Time to Nerf Pendragon Bracer

Having Aug clerics, Aug shamans, Aug druids and every other class that specs high in Aug become useless because they can not shear buffs from these players is a bad idea. Time to make all buffs from all sources be able to be sheared. Plus making the aoe shears not be resisted as much would be great as well.
Asatruar - Ronnie 10 "
Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi

The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure


  • Other than self buffs, all buffs should be shearable.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • DaRedANT wrote: »
    Other than self buffs, all buffs should be shearable.

    Pendragon Bracer buffs are not shearable. I agree with OP in that it needs to be changed as it completely negates an entire set of spells.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
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  • They can be sheared using BM styles. Not sure about Vamp shear.
  • Was having fun playing a nurture druid with the aoe's but stopped because of the ineffectiveness and partially the lowered reward for shearing. Probably wouldn't mind one, one, item that reduced shears, such as this bracer but other than that there is nothing attractive to playing Nurture now. Now that I think of it I would want to especially want to shear the bracer' buffs/specs since it would cost the enemy so much to recharge the thing. /EG
  • edited February 2020 PM
    100% agreed , all buff sould be shearable except self buff ,
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • leave it alone lol
    is it a good counter to the champ debuffs :)
  • Reduce the 15p recharge fee to 8-10p and make it shearable IMO.
    47el wrote: »
    leave it alone lol
    is it a good counter to the champ debuffs :)

    What? You do realize the difference between debuffs and shears, right?
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Dale_Perf wrote: »
    Reduce the 15p recharge fee to 8-10p and make it shearable IMO.

    What? You do realize the difference between debuffs and shears, right?

    why i was asking all exalted one :)
  • My dex/qui was removed today. It was the Bracer spec.
  • Cartoan wrote: »
    My dex/qui was removed today. It was the Bracer spec.

    is this intended to be ambiguous? Or did you just not see how and still decided to post?
  • but it also cost 15p to recharge the bracer, I think
  • Minibard wrote: »
    but it also cost 15p to recharge the bracer, I think

    15p isn’t a lot of money to everyone.

    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • compared to the 1-2 plat to recharge the other items its a lot.
  • Rohan wrote: »

    is this intended to be ambiguous? Or did you just not see how and still decided to post?

    It's intended to state the spec was gone after a lengthy battle against Albs.
  • Cartoan wrote: »

    It's intended to state the spec was gone after a lengthy battle against Albs.

    "I did not see how but still decided to post"
    right, gotcha
  • KoeKoe
    edited February 2020 PM
    So essentially something should be nerfed because there's a counter to your easy rp gain strategy, albeit one that costs a plat per use.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • Koe wrote: »
    So essentially something should be nerfed because there's a counter to your easy rp gain strategy, albeit one that costs a plat per use.

    It's a pay to not get sheared item (EC accounts cannot use the Bracer). So unless this item is going to be readily available to everyone, it ought to be shearable. I'm sure something along the lines of old code will be involved before it gets fixed.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
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  • As there is a counter to everything, why can there not be a counter to shearing?
    But it depends a bit on how many people use this bracer. If its too many, then shearing becomes obsolete.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Kroko wrote: »
    As there is a counter to everything, why can there not be a counter to shearing?
    But it depends a bit on how many people use this bracer. If its too many, then shearing becomes obsolete.

    Self-buffs are counters to shearing. I don't see why a bracer that acts like a supremacy potion should be considered a self-buff.

    By the way, there is no counter to Theurg RR5. =P
    Post edited by Tyrantanic on
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
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  • Counter to theurg rr5 is pbae petscare used very quickly.

    Can use stun blocker from OW neck to eat 1 stun and buy you a precious second to scare the remaining pets also.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    The bracer was a veteran reward, so it could be seen as a gift to long subscribed players and only a few people have it.
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • Rohan wrote: »
    Counter to theurg rr5 is pbae petscare used very quickly.

    Can use stun blocker from OW neck to eat 1 stun and buy you a precious second to scare the remaining pets also.

    Good to know. I'd imagine the Skald PBAOE confuse would work too but it seems to have a delay before the effect actually works. At least that's the case for regular Theurgist pets.
    Kroko wrote: »
    The bracer was a veteran reward, so it could be seen as a gift to long subscribed players and only a few people have it.

    Except no where in the delve does it state that it's an intended effect. Granted, numerous delves are wrong or missing information in-game but that doesn't excuse this particular instance. I guess we'll see if it gets addressed via Hot Fix or as a Grab Bag question. Either way, as it stands, it's a must have item which isn't difficult to acquire as a subscriber but completely screws EC players.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
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