What is IRC doing, that you can't?



  • Hellblast wrote: »
    The nerf on chanter cloak and the nerf on champion make them vulnerable , now they are killable . Close these threads nothing else to said . We kill them often now .


    a group with perfect harmony between casters (stun / debuff / nuke all with the same damage type) and the highest level pbaoe delve, combined with other synergies not found in the other realms....

    why do you think the irc is running almost only hib ?

    why do you think hibernia is making twice the amount of rp each week compared to other realms, with no rp bonus ?

    because balance is fucked.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • I think I have a deja vu.

    Or someone is late.
  • Little bird said that Carol was running with em' last night on alb.

    Again, im the conspiracy theorist.... would be a wise move to be tight with "big brother".
  • Not exactly a secret - I believe it was being streamed. But not sure how would that be an issue? Carol has joined zergs, stealth groups, 8mans, etc.
  • She joined a different play style, that means she only listens to them
  • Kat wrote: »
    Not exactly a secret - I believe it was being streamed. But not sure how would that be an issue? Carol has joined zergs, stealth groups, 8mans, etc.

    Streamed... hacks off button.... not streaming... hacks on button...

    I never saw her, but i wouldve died if i saw her fly through our speed ward, while not SoS'd.

    "Server lag"
  • SoS'd doesn't allow you to go through a speedwarp either way...
  • edited March 2020 PM
    Right. I'm not a streamer nor do i put forth the effort to record gaming, but i'm not the only one who has seen this exact thing happen. Moving through a speed warp at speed 6... hack on
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • edited March 2020 PM
    People would think that the covid is the biggest plague of our times, but having vocal conspiracy theorists is the actual plague.

    If you can't back stuff up with facts and proof, you are a worthless human being

    Sleepwell is obviously trolling, but still
    Post edited by Shoke on
  • Wow all the irc zegers getting triggered chill out man it’s a game hey if you irc guys wanna Zerg it’s cool it’s a play style and everyone understands it’s what you do just stay off the island that’s where all the legit 8 mans want to play whether you cheat or not and I’m pretty sure that all the accusations of speed hacking radar cross realming use of 3rd party programs are all total lies also I think you getting kicked off the bird for cheating was totally made up by people who just want to hurt you everyone totally understands that you guys are legit I mean seriously guys broadsword wouldn’t of given potatoe a statue in Camelot if he was a cheat come on guys give the irc zegers a break they just wanna Zerg just get off there backs and let them do what they do best which is Zerg I hope this stops this malicious thread dead now.
  • Please muylae will you stop saying that Hibernia is an overpowered realm we all know that’s totally not true everyone who posts on here will back that statement up even the developers will back that up they will tell you Hibernia is totally balanced just because they make more realm points than any other realm is purely because they are all fantastic players and these scurrilous lies that carol would run with a zerging irc group I can’t believe it let’s all move along guys nothing to see here.
  • Brut seems bitter
  • Carol finally got some rps after beeing carried all night :open_mouth:
  • Kat wrote: »
    Brut seems bitter

    you think he's alone ?
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Muylae wrote: »

    you think he's alone ?

    Paying to be miserable... smh
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Brut said I was a fantastic player !!!

    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • KoeKoe
    edited March 2020 PM
    Shoke wrote: »
    If you can't back stuff up with facts and proof, you are a worthless human being

    That's a bit harsh. I can think of a lot of portions of life where it would be good to say something even if you have no facts or proof. Are we talking about life? I guess so, since you made it about being a [worthless] human being.

    Post edited by Koe on
  • edited March 2020 PM

    Shoke specifically says he’s talking about “vocal conspiracy theorists” the line before that half-arsed quote. Or did you mean to completely ignore the point and debate some generality? Let me guess...
    Post edited by Rohan on
  • edited March 2020 PM
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Brut is beginning to sound more and more like Smakish
  • I believe that in Carol's role for the game it is important that she group with all different play-styles and players. It lets her help build stronger lines of communication and helps the community as a whole. She's one of the best pixel friends we've got :)
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • I'm starting to think that Brut only has access to a computer when he's drunk.

    @Koe very philisophical, thank you.
  • KatKat
    edited March 2020 PM
    Muylae wrote: »

    you think he's alone ?

    There was a time I was very bitter about how BS ruined my favorite class, wouldn't address game breaking bug, etc, so I quit. For over a year. I was reminded there is life outside of DAOC, and if the game is making you that unhappy.....maybe time to re-evaluate.

    I found myself slipping back into that mode recently, due to the cancer that is called stealth zergs. Instead of letting that happen, I have severely cut back how much I currently play. There are more fun things to do :)
    Post edited by Kat on
  • it's nice to see irc back in game after they had their 7 day guild meeting, away from computers,

    they felt a bit squishy though when today we ran into them...
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Muylae wrote: »
    it's nice to see irc back in game after they had their 7 day guild meeting, away from computers,

    they felt a bit squishy though when today we ran into them...

    You mean they weren't running with the overpopulated realm, odd.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Oh dear oh dear oh I can’t believe what I’m hearing or what you are inferring Muy everyone has been told in no uncertain terms by several posters on this thread who are all irc players that they are just good players and it’s skill are you saying that since they have been on holiday I believe it was for 7 days though I’m sure it would have been more beneficial if it had been for life that they don’t how shall we say are as robust as normal why last night I noticed that xuuu seemed to be dieing every ten minutes it got to the point we just felt sorry for him strangely enough muy I do not see posters here contradicting you very strange state of affairs in the realm maybe in my drunken ramblings I’m just not getting it
  • Brut wrote: »
    Oh dear oh dear oh I can’t believe what I’m hearing or what you are inferring Muy everyone has been told in no uncertain terms by several posters on this thread who are all irc players that they are just good players and it’s skill are you saying that since they have been on holiday I believe it was for 7 days though I’m sure it would have been more beneficial if it had been for life that they don’t how shall we say are as robust as normal why last night I noticed that xuuu seemed to be dieing every ten minutes it got to the point we just felt sorry for him strangely enough muy I do not see posters here contradicting you very strange state of affairs in the realm maybe in my drunken ramblings I’m just not getting it

    LMAO why does everyone keep saying we were gone for 7 days? We literally play almost every day between our Eu and NA group and took maybe like max 4 days off after grinding super hard in Caledonia. No one uses illegal 3rd party programs, no one cheats, and no one was banned rofl. we still here LFF every day :)

    Also I may have died to your 3+ fg of albs as an 8man a couple times but I think we killed you much, much, much more that night ;)

  • You killed us when you were zerging with the cow but you seem to go down very fast when we got you not your usual how can I say robust self the truth comes out xuu you and potato have been getting away with stuff for far too long you forget plenty of people play with you and we hear what goes on you should be banned from the game permanently your a cheat and everyone knows it now it bugs me that the game has been influenced by you guys for so long because they think your good players your not good players your 3 rd party program macro assisting robots no skill no respect
  • Brut wrote: »
    You killed us when you were zerging with the cow but you seem to go down very fast when we got you not your usual how can I say robust self the truth comes out xuu you and potato have been getting away with stuff for far too long you forget plenty of people play with you and we hear what goes on you should be banned from the game permanently your a cheat and everyone knows it now it bugs me that the game has been influenced by you guys for so long because they think your good players your not good players your 3 rd party program macro assisting robots no skill no respect

    3rd party macro assisting robots LMAO

    Sure dude. Let me know as soon as you get 1 ounce of proof that I have ever cheated before. Just one sliver of proof. Ever. I play like every day for 8+ years. Surely there is proof?? You won't because I haven't :) The only proof you have is that you get farmed over and over again by an 8man because you suck at daoc. Thanks for the rps and the delusion. See ya on the battlefield B)
  • Don’t worry about it Brut, I have the proof!

    Xuu, who is the descendant of Xeno (look up Scientology), is the half-reptilian son of Beibs (Carol). Carol gave her son and his friends, who are also half reptilians (which explains their ninja turtle like reflexes), hacked Pendragon bracers. These hacked Pendragon bracers, come with multiple uses, that have no reuse timers on them. These uses include: radar, speed hack, and damage adds. The reason I know all this is because my ant family, was digging too deep into the earth’s surface, and discovered that the Earth is in fact hollow, and an advanced civilization of Reptilian humanoids live there. They told me about IRC (Interplanetary Reptilian Children), that are scattered across the galaxy…
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • DaRedANT wrote: »
    Don’t worry about it Brut, I have the proof!

    Xuu, who is the descendant of Xeno (look up Scientology), is the half-reptilian son of Beibs (Carol). Carol gave her son and his friends, who are also half reptilians (which explains their ninja turtle like reflexes), hacked Pendragon bracers. These hacked Pendragon bracers, come with multiple uses, that have no reuse timers on them. These uses include: radar, speed hack, and damage adds. The reason I know all this is because my ant family, was digging too deep into the earth’s surface, and discovered that the Earth is in fact hollow, and an advanced civilization of Reptilian humanoids live there. They told me about IRC (Interplanetary Reptilian Children), that are scattered across the galaxy…

    Thats more sensible that some of the comments in here
  • oh and add in the preprogrammed attack/cast macros..yer golden. if ya like to cheat that is
  • I have over 15 videos of irc and not once have I seen any cheats. I have gone against them and have examined what they do. I have seen lag dragging but guess what, more than 75% of players do it. Ask me why and I can show you what I mean. What troubles me is when players encounter IRC, everyone tells me to run away. I don't like running away from a fight, especially if I can learn more about them. Xuu posted an important tactic that for some reason everyone seems to choose to ignore but only focus on if they cheat. Error! Xuu mentions a tactic that everyone should consider. I didn't miss what he said because to me was more important to claim his group cheated. I would rather listen to what he said for me to be able to fight them better and make it more difficult for them and possibly win. There is one tactic and it's simple hit them from both directions. This doesn't always work but it's effective and that is one of many I learn about them. If you want to play the game better, I see no reason to go against these players who are masters of the game. If you want to become a master, you need to play with them guys to learn and find weaknesses. Everyone has one and it just needs to be done by playing against them and having a team to play together a lot in order to compete. You can't beat a good solid team that plays together consistently but to have one to play together and become better at it and build a good foundation between players. I find it so difficult to do so and I have tried many times but to no avail. I posted this because I found no solution to claim about players that cheat but rather to find a solution rather than complain. They can be beaten but are required to focus on what to do, not complain. Again, Xuu mentions a tactic that is a small part of what can be improved and beyond what can be ameliorated as you go on.

    Read what he said!

    Klomore, Monster, Pewea
  • I also have no reason to believe they are cheating. The problems with IRC are

    1) They are well coordinated and play together a lot which makes them good together and,,,
    2) Everybody fights them using the dumbest plan of action they can possibly come up with every time.

    I tend to turn the other way when I see them not because they are unbeatable, but because the 2+ FG of realm mates around me are going to let themselves get kited through speed warps / cc like sheep, and getting a head start means not having to watch it for the 10000th time. People could try using strategy like attacking from multiple sides, but it seems like piling up paladin corpses in front of speedwarps seems to be the common method tried instead despite not working for years.

  • xuu wrote: »
    No one uses illegal 3rd party programs, no one cheats

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • edited February 2024 PM
    Their play looks like maximal coordination and game knowledge, coupled with the bleeding edge of what software is considered legal. Most of what they do was about what I used to see from groups like Knightwatch, Bedlam, EVO and Caustic in the old days.

    That said, I've seen a good deal of clear bug/mechanics exploits (Cloth casters taking almost no damage from Portal Keep Guards) and some extremely suspect hits on Agramon.

    (Yes the island will always be Agramon to me. Cope).

    They look about 90% legit. But there is about 10% of the time, from what I am seeing running with Pillager, that things look...

    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • Also, they really really really really hate disease. They will bend over backwards to kill anything casting it on them. I'd recommend running shaman and tank trains. I'd like to see how they handle Finisher's old group.
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • The use of AHK, and Razor type and/or keyboard/mouse macros is pretty obvious when you jump+cast at the same time constantly unless you like to do that for no reason
  • edited June 2024 PM
    I have many videos of IRC. Not once have I found anything wrong but only brilliant formation and in sync when they play together. If you want to learn, record them when you fight them and you will see how they have almost perfected their playing style. More importantly, Xuu is sharing with us some good tips about the game. I said many times, that they are masters of the game, and take advantage of what Xuu posted. Fighting them is the only way to learn, but requires having a good setup 8-man or if you have more to fight them, and when you fight them, hit them from all sides, not in one direction.

    Post edited by Peweez on
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