Please explain... are RM's (and caster classes in general) broken?
On Mid RM in Molvik, how does a spell that DELVES for 163 hit harder than a spell that DELVES for 250? Both are "energy" based and my Runie has 37+9 Runecarving? If these classes aren't broken, can someone please update the DELVE info to show the proper value, cause it's DEF not 250!

You begin casting a Signet of Thunder spell - You hit xxxxx for 368 (delves for 163)
You begin casting a Signet of Thunder spell - You hit xxxxx for 368 (delves for 163)
You begin casting a Lesser Sigil of Undoing spell - You hit xxxxx for 357 (delves for 250) ... huh?

You begin casting a Signet of Thunder spell - You hit xxxxx for 368 (delves for 163)
You begin casting a Signet of Thunder spell - You hit xxxxx for 368 (delves for 163)
You begin casting a Lesser Sigil of Undoing spell - You hit xxxxx for 357 (delves for 250) ... huh?
Post edited by Valtar on
Typically DDs will hit for 2-3x the stated delve because the delve is the "base" damage given prior to your specialization/stat/RA bonuses applying and then your damage is also affected by your target's magic resistances.
The Lesser Sigil of Undoing is a "bolt" spell with 1875 range.
Bolt spells are affected by their target's Armor Factor (AF) and can miss if the target is in combat, in addition to all of the things a normal DD considers. On lower AF targets they can hit *very* hard just like the DD seems to be hitting and their added range and faster cast speed (2.5s vs 2.8) are obvious benefits over DDs (which is why they are also on a cooldown).