Vanzblade's Survey

edited February 2019 in General Board
I am creating a survey based on what changes I would like to see in the game. By no means does it mean that these changes are actually going to happen but if you don't attempt to point out areas that you think need improved upon then how is the game supposed to evolve. I am going to list my questions below and explain my thought into why I think this needs changed or improved upon. If you don't wish to read any further no harm no foul. If you wish to leave constructive criticism in the comments I would appreciate it. Maybe my ideas will stir new ones within yourself. So here it goes.

Question 1:
Do you think Supremacy Pots and purchased buffs should be removed from the game?

Everyone is so buffed and so templated now days the fights take forever. If you are not a healing/buffing class you have no business having red buffs or yellow buffs. You should still be able to get basic buffs from pots. If you want red or yellow buffs you need to have one of those classes in your group, and then those buffs need to be ranged. This area leaves open people with buff bots stashing them in areas I know but every idea will have a loophole somewhere. This will bring back the grouping of buffing classes in groups because you have to spec for it.

Question 2:
Do you think buffs from players/bots should be ranged?

See Question 1

Question 3:

Do you think Speed Warps should be removed?

Everyone has multiple speed warps. Remove these things and let just get at it already.

Question 4:

Do you think a realm timer needs installed?

Realm pride get some! Personally I think this thing needs 12 hours or more but everyone is entitled to an opinion. If you are going to jump on a bg bandwagon pick one and stick with it. No more swapping.

Question 5:

If "Yes" to a realm timer: What would be your suggested time to switch realms?

Self Explanatory

Question 6:

Do you believe the relics are important to your realm?

Me personally not really, but put your opinion in. I think these relics need a major boost so if you lose one or both it really makes you want to go back and get it. Maybe make it so if you lose one you lose a boat dock master at Beno, Crauch, or Bled so you have to boat from center map keeps and if you lose the 2nd one you have to boat from the portal town. I don't know I am spit balling here but something more needs to be penalized for not having your relics, because most people really don't care currently.

Question 7:

What is your favorite class type?

If I have killed you before you know mine :)

Question 8:

Would you like to see Detect Stealth as a trainable ability or Champion ability/Realm Rank?

This one I am is going to @#$% people off but I believe if you want to find stealth classes you should have spec for it or have a stealth class in your group. My personal opinion you should have Hunters, Rangers, and Scouts all on the same trainable specializations of all 3 realms. The Damage output the same on all 3 realms. You want a pet with a ranger you are going to have to spec for it. You want shield slam on a hunter you are going to have to spec for it. Give these toons the ability to train for pets, shields, or whatever. Give these classes the Stealth Lore buff to cast within the group. Maybe give it 1/2 the distance of a PNode. This way visible groups get their stealth detection and someone who can slam, pet, shoot, melee within that group dynamic. If you are solo you can visit the stealth trainer in the starter towns and burn your champ points or realm points for stealth lore at 1/4 of what would be casted from Hunter, Ranger, or Scout. Completely remove Stealth Lore items. This way you have to spec for it. Stealth classes picked stealth classes for a reason.

Question 9:

Are realm points to plentiful now?

Personally I think there are too many realm points distributed out now. People gaining realm ranks quickly and catching people who have spent years getting to the highest level.

Question 10:
Would you be interested in seeing a Mordred Zone or RvR Zone in areas other than NF?

I would like to see some of the area turn into a Modred Zone or RvR zone other than NF. Say you have beef with a realm mate and want to throw down. You can port into an area get after it. The challenge thing works but doesn't work. You get healed all these challenges end. I would like to have an area where it is no holds barred kill realm mates and kill other realms in a solo area.

Well those are my questions I have more but I think 10 is a good start. Create some surveys for your own ideas maybe we can get the ball rolling on someones ideas and bring some twists to the game.
  1. Do you think Supremacy Pots and purchased buffs should be removed from the game?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Do you think buffs from players/bots should be ranged?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Do you think speed warps should be removed?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  4. Do you think a realm timer needs to be installed?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  5. If Yes was your answer for a realm timer: What would be your suggested time to switch realms?49 votes
    1. 12 Hours
    2. 10 Hours
    3. 8 Hours
    4. 6 Hours
    5. 4 Hours
    6. 2 Hours
  6. Do you believe the relics are important to your realm?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  7. What class type is your favorite?49 votes
    1. Stealth
    2. Tank
    3. Hybrid
    4. Healing
    5. Casting
  8. Would you like to see Detect Stealth as a trainable Champion ability?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  9. Are realm points to plentiful now?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  10. Would you be interested in seeing a Mordred Zone or RvR Zone in areas other than NF?49 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
Post edited by Vanzblade on


  • edited February 2019 PM
    Thanks man I appreciate it. Maybe if people see stats beside questions it will point out major issues.
    Post edited by Vanzblade on
  • This is what I'm talking about. Voted.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Also voted. I certainly don't agree with all of your ideas, but I like that you give a reason behind your views and offer suggestions. That is what separates complaining with constructive criticism.
  • Voted also!!
  • Siambra wrote: »
    Me too :)


    HAHA love the bunny. Thanks!
  • We ALWAYS love the bunnies!!
  • In order for me to submit my answers, I had to select an option from every question. I did not like the options provided for the realm timer (2 hour is the minimum at that is way to much imo). In this case i did select the 2 hour option just to record my votes for the rest of the questions. That question is going to have skewed results for the poll.
  • It won't let me change the survey to have less than 2 hours but thank you for voting and stating your opinion.
  • Voted. Surveys are useful for feedback but the sample will be small here to represent most. I would also suggest to skipp personal ideas on a survey next time to avoid leaning it towards a way or another.

    Would love to see item procs and uses up there too.

    Regardless, thank you for taking time to do it. :)
  • Gavner wrote: »
    Voted. Surveys are useful for feedback but the sample will be small here to represent most. I would also suggest to skipp personal ideas on a survey next time to avoid leaning it towards a way or another.

    Would love to see item procs and uses up there too.

    Regardless, thank you for taking time to do it. :)

    Thanks man good advice. I was testing the waters with this one. I plan on doing a larger more upscale one in the future. Item procs and charges is a good one as well.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    I also vote remove champion level buff or make them shearable . Its ridiculous to see pure or light tank unshearable
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    That is what separates complaining with constructive criticism.


  • Gavner wrote: »
    Voted. Surveys are useful for feedback but the sample will be small here to represent most.

    10% survey on the 10% left playing live
  • Survey won't let you complete it unless you choose a time for realm timer. I said no to realm timers but still had to vote for a time.

    Re length of time. I would have gone much shorter than 2 hours as the shortest time. 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 8 hours, 20 hours, etc.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Simon wrote: »
    I'm for realm loyalty bonuses, rather than realm timers.

    Thats been discussed. People will choose to hop to the overpopulated realm with no bonus to secure a win vs staying on a realm with 100% loyalty bonus.

    If bonus was enough of a draw, then hibs having 100% bonus would have drawn more out during US primetime, as well as encourage people to balance the realms during euro prime when Hero runs.

    You could offer a 500% incentive. If you're outnumbered 20 to 1, then bonuses dont mean jack.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • I voted.

    I think supremacy pots are really good for the game, and saves alot of people an extra sub, which for some people means alot, i guess its a principle which i can understand, even though i run 3 accounts always. For those with buffbot accounts it would be a slap in the face if they made buffs ranged.

    I dont want realm timers, i can relate to the idea, but i do alot of cross realm trades, which even with a 5 min timer would be annoying, and i embrace all realms playing them all. That said, i do understand why this realm hopping can be a problem, i just dont think theres a good solution for the problem, maybe its just the way the game is now idk, people want to be able to be free in playing what they want.

    I dont know alot about 8v8 and zerg strategy, but im thinking that without speedwarps no one could ever get away from greater numbers, and i think it prevents charge too? I can see that being usefull, so i voted to keep those even tough i dont rvr on one single char that has a speedwarp.

    Modred zone for RVR would be okay with me, but just for RVR, Mordred pve sounded like a nag factor, or would have been for me (i didnt play there) where people could really grief other people, im not into that sort of stuff.

    I wouldnt mind giving champ sl, but make it so it scales so that a solo stealther would not be detected by it, maybe even duos, for larger numbers than that, bring it.
  • Sleepwell wrote: »

    Thats been discussed. People will choose to hop to the overpopulated realm with no bonus to secure a win vs staying on a realm with 100% loyalty bonus.

    If bonus was enough of a draw, then hibs having 100% bonus would have drawn more out during US primetime, as well as encourage people to balance the realms during euro prime when Hero runs.

    You could offer a 500% incentive. If you're outnumbered 20 to 1, then bonuses dont mean jack.

    In theory I would love to agree with @Simon, but in reality it is what @Sleepwell says. Some will always chase the higher population bonus, but the vast majority of players go where the easy action and wins are. Sadly, too many players would rather stick a giant zerg, go semi-afk, and spam 1 or 2 keys than to actually have competitive fights.

  • switch realm and you don't earn rp for 15 or 20 mins, that would prevent most realmhopping and wouldn't affect pve. just my 5 cents.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • 15 minute realm timer and folks can’t switch to defend and get their siege kills for the quest. Relics wouldn’t all be in Hib then
  • Or 30 minutes
  • zlqfn5sfbfhn.gif
    Okay, voted too.
  • Had no clue Real. lol
  • Bloodcore wrote: »
    I dont want realm timers, i can relate to the idea, but i do alot of cross realm trades, which even with a 5 min timer would be annoying, and i embrace all realms playing them all. That said, i do understand why this realm hopping can be a problem, i just dont think theres a good solution for the problem, maybe its just the way the game is now idk, people want to be able to be free in playing what they want.

    I dont know alot about 8v8 and zerg strategy, but im thinking that without speedwarps no one could ever get away from greater numbers, and i think it prevents charge too? I can see that being usefull, so i voted to keep those even tough i dont rvr on one single char that has a speedwarp.

    Modred zone for RVR would be okay with me, but just for RVR, Mordred pve sounded like a nag factor, or would have been for me (i didnt play there) where people could really grief other people, im not into that sort of stuff.

    Welp @beibhinn stated they aren't planning on doing realm timers. Also regarding speed warps one day everyone logged in and they where magically doubled in radius. My guess is a change from the internals to allow 8 mans to escape the zergs. Need to be reversed and reduced in duration and radius by 50%.

    Also Mordred would have be on another server or possibly when you zone into Labby it teleports you to the 'other server' since it's server wide due to old coding.

  • Fighting in Labby would be fun again
  • Thanks everyone for commenting and voting. It's good to talk about this stuff I like hearing everyone's point of view.
  • I play a Ranger and a Nightshade so ya kinda know where I stand. lol
  • Also voted :-) way to go vanzblade nice initiative
  • Voted! Thanks for putting this together.
  • Voted. Yeah man thanks for effort.
  • I find it funny that even with just 42 votes it shows that the PEOPLE want realm timers, yet BS has stated that they are not in favor of them. It's laughable. The 8mans they catered to for years have left them and moved on.
  • These questions where kind of loaded. You might not want all speed warps gone but you want less and people to have to use ml to get them or something (if there are to many lower the usefulness of the ml line) people might want a realm timer but they might want one that's better then a flat 2-12 hour (one based on realm pop, or average rps per hour, under performing realm easy to jump to, or late at night where there is only 10 people per realm no timer)

    I feel these questions more or not just need to be asked as does something need to be done with buffs, realm pride, stealth game, speed warps, rvr zone. And then discussions and more votes on the area most can agree on needs attention. :)
  • I think the 2 hour option for realm timer was because it was the shortest one. I think 30 minutes would be best. But to enter NF only. You can still change realms just can’t goto the frontier zones. PVE or battlegrounds would be fine.
  • I find it funny that even with just 42 votes it shows that the PEOPLE want realm timers, yet BS has stated that they are not in favor of them. It's laughable. The 8mans they catered to for years have left them and moved on.

    that makes sense ofc if you can't say you don't want a timer without entering a number for the timer .... which has implications on the answers ..
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
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