Returned to the game after 9 years...

My wife and I have just returned to DAOC/Gaheris.

We are in the guild Ar Fein and we have activated 4 accounts.

Just wondering if there are still any active guilds or is it just everyone doing their own thing?

I would be wiling to take most of my characters out of Ar Fein to join a more active guild. My Friar would stay in Ar Fein to keep the guild.

My character names are Sulkarz/Friar Eloch/Warrior Azelas/Paladin Azmuth/Cleric. There are many more variations of Sulk and Sol :)


  • I hope you were able to talk to people in game and get connected with the current alliance on Gaheris. Not many Gaheris people check this as they still use their own website. Thanks for the post though!
  • How is Gaheris population? I just reactivated and have yet to log on and peek. Is there active raids etc to join?
  • TidBit wrote: »
    How is Gaheris population? I just reactivated and have yet to log on and peek. Is there active raids etc to join?

    Honestly I have not seen more then around 40 or so total online on Gaheris. Itas still fun to get on and mess around but doesnt seem to have anyone really doing anytyhing
  • KoeKoe
    edited December 2019 PM
    40 sounds about right. I believe they still do raids and when so more log on for that, but they have a website with dates/and times and never really xfered over to using the official message boards. You can probably ask in game and someone will explain their culture a bit better.
    Post edited by Koe on
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