ML7 Bugged?

Our group made it past the lava doors into the room with the four lions and initiated the encounter. Well, only three of us got transported into the arena with the feuding boss mob. This happened twice. I'm wondering how that is possible.

These are notes about how it should go:
7.3-7.6 was taking each faction on one by one. 4 rooms for each type, speaking with the lions in each room started the encounter.

The Apophian challenger grew and grew. He would split over and over so best tactic was engage and keep aggro for the duration of the task.

The Volurgon challenger needed to be killed as fast as possible. The Mandra came with a rage flame that circled and AE'd.

The Shaitan challenger PBAE'd a LOT and multiples would spawn together if you didn't kill one fast enough. Keep the heat resists up!

The Hephaestian challenger is similar to the Shaitan, but with cold. Cold damage weapons and casters were key here. Kill them as fast as they spawn!

I'm a bit concerned.


  • We figured it out, it's the backpack being full that does that! If your bag is full you can't receive the token.
  • I thought I'd post here instead of making a new topic. Katorii seems bugged. We killed Breath, Touch and Blood and the pets didn't spawn. I put the three Runed Metal Plates onto Typhon's Gate and we came back to kill her but she insta-killed the whole group jut by looking at us. This is not an exaggeration. Hit points went to 0 on the spot.
  • Are you doing the actual TOA encounters for nostalgia? It's rare that anyone delves deep into TOA for anything, as it's very easy to buy MLs w/BPs or glass. Hit us up in game if you need anything bought or help to level an artifact.
    Man it hurts reading this thread hehe.
    Founder/GM of Ásatrúar, guild of Miðgarðr
    In defense of the Original Spirit of Daoc
    True to Miðgarðr c.2001
  • edited June 2019 PM
    Hi Thjo! Thank you! I'm farming an item that drops from Katorii. I suppose the easiest thing would be to farm reforming energies and try to get it that way. But DAoC has so many wonderful areas that I haven't explored for years! I've finally figured out how to get to her, past the Flame of Volcanus. And all that goes down very easily now. But Katorii is not killable unless the orange pets are surrounding her. Killing the big snakes should have done the trick but instead she just walked around and eliminated the entire group on sight. I'm guessing that in the time it took us to run to the Typhon's Gate with the Runed Metal Plate, Katorii's Breath must have respawned. I'm going to try again in a half hour or so and see if that was it.
    Nice meeting you!
    Post edited by Buffsteria on
  • Ah ok, nostalgia. Have you tried googling this encounter? There was a site called Allakhazam (it was bought by someone else and the name changed), they had a great repository of older Daoc info there. Not sure if anyone has done an entire encounter for a decade, but who knows.
    Certainly afrit hand-ins could be easier, for whatever item you're looking for?

    Founder/GM of Ásatrúar, guild of Miðgarðr
    In defense of the Original Spirit of Daoc
    True to Miðgarðr c.2001
  • Is this an alternate reality? Who are you grouping with that wants to do ML7? Lmao
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • Ant! Come do it with me! You'll see how tricky it is.
    Thjo, Allakhazam still exists. I did google the encounter, there's a great description here:
    It looks like it was already like this back then.
  • I have an hour so I'm in there now doing the encounter if anyone wants to join.
  • edited June 2019 PM
    I did it, I killed Katorii after a lot of tries. But it wasn't easy so she's not easily farmable. Then she didn't drop the Vexed Ring I wanted. I'm not sure I want to keep trying, it was a lot of work. Then we went on past Typhon's Gate but a couple of us were afk and the gate shut down cutting our group in half. Sigh.
    Post edited by Buffsteria on
  • grats on finishing her off! I remember having a group cut in half like that 10 years ago
  • Thank you! Just finished her off again and still no ring. If anyone knows a strategy we can use against Typhon, please let me know as we're facing him tomorrow! :-)
  • Buffsteria wrote: »
    Thank you! Just finished her off again and still no ring. If anyone knows a strategy we can use against Typhon, please let me know as we're facing him tomorrow! :-)

    uhhh, get afrit energies and buy the ring, easy fix :P dont waste time doing mobs with terrible respawn and drop rates

  • uhhh, get afrit energies and buy the ring, easy fix :P dont waste time doing mobs with terrible respawn and drop rates

    Thank you but I'm in the game to have a wonderful time, not to have everything given to me without a challenge.
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