics. Or whatever rut they find theirselves in that Commies can dump 'em in. And Mythic/Broadsword/WHOever actually listens, and likes it. Because it's all about keeping people out of their closely-knit social clubs. Especially antichristian ones, or ones that simply make it too hard to compete. We're also being accused of just wanting to compete. Or anything. If anyone gets ahead in this game, just see what happens. It gets cut off, or they put in a new card basically, because they turned it into a card game instead of an action game. This gets into our next point.
When we saw the patch that literally made the game's action combat against monsters Less fun, by taking out the final blow animation on Styled Attacks, so basically making the monster combat less fun for everyone who uses a fighter class, and replaced it with a standing still frozen/locked animation with the sword releasing its styled trail but no actual animation coming from it to give that really satisfying UMPH of violence, we knew that Mythic was making really bad decisions with their game. They further never developed the first person mode further to get better. In fact the game as a whole, never got better. It just got worse, focusing on things that most people can enjoy, but instead focusing on the weird niches that most people couldn't handle. Like Trials of Atlantis Artifacts, a total waste of people's time and lives to get ahead of the rest of us who would just enjoy making new alts, enjoying the simple things most people could do. This is why the gap just simply got wider, and those at the top who had their Commie Realm Ranks and Artifacts and other items believed that this only made them more superior to those down below. Again, the railing accusation comes from them that we just Like being down there, and that people just refuse to rise to meet them up there.
The game just isn't that fun to begin with. Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 all came out. Before that, World of Warcraft was better. With Dark Souls 3 being the better of them all because of finally getting Mouse Support for PC that actually worked, allowing for people to play the game like a first person shooter a little bit with the bow and greatbow. The action combat Also got more satisfying against monsters, even mocking dark age of camelot with weapon attacks that simply cleave enemies from swinging, none of this single target tabbing old stuff. It's way better, with its normalized itemization, the game is only for Commies if people try to play the game backwards and stick around for too long, or seeking PvP at the level 120 zone where most people can potentially get seriously hacked and have their PC damaged. But if people just play through it sticking to the real objectives, staying out of Sin, and staying close to God through Jesus Christ, then nothing bad can happen. Just like lightning east to west.
So: The game wasn't that great to begin with. The developers actually stopped improving the conservative things in the game right after release. The developers started making the game only for a niche group of elite players instead. And still continue to believe that this was the right decision, and that no one else would have enjoyed it, and if Anyone Does try to still enjoy it, then they are being accused of just liking being underpowered, broken, and eternally stuck on their character, hopelessly frozen in their state, like it's funny. Except God knows it's not. And God knows it's a stupid game, made by stupid creators, and stupid commies that are all going to the burning hell.
Truth is we are already unchained in Jesus Christ and never were chained except maybe as a witness to testify what the actual hell they were trying to do with the game and the people playing it.
Which is how God will treat the people treating the non-socialists. Since they wouldn't improve their game to begin with, nor to compete with its betters and just stayed in their rut. So they must just like it then. Their own railing accusation against them.
Jesus? Communists? Non- socialists? Holy crap. Please dont come back.
Also, I have no desire to play without toa and the ability to have water fights.
Nay, all of you can’t claim ignorance nor unaccountability by ignoring God. God has warned and informed all of you through Jesus Christ. Not just Jesus. Repent and go with Jesus Christ and God. There is no other way. You’re all demonically possessed. And !in Jesus Christ’s name!, these demons will all be going into those rabbits and pigs when He’s done with you.
I've browsed these forums off and on for several months without logging in. Congratulations sir I would like to say you gave me the strength today and through you and jesus i had the strength to login and call you a moron. God bless.
Now I've seen it all. Christianity, communism, and game development all in the same post.
No return of a Free For All / Mordred server is also an afront, and it goes to show that the above poster with their stupid bunny taking a bath can't handle crybaby emotions, and lets it corrupt the game development.