What are the point of relics?



  • Names wrote: »
    We have tryd working together with the albs and not ajing them when they go for a keep. We then go for our own keep or keep running over the hibs trying to get to the keep rescue is the problem is still the pbaoe and the fact that people still change realms to hib and most just got straight to hib because they have all the relics. So the onething i hope for is that when the new classic server comes out they make it so you cant play more then one realm at a time. (Like it was to start with had to delete your toons to play the other realm).

  • Names wrote: »
    We have tryd working together with the albs and not ajing them when they go for a keep. We then go for our own keep or keep running over the hibs trying to get to the keep rescue is the problem is still the pbaoe and the fact that people still change realms to hib and most just got straight to hib because they have all the relics. So the onething i hope for is that when the new classic server comes out they make it so you cant play more then one realm at a time. (Like it was to start with had to delete your toons to play the other realm).

    I am suggesting a coordinated attack betwee the two realms....not just guessing what the other is doing, but communicating.
  • Thats crossrealming ;) . Its probably nothing new in todays game, but i wouldnt advocate it.
  • KatKat
    edited December 2019 PM
    Sleepwell wrote: »
    Thats crossrealming ;) . Its probably nothing new in todays game, but i wouldnt advocate it.

    cross realming is against tos if you hurt the realm you are on. Mythic has been fine with realms working together to better their own realms - but it's not going to happen. Don't think rescue will work with mids
    Post edited by Kat on
  • Badgor wrote: »
    How is it that the mid Zerg during prime time can whoop our Hib zerg in open combat and not take a relic?

    This question youre asking is baffling dude. YoU cAn BeAt Us OpEn FiElD wHy CaNt YoU kIlL uS iN oUr CaStLeS?

    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Kat wrote: »

    cross realming is against tos if you hurt the realm you are on. Mythic has been fine with realms working together to better their own realms - but it's not going to happen. Don't think rescue will work with mids

    I know theyre fine with it, but i thought coordination (discord/vent/ts) was against ToS.. maybe im wrong.. seems like if you pay for an account anymore its exceeding hard to get banned... perspective.. i guess
  • Quiggley wrote: »
    Meh, I played Mordred for years and Sin Vida had all relics for like a decade it seems. You get used to it

    We did indeed. but population was different then. :)
  • One time, back on Palomides, our GM gave the mids back their relic after we took it from the albs.
  • debain wrote: »

    We did indeed. but population was different then. :)

    I'm sure hibs are just as disappointed. Its no fun to always have the relic. I mean if Hero gets his jollies by turning everything everywhere Green, then so be it, but there really is no objective when the other realms refuse to take back the relics due to the fact that they will be gone the very next day.

    Relics may have been a good original design, but that design was slated on a highly populated, or many highly populated servers with independent realms and with the general design that people could only play one realm. All of that has changed now.
  • Letting the bonuses ramp up would be nice aswell.

    Example, Hero takes relic. Relic starts at 0% bonus and goes up by 1% every 24h after the capture. After 14 days, the relic resets and goes back to its original realm
  • I’m laughing my ass off at these comments I think it’s great the cow has 5 relics totally dumb on his part but great for other realms tactics are simple now let him take the Keeps don’t defend take back when he does his usual autistic route of ev Beno bold bled glen then just sit back farm the substandard hibs that have logged on for the relics.
    When you kill them it’s all the sweeter plus my rofl count has gone up 100 percent I would urge mids to aj hibs any time and kill them first in any fight.
    Don’t defend starve the cow and dismantle the zergs !!
    Make daoc great 2020
    And for the other deluded fools who say well that’s not the spirit of the game I say getting your ass farmed by 70 oped hibs who can’t be assed to form a group and want a social inclusion experience everyday I say go for it but it ain’t for me my days of running into 100 hibs and defending the realm against alll odds are long gone hopefully if people follow this advice maybe we might see a change in 2020 this fallacy that zergs are good for the game is crap.
    Zergs need to return to what they were originally for defending realm defending relics and getting port not turning daoc into a glorified labyrinth with ports.
    Ok had my rant gonna go have a rum I’m still chuckling to my self at the hibs whining they ain’t got opposition lol funnny ****
  • edited December 2019 PM
    bla blabla bla blablabla

    Everyone knows that server needs more population. But BS is on vacation or sth.
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • How about we get some adjustments on repairing keeps that have relics. We managed to get nged open last night smushed in between hibs and albs (who kept aj'ing us). We try to make a push on the albs and within like 45s the doors back at ~30%. At that point we said to heck with it and just suicided on the nearest red name.

    It was a good set of back and forth up to that point.
  • Dale_Perf wrote: »
    The only thing I will cede to the "broken balance" involving pbae is that a hib group can run more PBAE than mid groups because their pbae spec is their debuff line. so hib groups can run 5 pbae / 3 support and still have a debuff train, while mid would have to run 4 pbae / 1 debuffer / 3 support. but not enough on mid run true pac healers and even have a clue what amnesia does to counter this

    Even after the patch not that many SM pbaoe in Midgard compared to Ice izzy or the Hibs. Also nerfing the PBAOE Warlock lvl 50 spell as well as the MOC primer pretty much shut down warlocks.

    IRC stays on Hib because they have superior healing class and can run much more pbaoe. That and if they side car on Hero he won't run them over, so they just farm the few defenders that are roaming around dodging the Hero zerg.
  • As I’ve said before and you have just confirmed fateboi hibs have better healing it’s official irc have confirmed it
    Giving pbaoe a boost benefitted one realm and that realm was hib no argument there either.
    So good to know I have been correct all along but hey I am seldom wrong.
    So with ease and utility of setting up hib groups it’s no wonder they have 5 relics
    Hib is the starter realm now hard core players play alb or mid I think the relics are largely irrelevant now as are Keeps and defending them is waste of time I’m pushing fully for Albs to not defend eu time let cow have all the Keeps would be extremely funny watching the autistic social club running around scratching there heads and saying doh we ain’t got no Keeps to take or enemy’s to fight what shall we do now you can only play spin the lurikeen so many times and that gets boring the game has reached a crossroads where it’s just an overground labyrinth with towers as ports the strategy of opening and keeping a port has gone.
    Very sad state of affairs but you have been told broadsword by many people.
    This thread has been the most amusing one I have read since the natebruner debacle on mid ,keep it coming my ribs are sore as hell from laughing but I can just squeeze in another chuckle.
  • edited December 2019 PM
    I've advised the same thing on mid. Take away the objective, take away the target (in other words, don't defend as Brut mentioned above). Hero may still run 4-6 hours roaming, but the sheep will get bored after a while. It appears that he (Hero) doesnt get bored of this, so you may have to deal with a few lemmings, but overall no action may have the desired affect.

    Some will say, "wheres your realm pride", I'd say realm pride left town when they opened the doors to everyone playing multiple realms. BS disabled realm pride.

    I'm fine with BroadSword reading their forums and seeing people recommend not defending. Its better than complaining. That obviously hasnt gotten their attention..
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • Sadly I agree, wife and I figured why not just xp some new toons around then for more 12 day junk.
  • I don't get this poll. Option 3 is add an xp/coin/cradt bonus for the relic, but they already have that. Hib has been rocking between 60-75% xp/gold/bp/craft bonus over the past 5 weeks (including keep bonuses). Is option 3 to keep relics and just remove the 5% damage bonus? nobody would bother, then.

  • KoeKoe
    edited December 2019 PM
    Badgor wrote: »
    How is it that the mid Zerg during prime time can whoop our Hib zerg in open combat and not take a relic?

    Because people can and do log in their keep defense toons already in the keep. Cutting port is next to meaningless if the group has casters/support in the keep already... and most hib casters with stun or frontloaded dps are able to kill mids without needing to assist. In short it's really easy hib defense rps.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • Say what you want, Brut, but I would not be playing were it not for the hib bg.
  • Cartoan wrote: »
    Say what you want, Brut, but I would not be playing were it not for the hib bg.

    Imagine all the people who don't play because of the Hero BG.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »

    Imagine all the people who don't play because of the Hero BG.

  • Awesome fight at Bold. Thanks, Muy for the competition. Nice fights on EV, too.
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »

    Imagine all the people who don't play because of the Hero BG.

    Without Hero bg, they would find another reason why they dont play.
  • edited December 2019 PM
    No one said not to run in the Hero BG. Run with em. The suggestions from Brut (and i have agreed for a long time).... is to not "feed" the Hero bg.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • Yea you shouldnt do that
  • I think the devs just have to be active.. one realm owning because of skill or balance issue, then the devs need to do something or all thoughts owned players will quit or jump realms and then the hibs have nothing to do and they quit and no one has fun.

    They could be active in many ways (though knowing why one realm is wins and one loses could help so they don't mess everything up).

    The could balance with insentivize, try to get some to fight the Zerg that wins.

    The could do it though balance (careful here). Take away and advantage, or make winners use a different strategy.

    You could do it though events, brake up the norm and time it so realms attack on off time or something.

    You could de insentivize something, maybe killing a horriblly out numbered player gets less to almost no realm points (8v1, 80v20,ext) (be carful with this as a penalty is normally disliked more the a bonus)
  • rocketait wrote: »
    I think the devs just have to be active..

    Yea, i think so too. Maybe they do sth after the holidays.

    For example, bring back the underpop bonus.
  • Here’s how we dealt with his Zerg yesterday we avoided him all day let him take our Keeps didn’t even bothering taking them back picked off his stragglers then when he went for hurb we hit him with 3 solid 8 mans we tore him a new one 70 plus hibs with 5 relics got wrecked was awesome they were dieing like flies hero was running around with his hands in the air shouting mien got mien ass is getting handed to me lieblings ! and I think my rofl count on hibs went into double figures the strategy works starve avoid then hit him when you have the people and the numbers and mids if you see a flaming keep hit him in the ass I did that on mid yesterday we lost 6 but we killed 12 of them so that was worth it .
    The maxim is starve avoid hit when big
    Midgard kill hibs first aj his ass we do same it’s simple it’s good clean fun and will make daoc great in 2020
  • The starvation tactic at least causes Hibs to complain a lot. I saw numerous Hibs getting annoyed that no one was defending and when Albs did, they complained that they wiped lol. It doesn't seem to occur to the Hero zerg surfers that there's rarely an organized BG in Mid or Alb during EU. I recall a BG leader who disbanded the zerg when the other zergs logged. Must not be a popular approach on Hib these days.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Brut wrote: »
    and mids if you see a flaming keep hit him in the ass I did that on mid yesterday we lost 6 but we killed 12 of them so that was worth it .
    The maxim is starve avoid hit when big
    Midgard kill hibs first aj his ass we do same it’s simple it’s good clean fun and will make daoc great in 2020

    We've tried in the past. Our best chances come before Rescue logs off because we know a chunk of his zerg swaps to hib afterwards.

  • Make it so the more relics you own, the lower the mx level of keep is. if you own 5-6 relics, the max those keeps can get is yellow or oj. therefore you can have a little quicker of a time to blow down the doors and hope to surprise ninka the relics and make relics fights happen in the open field to defend instead of where the clear advantage is, inside lord rooms.
  • Underpop bonus seems to at least try to address most of these problems.
  • IMO change relics to a guild based system. Personally I would remove all keeps except for port chain keeps (ie bled/glen/fens/arv/beno/bold/ren/hurb/crau/nged/ail/scath), remove all RP rewards associated with keeps, and remove the porting restrictions to EV if you don't own a relic keep.

    Next, I would remove the effect entirely that relics have on a realm. The relic should only benefit the guild that owns the keep, and the other guilds which own the corresponding towers to that keep, which would help a lot of our community issues IMO. People will *want* to play in guilds that have relics, they will want to defend *their* keep more to protect *their* bonuses. Not in the guild that has a relic keep? Too bad, that might push more players to open field fights instead of the entire realm flocking to a keep to defend a relic (since we know nobody is defending relics for realm pride, just their RP and damage bonuses, and the RP bonus from defense itself).

    After that, I would make keeps harder to take. Increase the level of the guards, hit points on walls and doors, and put a postern in the archway before the lord room that defenders need to knock down. Relic keeps could have two posterns there. That way a guild could *actually* defend their keep vs a 50-60 man zerg if no other people are logged into that realm.

    Big keep battles are fun, and I think a lot of people enjoy them, but it's killing the game with this population. ATM if there is a keep lit, the entire server will fly to the keep to scoop up action, and as a result, all other lands/areas turn empty which turns a lot of other play styles off. Push the playerbase into open-field fights and action, it will be a much more fluid game and benefit all playstyles IMO.

    Relics are already a PvE encounter, the temples themselves are literally indefensible by small forces, and it's more fun to find the relic carrier openfield and trap them.

    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Back to OF purple guards that run at speed 10 and 3 shot casters? Would make things interesting
  • Why not? We should only be attacking keeps to go after relics, which are a PvE encounter themselves.
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • I'm not against it, I liked how a pop of guards on top of unexpecting groups could wipe a lot of players.
  • I think people would prefer to kill others not pve keeps kill people.. isn't that the point of this thread... Don't make keeps harder.. make it so people do stuff for a point (other then trying to get noobs to defend against overwhelming odds and feed rps)
  • And the current keep system promotes a lot of "kill people????" ATM Hero's BG and my BG are the only ones consistently attacking keeps. We could simply stop going after keeps and "kill people" openfield and do away with 90% of keep fights, since most keep fights are 90% successful for only one realm right now.
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Thats the main reason i've stopped playing my Zerk, Perf.

    I would rather roam EV on my zerk and destroy the 8 - mans whos always seem to back door mids when they do (did) attempt relic takes, than to continuously play chess (or checkers if you will) with Albs and/or Hibs on any given night.

    The logic jumps out the window though, since the very next day, Hero zerg can and does, "at will", just PVE the relics back. I'm not missing my zerk so much, but if you were to deploy that tactic it would do two things for me :-). Piss off the IRC crowd who still surf realms looking for the lemmings who did not keep up with the zerg, and B., shine a big fat light on the failure created by the changes to quest. EV is a vast wasteland now. BS tried to force people into keep warfare by removing the quest. In doing so , they removed the underdog bonus, so everyone jumped ship and joined EZ mode. I have adjusted.. i play my stealther predominately now (im ok being called out on that too.. i didnt make the choice to play my stealther, i feel like my hand was forced that way.. so here we are)
  • With population this low are people really "logging in their keep defense toons" that just live in nged? I think it's more coordinated grps that show up, get in the postern and whipe you. people who log in their solo Mana chanter aren't going to be a game changer, probably not temped either. Maybe they make trebs hit harder again, remember when it didn't take an hour to knock a hole in a wall? Trebs that actually hit hard would favor a smaller attacking force, your whole mindless Zerg could sit out of range while you trebbed away.
  • I'm fine with it staying exactly like it is. The last few weeks have been pretty entertaining (as @Brut has pointed out). Its good enough knowing that no one is interested in taking back the relics. Not even attempting it anymore.

    Maybe it would be worth the risk once again if they re-introduced the realm bonuses based on pop, but that would constitute them admitting they messed up... which will never happen.
  • I wish they would bring back the population bonus. Gives me a good read on the other realms population numbers when i log in
  • if they bring back the population bonus i would hope that only toons that gained rps would count towards it .....
  • I feel that BS should scrap the relic temples and put in a huge keep behind the relic. Relic temples are horrible for defense!
  • KatKat
    edited January 2020 PM
    Seems BS connected under population bonus to realm timers. That there can't be both, and decided to go with the realm timer due to polling that did not let those participating in the poll know that the timers would mean losing population bonus. It was a poll based on incomplete knowledge. Quite unfair.
    Post edited by Kat on
  • @Kat
    Why should that be connected?
  • It is pretty funny logging on at 7pm CST seeing Beno, Bold, and Bled green. The other day both alb relic gates were vulnerable too.
    Clearly Hero is trolling BS now.

    In top 10 guilds for last week, Hibs had 67.7mil rp vs 16.4 for 1 alb and 1 mid guild combined.

    I think the first grab bag of the new year will let us know if BS actually cares at this point.
  • KatKat
    edited January 2020 PM
    Kroko wrote: »
    Why should that be connected?

    I don't think it should be...it was something I saw stated in discord. I should have saved a ss of the conversation
    Post edited by Kat on
  • Rok1 wrote: »
    It is pretty funny logging on at 7pm CST seeing Beno, Bold, and Bled green. The other day both alb relic gates were vulnerable too.
    Clearly Hero is trolling BS now.

    In top 10 guilds for last week, Hibs had 67.7mil rp vs 16.4 for 1 alb and 1 mid guild combined.

    I think the first grab bag of the new year will let us know if BS actually cares at this point.

    Out of Top 30 players RP last week, (3) Albs, (2) Mids, and (25) Hibs. Relics do still play a very big role in where people go. Thats why im still advocating for not feeding them. Run the island and let em rot in the keeps for their defense bonus. Not sure what is more telling, that mids and albs don't have people in the top 30, or that out of the 25 hibs that are in the top 30, how many are just rolling easy mode on their hibs while they can. Population bonus anyone?
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