Witchcraft WL has o many Toys.

Heals : Instant Singletarget 50% (Chamber), Instant Area Hot 50%, Spreadheal, No-Mana-Group-Heal, Singeltarget Heal,Rezz, Sick/Poison-Heal. 10% group-heal-Bonus, 20-POM,
Absorb: 31 Absorb, more then any other class in Midgard.
All fine for a healer would still has Baseline DDs and Root...but.
Offensive Spells: Area DoT, Instalt DoT+100% absorb self buff, Single target DoT, Dot+disease, and DOOOOOM ....ticks for 450 damage and finish with a 1100 DD. Sure they have to be cast in order, but all DoTs stacks and for a great healer...he is also dealing insane Damage...you vanish? you are dead...you run? you are dead.
In Zergs you see some Cursing WLs ..they are a nice class like wizzard with a bit less damage but with a bomb instead. And Hexing? Who would play Hexing when you can play Witchcraft. better instant heals+better damage.

The quickcast Primer which allows the Witchcraft WL to cast all dots but doom without interuption cost way to less. It says 32% power cost....in reality its more like 9%.

When we get new player with endless conquest they will leave fast when 6 of them die to, Ombrix, Smeger, Muylock, Ogion, Evonia. If not evey new player is playing Vamp...they will have a huge problem.


  • WL has the weakest RR5
    use puge
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Silly me. I forgot, that they have also a 40% perma snare, a weak but still near sight and a 250 AF d-buff .... snare+d-buff+any midtank....not good :)

    A start would be, that make all DoTs are Primary Spells.
    Post edited by Yorkeys on
  • You know, the Warlock has been redesigned so many times, please leave this class alone. WC lock is a lot of fun, but getting off the Doom combo is very difficult to do. In keep siege situations I find myself just resorting to healing and doing no damage. Is the lock versatile? Yes. Is it OP? Nah...if Doom was still secondary, then I'd agree.
  • WC WL are super fun and yes they bring a lot to the table.

    You know how to counter a WL? Just freakin kill it, apparently he's the one with the big balls over his head, kind of easy to spot.
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Great idea ... if you would know WLs you would know, that they have the highest absorb in Midgard + 2 instant heals every.....if they want 20 secs (quickcast) root and perma snare...they are...beside of all those abilities also very hard to kill. And they can heal even when they are under attack. They can also intant rupt caster and nearsight them....in combat while rupted.
    Post edited by Yorkeys on
  • Shoke wrote: »
    You know how to counter a WL? Just freakin kill it, apparently he's the one with the big balls over his head, kind of easy to spot.

    This is a rather ludicrous statement. Surely if you feel the WC warlock is in a balanced state you can provide a better explanation rather than if there is an issue with X class well the solution is to just kill it.
  • What I meant is that yes the WC WL has a lot of tools. It can heal, AF debuff, DOOM (kind of difficult to do in 8v8), ae dot pet clear, root and NS (grey). Yes it has an insta heal (roughly 30%).

    To say that it can perma snare is untrue, considering the snare is lvl 10 (resisted a lot) and lasts 15 seconds. With resists that's what, a 6 seconds snare?

    Not sure where the 2nd insta heal comes from, are you talking about the HoT chamber?

    It is quite susceptible to magic dmg, and to AF debuff you need to be 1500 range from your tanks, it forces you to push in and expose yourself to enemy casters.

    Mid groups will fight alb pull groups or hib hybrids all the time, so getting a caster to nuke down the Warlock shouldn't be the most difficult thing in the world to do.

    Honestly the Doom chain not being affected by the UI primer dmg reduction does not really make sense, that's the only real thing I find a bit stupid with warlocks.
  • .
    Yorkeys wrote: »
    Great idea ... if you would know WLs you would know, that they have the highest absorb in Midgard + 2 instant heals every.....if they want 20 secs (quickcast) root and perma snare...they are...beside of all those abilities also very hard to kill. And they can heal even when they are under attack. They can also intant rupt caster and nearsight them....in combat while rupted.

    Mauler abs buff goes up to 33%. So WL would be 2nd highest abs in Mid. Also sucks to have only 650ish AF with that ABS. They are still pretty squishy for a support class imo.

    On a different note... I don't know if you have actually played a WC warlock, but being able to fire off the whole doom chain on a target doesn't happen very often in group RvR. Resists and constant interrupts makes it very hard. I've had way more of an impact PBAOE bombing as curse spec. Also don't sleep on Hex... not played very often, but still has a very good kit for a caster.
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