Ranger rr5 should have been nerfed by now
BS has made changes to the stealth classes. I can see why.....stealth zergs are a cancer and needed to be toned down. What I don't understand is wny has the ranger rr5 not been addressed. At minimum, it should have been a pet scare, not a pet attack. It is incredibly unbalanced. The personal bias that created this unbalance is a dirty secret everyone knows. It is time to adjust the ranger rr5 to something more balanced.
Two totally different people. I like them both but I will say that the game is better off with Kat in it! Don't leave us again Kat!
Not quite. Buffsteria is much nicer then I am. I actually meet you many years ago when we both played on Alb, then Hib. Many, many years ago.
And thanks @The_Classic_Dude and @Mace80 /hugs
That's really all you need against pets as a ranger.
Especially on one specific thing. We need the old Hunter RR5 back.
That said need a different spokesperson than OP.
What's your problem, Oscar Madison?
Probably so...I went scorched earth on the hunter rr5. Thing is...the ranger rr5 doesn't just effect hunters. I am kind of surprised this has not come up for discussion. Esp when there are hib stealth zergs with 16+ running around. The rr5 is OP for solo/smallman, but for stealth zerg? Its obnoxious. I don't care who the spokesperson is, but this should be addressed.
Hunters got nerfed. Sins got nerfed. Scouts are perpetually nerfed. Why is the ranger still allowed to have this ridiculous rr5?
Because "certain people's" whining has the ear of BS while the rest of us players can protest till we are blue in the mouth and won't be heard.
Snipe spec Hunter needs to exist again. Bring back our old Hunter RR5. It existed for a reason.
What I saw was Gaven complain to numerous people that he didn't want Hunters to have Snipe Spec in game.
1. Absolutely not.
2. No. The Celtic Dual line is full of escape styles. At level 35 they get an anytime root in case they haven't mastered any of the positionals that give them stun and snare at much earlier levels. They can still get to 50 Archery and 50 composite stealth without a hitch. Scouts also get a low level anytime shield stun. Hunters get a side snare at 21 Spear and need at least 39 Spear for a very hard to land (for the average situation) rear stun.
I beg @John_Broadsword to listen to us and restore our subclass into existence.
I agree. The solo/smallman stealthers had a place in the game, but the stealth zergs ruined the stealthers for everyone. They have done almost as much harm to the game as the pet/stealther patch. BS has to tone down stealthers, because what is necessary for a solo stealther is ridiculously OP in a stealth zerg. But, if BS decides to keep weakening the class, they really should just pull off the bandage and completely get rid of stealth. Because, by making them weaker, stealthers will group even more. It is a vicious circle. Stealth zergs are a cancer
BTW. Keltorius, I don't recognize your name. What class/realm do you play?
Just thinking out loud, since you play a Hunter, doesn't the Hunter's pet snare style (10 seconds), doesn't the pet also have an on demand, 40% unbreakable snare.
Also spear styles engage, w/follow up wounding thrust is a 40% slower for 14 seconds. Yet another Spear style Perforate (side style) 40% slow.
This is all within the reach of the cookie cutter 49 bow/32 beast craft/34 spear/37 stealth (composite 50 rr3).
Also that pesky rear 7 second stun if you spec higher spear.
In the interest of overall class balance I'd say that Hunters are doing fairly well and so are Rangers. If anyone need some "adjusting" it's probably the Scout.
Because of stealth zergs, we can't have nice things.
Oh weird all of the sudden no rebuttal for the sheer amount of snare/stun/rr5 disease from the Hunter fan club?
I am not the one that brought up snares, etc, but how the ranger rr5 is OP in today's game of stealth zergs, and that it doesn't enable their bow. I only addressed scouts, because you said they should be adjusted. You quote me, yet @buffsteria. You do realize we are not the same person?
I have addressed all of these in previous posts. It is not necessary that I keep repeating myself to random people once BS has read my feedback.
That has already happened. Genie is out of the bottle. If you buff any stealther, you are buffing the stealth zergers as well. Scouts can't be looked at as an individual class due to the stealth imbalance of mini's. Only way scouts could get buffed is if mini's lost stealth. Kind of sucks for scouts, but currently the alb stealth trio is a reality and mini's can't be ignored when looking at buffing alb stealthers
It would be nice if BS did make it so they can't see each other in groups. Maybe....the more people in the group, the less effective the stealth - i.e for every person in the group composite stealth drops a tic? No idea if that is even possible.
After being away for over a year, I can finally see why BS has to neuter the stealthers....but, it should be all stealthers. For some weird reason, rangers are the only stealther class that not only wasn't nerfed in some way, they were improved since the stealther patch. I think it would be nice to see class balance across all stealther classes.
I also like the lower Mastery Of Stealth idea.
1-2 in group = 0% stealth penalty
3-4 in group = 20% stealth penalty
5-6 in group = 40% stealth penalty
7-8 in group = 60% stealth penalty
That would make them much more likely to get discovered by groups which feeds 8m and small man rps (everything they dodge) all while making it a little safer for solo and duo players.
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Interesting you advocate for the Hunter rr5 along with @Buffsteria yet Scout's RR5 can't even be looked at due to the Minstrel. Just an FYI Minstrel is a base class rogue and has been since since Beta.
While I understand that stealth zergs are 100% out of control, and have a direct effect on the RvR in every aspect. I find that your biased opinion the EXACT reason why stealth is unbalanced in 2020.
So let's neuter "stealthers" after you have already made it to rr11 during the timeframe of the "great realm points giveaway". Your Hunter class deserve X,Y,Z and nerf Albion Stealthers because Minstrel's because of X, Y, Z...
Reverting free MOS9 and moving it back into an RA was a great idea. Next it's time to remove Remedy from all Archer's period dot. Remedy was originally a NS ability that was given to the other Sins. Now that we are reverting back the Stealth Revamp changes it's time for Remedy to be completely removed from Archers.
No where in this thread have I advocated for the hunter rr5. Though I would like a rr5 that lets me use a bow, I am not advocating for the return of the rr5. I gave up on that. So your whole post is invalid. You seem to have a real problem staying on topic. You agreed the ranger rr5 is OP, yet keep going off on tangents that have nothing to do with the subject.
And, btw, if you revert everything back before the stealth revamp, you do realize that would return the hunter rr5?
Exactly! This man gets it
Vanish. What a joke. Tantamount to /qtd
It comes down to what motivates them... and it ain't competition. They just want easy rpts.... anything that forces them to learn how to get the most out of their toons and carries a little bit of risk is not in their gaming plans that is for damn certain.
Good point..but, if they do move to smallmans, they wouldn't see each other as well.
And, Hi
No sh*t an 8m can kill them hell people kill them solo at times. They don’t ever learn their characters in any actual way thus resulting in more grouping.
Just last night I watched a stealth group kill the same kings gear player repeatedly for about an hour. The guy was just trying to get some bounty points. Then they would leave the trio that was also roaming there.
Just a trio.. skald/healer/thane nothing special... but they were afraid of it lol.
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
As far as the rr5 goes. I've adjusted on my hunter. I miss the rr5, but i doubt they will ever revisit it. I will say out of the 3, the rangers rr5 was buffed more and offers the best option for sniper spec or melee. BS totally revoked my rr5 use on my hunter... i was 100% sniper until the change. Take a bow from a snipers hand (hunter rr5) and he's not a sniper anymore... he's a 50 bow/50 pet class with extremely low spear. Hit your rr5 as a hunter and your bow is gone. Ranger hits his rr5 and turns the pet and you've just negated one full spec lines of a class. I wish my hunter rr5 could negate a complete spec line.... that would rock. As a hunter, i would be completely ignoring facts if i continued to spec sniper (man i miss that spec). Using my class RR5 completely removes my ability to fire my bow for x amount of time... so there goes those 50 spec points into archery.... three choices. Deal with it... gripe about it.. or quit. BS doesnt really care.
"A few bad apples spoil the bunch"
As far as topic goes I stand by my points. Stealth Zergs are a cancer and should be penalized for grouping so many. I don't want to nerf stealth classes just the ones that group. aka my previous post.
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Unfair odds beget more unfair odds. Hero zerg dominates during specific time. Mid zerg dominates specific times.
You will have those stealthers who (you're right) have no skill and therefore want to dominate by sheer numbers.... (sound like the hidden version of the Hero zerg to me). But you cannot dump every single stealther who groups into the same basket. If im run over by a small man every time i want to solo or duo, then its as much their fault that stealth zergs exist as anything else.
The only one that will get penalized are the ones that group in large numbers. They all play similar, go to EV sit at a gate or safe path and let groups run through then pluck the little guy. Now if they had the stealth penalty for being in a big group that 8m or hell even the 3mans they dodge would have a far better chance uncovering their location and fighting them. I don't see the negative to generating more action and forcing them into conflict. It would create more action for the groups that fight them and would loosen the grip they have on those choke points. If they choose to group in duos and trios to lower that stealth penalty then that's great too.
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Your math would actually work pretty well in a visi group too...
Solo no penalty
Duo = 10% speed penatly, 10 % more endo usage
3-4 in a group 20% speed penatly, 20% more endo usage
5-6 in a group 40% speed penalty, 40% more endo usage
7-8 in a group 60% speed penatly, 60% more endo usage
Zergs would take care of themselves, unless people chose to group duo religiously (doubtful)
Stealth adds that ability to dodge over anything. But ultimately the main reason i play my stealther at all is to avoid the larger zergs, the IRC groups that run over everything, and the duelers.
**** your elitist, self absorbed, I know better than you attitudes!!!!