Daoc Population



  • Aldious wrote: »

    This is only because the realm points on offer are artificially high to make up for the lack of action in general.

    Point is there is action, and action at 2am hasn't changed for alongtime.

    People seem to like to bring up offpeak numbers and falsified information.
  • tald wrote: »

    least i deal with facts (and not fibs)

    at the time you posted this there was a fgm out and also kaptkent defending bled with quite a few mids. defending it vs a fgh+ and also from what i hear some albs joined teh battle as well.

    the fight at bled was big enuff to net Norren 68k rps in 48 minutes before they even took the keep.

    there is still a fgm+ out atm.

    you and broadsword have a cup of tea mate and give each other a reach Knight
  • edited February 2019 PM
    tald wrote: »

    Point is there is action, and action at 2am hasn't changed for alongtime.

    People seem to like to bring up offpeak numbers and falsified information.

    you sound like the last Buggy Whip maker Tald --- while we may be past the tipping point, people are asking for CHANGE and, I think, acknowledgement fro the DEVs, of the issues .... how long has this been going and no official response or comment?

    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    you sound like the last Buggy Whip maker Tald --- while we may be past the tipping point, people are asking for CHANGE and, I think, acknowledgement fro the DEVs, of the issues .... how long has this been going and no official response or comment?

    I'm not debating any of this, only the incorrect information.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    sir tald

    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Clumsy wrote: »
    sir tald


    trying to figure out what you got banned for, thanks for making me google that word :( - you are an asset to the playerbase.
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Aldious wrote: »

    This is only because the realm points on offer are artificially high to make up for the lack of action in general.

    68k in less than an hour is action, even if you think rps are artificially high.
  • Koe wrote: »

    68k in less than an hour is action, even if you think rps are artificially high.

    You think rp/h is an indicator for action?
    I made 130kp/h a while ago cause i didn`t finished 3 quests the other day...try again.
  • Lol rps no longer indicate anything in this game. They are now handed out like candy to compensate for the lack of action. If that is what makes your happy, enjoy.

  • You think rp/h is an indicator for action?
    I made 130kp/h a while ago cause i didn`t finished 3 quests the other day...try again.

    Gotta agree here --- made almost 200k in less than 2 hours the other week and it was the worst action ever, just quest completions ... silly boring stuff

  • Options are there that were not there earlier this year. Just accept it. And the numbers that that option brings to the table are what most people crave. Each one it picks up means further decline to this one. I think in the end the other will fold, but atm it's doing its damage, and who knows to what end. How many will come back? How many will continue to "try the other" when they are not getting what they want here. Keep crossing your fingers. It will probably work out. I was a holdout because I was on "vold" for several years.....but the temptation is there.
  • The only silver lining I’ve seen is a few coming back onto Live. I’ve helped them out where I can steering them into guilds and the daocutils website. Not playing that much anymore mostly dabbling with the GK quests.
  • Population on live is about as good as the super bowl was last night...
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    The only silver lining I’ve seen is a few coming back onto Live. I’ve helped them out where I can steering them into guilds and the daocutils website. Not playing that much anymore mostly dabbling with the GK quests.

    You certainly helped me, @Sleepwell, Corey, Trish, and even Adi before she left. Players do come back. I took a VERY long break, but honestly Vold kind of encouraged me to come back to live. It gave me that itch for DAoC that no other game could scratch. When it closed for the reboot I refused to EVER go back to free shards again and after trying several games out I came back to live. I have been quit happy about my decision. Trust me when I say that the same thing that happend to Vold 2.0 will happen to this other bird. People are freaking out, but it's only been open a month or so. Once the RR gaps widen between casuals and hardcores people will start to move on to other stuff. Some of them will come back. Others will move on to different games. And as @Beetleguisse said, it will die when another free shard comes along.
  • Live until the end. B)
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Gavner wrote: »
    - None asked for more PvE, but the existing ones to be worth doing outside the 2.

    There was literally just a thread the other day in which Solicfear and another player made a HUGE deal about how they need to add more PvE into the game. They also agreed that maybe instead of adding PvE they should just update the loot from existing PvE to encourage others to go out and PvE. Hell you were talking in the thread about it man!! Vrisslar and Solicfear both made arguments saying that many players enjoy PvE, but OW and Cursed didn't count because neither of them liked the raids. So yes, some people (the minority) have been pushing for PvE. Now I agree with you on a personal level @Gavner. I prefer RvR and I believe the vast majority of players that still play DAoC play for the RvR and not the PvE, but @Vrisslar and @Solicfear1 disagreed with me vehemently and you even participated in that discussion. So don't say "None asked for more PvE..." because some have.

    What this thread and pretty much every thread shows me is that almost every person who plays here only see's this game through their own personal perspective and ignores anything that doesn't back up their own view. You have Xyorman upset because for a couple week span Albs would switch to Hib to defend against the giant Mid BG during American prime time to prevent them from getting their relics back. He never once thought about the nights, time and time again, in which that same Mid BG DESTROYED all action in the game. That doesn't effect him so who cares, right? Xyorman never brought up that realm timers would make it even harder for realms to stop BG's from other time zones (Herorius) because that doesn't effect Xyorman. You claim nobody asked for more PvE, yet I can show you multiple random threads from certain players asking for more or modified PvE. Some want realm timers, but I promise you that IF they were ever implemented you would hear alot of people complain about them. The list of things that we as the community complain about and say "Everyone wants X,Y, or Z," yet ignore when other players say they don't is ridiculous. We complain and BS tries to listen, they try and give what the community wants, then we the community complains, then it starts all over again. When we had ruined keeps and the settings of 2-3 years ago we complained. They changed things to please the complainers, now everyone says, "If we could just revert everything back 2-3 years ago it would be fine," while completely ignoring the complaints that existed during those days. /facepalm

    Listen, nobody (and I mean NOBODY) has the "fix" that will bring us back to the glory days of DAoC. Some want ruined keeps, some like the solo areas, some want more PvE, some want less, some want a ladder progression server, some just want a straight up classic alternate server, some want more zerg fights, some want less zerg fights, etc.... If you asked 10,000 people what would "fix" this game you would get 10,000 completely different responses. Now I will admit that BS could take a few lessons from some of these other servers, but no matter what they do it will piss off some and please others.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • I can't disagree with you completely @RonELuvv ., but you and i both know the direction Vold 1.0 took. It became a "this is our ball, just be glad we're letting you play with it" scenario. I see some of the same attitude here. The problem is now there is a "new ball" that was just tossed out. People are fed up and unfortunately it shows. Most will come back, but how many won't?
  • edited February 2019 PM
    RonELuvv wrote: »

    There was literally just a thread the other day in which Solicfear and another player made a HUGE deal about how they need to add more PvE into the game. They also agreed that maybe instead of adding PvE they should just update the loot from existing PvE to encourage others to go out and PvE. Hell you were talking in the thread about it man!! Vrisslar and Solicfear both made arguments saying that many players enjoy PvE, but OW and Cursed didn't count because neither of them liked the raids. So yes, some people (the minority) have been pushing for PvE. Now I agree with you on a personal level @Gavner. I prefer RvR and I believe the vast majority of players that still play DAoC play for the RvR and not the PvE, but @Vrisslar and @Solicfear1 disagreed with me vehemently and you even participated in that discussion. So don't say "None asked for more PvE..." because some have.

    Just stop already with the BS, i have never asked for more or new PvE..... I have however several times asked for ways for older PvE / RvR to lead to a template without introducing new items. So that all types of activities in the game can lead to a solid RvR template.

    I have also said several times that i hate the powercreep, the items that have come in to the game during the last 3 -4 years have give us, and i wish they would all be deleted.

    Until you figure out that you missunderstod what i have been saying or failed to understand what i was saying, then kindly stop putting words in my mouth that i have never said.



    There you go, now you can go read what i think on the subject of PvE and items.

    Both threads you will see im asking for alternative ways to Cursed, Ow and travelings to get items. In forms of either reusing old tokens like scales / aur / glass / SI dungeon token / BP's / etc. Make a new token that drops from encounters across all PvE matching their difficulty and making that token purchase able with BP's. Maybe a combination of the 2.

    Example Page 1 returning player feedback thread from August 2018, one of my first posts on this new forum.
    Vrisslar wrote: »
    Having returned to ywain a month ago after goofing around on gatheris for 3 years, while being busy with kids IRL so no time for RvR, i find it incredibly sad to see my 8 templated chars on Hib, 6 on Alb and 8 on Mid on ywain ( just on the 2 accounts open atm) that i templated for around 3 years ago, being worth absolutely nothing, not worth anything in RvR and if i sold all the items across all realms and transfered the plat to 1 realm i might be able to afford 1/3 a new item.......

    OW, DF, Cursed.... kill quests and burn them with fire ( Ok dont but listen ).....low population game where most people want to RvR cause its what DAoC is great at compard to other mmo's, along with its combat system of interupts and so on, you get the picture, thise quests are not smart imo. Put all old dragon items on the dragon merchant down to 100 - 200 scales...slap cursed stuff on there for 400 - 600 scales or so per piece, let people have options....if you want to grind solo for 8 hours to get scales for 1 piece then do that, want to farm it in a group then do that or want to quest for it then do that.

    Make some farmable mobs for aurulite's that dosnt 2 shoot anything that looks at them wrong ( returning players in epic amor or old temps ? )...... lower aurulite item price of current items and put OW items on a aurulite merchant....again options for solo / group / quest / zerg......things will take longer solo, but go alot faster the quest / group route, get your items the way you like.

    DF, RvR quest items, put them all up for BP's......when season for the event comes around put up quests as normal with the option of item or ½ the BP as reward....

    Imo different roads to getting to the same goal, tho some roads might be longer and take longer time is a great option for returning players and alt templating... sure some people with more plats then chars to hold them might get grumpy for a while, but what do they need more plats for anyway ?

    ToA was chopped, killed, butchered, sliced and burned to pieces and ash, because there wasnt enough people doing it back then, so it was hard to get when the population was 20 times bigger, why do it all again with such a small population, ToA now gives you the option to do things the way you can manage so you can get out to RvR, do the same for the rest please, if i wanted to quest and raid i would have joined a game that did that and not the worlds best RvR game that i loved since 2001 when my Avalonian wizard ran in to camelot for the first time.

    This will only get harder for new and returning players the more time that pass, less people doing it all, more plat inflation, things need to change unless you just want a month's sub from people that then turn around and run for the hills.

    I got 2 months left on my sub, if some news isnt released by then about a way to mend this mess i'll be running for the hills after 17+ years here across 8 accounts.
    = Me wanting new and more PvE eh ?

    Yes its true, i prefer to PvE for templates, for new or old chars, im not a fan of picking up boxes all day long in kings armor for BP's for items while getting run over by rr10+ stealth zergs, and i personally really doubt any new or returning players are going to find that fun either. Not really a fan of zerging half empty keeps for quest updates either that some seem to enjoy.

    So again kindly stop including me in whatever it is your trying to do, until you atleast understand that what im saying isnt received on your end as its ment on my end. I have tried to tell you this before, apparently you didnt get that either.
    Post edited by Vrisslar on
  • Vrisslar wrote: »

    Just stop already with the BS, i have never asked for more or new PvE..... I have however several times asked for ways for older PvE / RvR to lead to a template without introducing new items. So that all types of activities in the game can lead to a solid RvR template.

    Updating old areas WILL add more PvE content whether it be changing old items or through an alternative currency. Broadsword doesn't have a switch they can flip here. Both will require time and resources that I do not think is worth while at the moment. Furthermore, allowing OW and Curse items to be farmed by macro teams would discourage community based PvE. There is no simple fix here.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Dude, calm down @Vrisslar. I was not trying to restart another discussion about this. I was commenting on @Gavner making the statement that nobody wanted PvE. You said you wanted more PvE. Stop saying you didn't. Sure, you might not have asked for a new raid or some new areas, but asking for new ways to farm old areas IS ASKING FOR MORE PVE!! You also said I was wrong for saying that a majority of players here wanted to play RvR and not PvE (at least to some extent). Here are some of the quotes from the thread you and I are referring to and you tell me that it doesn't sound like you think at least part of the issue is a lack of fun community driven PvE....
    Vrisslar wrote: »
    DAoC was never only about the RvR tbh. On days when you werent in the mood for PvP you had plenty of PvE options and pretty much all the expansions been about PvE. Thats another thing that made DAoC great to me, i had both to fit whatever i was in the mood for.
    For the record, I agree with your statement above. I always enjoyed the grind and doing some PvE along with my RvR.
    Vrisslar wrote: »
    With as much, to me atleast, good PvE DAoC has to offer, i think its really sad that most of it are ignored and dont have any value. Even after 17 years and 70+ chars across different EU and US servers and accounts, i still find both PvE and RvR good fun, just sad to see so much not used and no pugs going.

    Ah well :(
    Again, I agree with your statement as a whole above. Nothing wrong with a mix of PvE and RvR and you are right that some players do enjoy the PvE aspect, just the minority.
    Vrisslar wrote: »
    Sure your circle of DAoC friends might only enjoy RvR and that makes it seem to you like thats the majority, one of my circle of friends enjoy both PvE and PvP....

    DAoC always had room for pure PvE'ers, people who enjoy PvP and PvE in DAoC like myself, people who wants to only PvE, people who wants to only craft, etc. There are lots of ways to do it, so those who strikcly wants to PvP have items to trade with people that strikly wants to PvE, make decent gear drops in all content with variations that make people want to trade, sell BP stuff PvE'ers want, BP components for crafting crafters want. Sure this may be far to late to do anything about now.

    Personally i would be happy with just having ML10, SI, DF, classic drops, etc, that matches OW and cursed, nothing game changing, same power level, just maybe a tad different stats and updated procs, so people had options in ways to get their gear and variation, like sometimes you find a piece of gear with 5% body, spirit, energy, that you really wish was 5% heat, cold, matter instead to fit what you wanted to use in other slots. ( Yes some people will agree with me, others will disagree, thats life.

    One last time. I don't disagree with what you posted here. Again, some players like some PvE with their RvR. I get that. I am one of those player, or used to be. I don't have time to sit and farm items like I did before. However, saying that I am putting words in your mouth is just flat out wrong. You are asking for more PvE whether you wanted ML10, SI, DF, classic drops that match OW and Cursed or you just wanted a new currency put in place, both would require MORE PvE to be obtained.

    Now, moving along....
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Sleepwell wrote: »
    I can't disagree with you completely @RonELuvv ., but you and i both know the direction Vold 1.0 took. It became a "this is our ball, just be glad we're letting you play with it" scenario. I see some of the same attitude here. The problem is now there is a "new ball" that was just tossed out. People are fed up and unfortunately it shows. Most will come back, but how many won't?

    I agree 100% on Vold. No doubt about that at all! I don't see that here though. Honestly, other than their moves on removing 1500 stacked albalatives and then adding in Cursed and all of its ridiculousness, I believe BS has done a pretty decent job of listening to the community. I realize that there is more voices/opinions than on the forums, but almost any change they have made in the last 2 years (other than what I listed above and maybe some class balance changes), could be directly pointed at people in the forums asking for these changes. That is very different from what we experienced on Vold 1.0 where they listened to nobody until it was too late.

    I also do agree with you that when this "new ball" got tossed out it gives people that are frustrated an opportunity to try something else out. I just feel that most of those people only need a little time to find their own issues with that new server and then they will either be back or playing something else instead. Sure, they will lose some players over it. Again, this is an 18+ year old game. People will leave no matter what. A new server might speed this up a bit, but even if no free servers existed the population would still be declining compared to its earlier years.

    BS is damned no matter what in the long run. If they change nothing than people will get upset, say the game is stale, and quit. If they try and make changes to keep things fresh or to update things, then again, some people will get upset and quit.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • Its the difference in transparency. I enjoy the transparency the other offers. I enjoy the transparency of seeing peoples named banned who continuously slaughter the rules.

    I said i'd never go back to something like Vold was, but its appealing. Know why? Pure numbers. Someone else mentioned it... they are enjoying that population while they can.

    We've all done it. Vold became a nightly thing for us.. same 10 people on every night. The stale-ness has hit here now too. I guess everyone has grown up... Never say never Peter pan.....

    I will say it again.. another option is there. Whether its disturbing enough to people who get paid for a service to take notice is yet to be seen. Not sure what action can or will be taken... wait and see i guess
  • Amen on the transparency! I wish they would be much more transparent with bans here. People should be publicly shamed for cheating on Live.

    I get the idea that people want to go there for #'s. Totally understandable. I know the #'s game plays big to people and I get it. I just wonder how long it will take for that RR gap to develop and you end up with a bunch of people twinking in BG's and a population of 1k+ but only 10-15 people that actually RvR like we dealt with on Vold 1.0.

    As you said, we will just have to wait and see. I still say that I am more worried about CU than I am with any free shard.
  • I still enjoy DAOC. I don't knowingly use or buy stolen merchandise so some options are off the table for me. How things will play out remains to be seen but I'm hoping for some fun surprises from Broadsword.

    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    Amen on the transparency! I wish they would be much more transparent with bans here. People should be publicly shamed for cheating on Live.

    I get the idea that people want to go there for #'s. Totally understandable. I know the #'s game plays big to people and I get it. I just wonder how long it will take for that RR gap to develop and you end up with a bunch of people twinking in BG's and a population of 1k+ but only 10-15 people that actually RvR like we dealt with on Vold 1.0.

    As you said, we will just have to wait and see. I still say that I am more worried about CU than I am with any free shard.

    I'm wondering the same Ron. 3 months? 6 months? Long enough that subs have been abandoned and pop falls to a record low? Sometimes it takes drastic changes to wake up the dragon.... that doesnt mean anyone has brilliant ideas once it is awake... but at least it would be awake...
  • I totally agree there is no Quick fix :-) but there is Things there is so obivious.

    1. Do something about the cheaters in this game bug explores etc, i will dare to mention a stealther on alb starting with a S WHO is reported so many times nothing have been done, Even in tournement few years ago he did not get the first place i wonder why nothing more was done. But it was a choise not to act, meanwhile others getting banned for the same Things. but guess the ruleset is more for some, than others. (dont think any disagree)
    2.Fix lds and server lags and worst bug, u just have to stand in frontier with a bb 30 mins and u will sometimes see players and npc disappear for some seconds and when lds sometimes appear you can see 5 or more going ld at same time, but they focus on other Things. (dont think any disagree)
    3 realm timers make a vote and i will say 80 % or more will vote yes to that, but no action taken and yes someone will get unhappy but most will be happy. atleast try it. (few will disagree) For me i shows the listen to the few.
    4 try to answer peeps when write Things on this forum the communication is awful to the paying customers i see sometimes carol try to answer but she dont have the stars on her shoulder to take decisions (dont think any disagree)

    that 4 Things is mostly the mainreason to many left this game i have talk too, all the other s problems with ST and making stealthers to strong, making new places, upgrade keeps etc u can always discuss

    but to say BS have no chance because everything he does will get criticized is to damn easy :-)
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Just trying to ease the tension about the word "more PvE".

    Since I think many didn't ask changed PvE encounters, even opposing more item creep, so we can rule out the meaning "more time sink wanted at PvE".

    People suggested things like tossing some Cursed items into Dragon Scale merchant, OW to glass merchants with different named same items (like hallowed items are too mirrored items, but instead Atlantean Mighty Eyes or whatever) or update some old bosses to have a drop rate of new items with different name also.

    Some alternative route can be made with less effort made then Bountycraft or even some seasonal events altogether, without new time sinks or more PvE time needed.

    Of course all this wouldn't be necessary, if there was any effort made to fix horrible inflation of plat in recent years, maybe we need an economist to fix games PvE side issues ;)

    I however find it hard to reason behind OW & Cursed is good because it's hard to farm with macro, while OW was heavily farmed by macro for a long time, and we allowed Macro Teams to be legal in PvE to begin with.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    Dude, calm down @Vrisslar.

    Perfectly calm as i said before, it takes more then a random person on a forum to piss me off.
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    I was not trying to restart another discussion about this.

    Then dont include me and what i say and didnt say, specially when i clearly told you before that you missunderstod whats been said.
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    You said you wanted more PvE. Stop saying you didn't. Sure, you might not have asked for a new raid or some new areas, but asking for new ways to farm old areas IS ASKING FOR MORE PVE!!

    I didnt ask for more PvE.

    If a person want say, Band of the dream conqueror, he / she can currently get it from cursed quests or BP.
    Adding it to a NPC to be bought for Aur, Scales, Bloodseals, whatever, is not adding more PvE, its giving different roads to the same goal using content thats already there.

    RonELuvv wrote: »
    You also said I was wrong for saying that a majority of players here wanted to play RvR and not PvE (at least to some extent).....

    Wrong i never said you where wrong or right, i said you couldnt know for sure and none of us could.
    Vrisslar wrote: »
    How is it excatly you know who's a minority in what ? the 5% using the forums ? your circle of friends that enjoy what you do ? I guess next we will be talking about the silent majority and putting words in the mouth of people who havent spoken them self yet. How about we all speak on our own behalf and let others speak for them self.
    RonELuvv wrote: »

    Yeah that was a reply to what could be done for the people, that would want more PvE and what i would see as ok option that could be made for those people. Thats not what i want, thats me trying to give room to a different playstyle thats not my own.
    As i said in the other thread, there are missunderstandings going on here.
    Vrisslar wrote: »
    Im not butthurt about anything, and im not emotionally attached or addicted enough to any game to get pissed off about text in a discussion on a forum, a writen format where imo its hard to detect sarcasm, emotion and other things.

    However it would seem you have a problem like that, call me whatever you want, at the end of the day your just a random person i had a discussion with on a forum, where missunderstandings tend to happen cause not all people have english as their primary languange, who dont know me and dont really matter to me.

    So go ahead, instead of a having a discussion and asking for clarification on things you might have missed, blow up and name call, im pretty sure i write my own posts, so when i say you havent read what i wrote, then it would seem like you have either missed something or missunderstod something that could need clarifiaction, cause aparently it wasnt recived as it was ment, but yeah how should i know what was ment by my post and words, english isnt my primary language so things might have slipped.

    RonELuvv wrote: »

    Again thats if something HAD to be made.

    If you throw all items up on merchants for tokens as decribed before, then if needed for a PvE crowd you could as an example give Draco copy paste cursed items with a slightly different resist profile. Those items would ofc be available for BP's and on the token merchant too.

    Try to not take things out of context, or forget the clarification that was given to you on things you asked about, so yeah with that in mind im not even going to comment on the rest.
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    Now, moving along....

    Yeah sorry, you dont get to decide that, specially when you choose to include my forum handle in your post, while you attach a wrong statement of what my opinion are on things, that you clearly know nothing about.

    If you want my opnion on what i dont like with this version of DAoC then let me make it clear.

    1. Do something about the silly things that was done to classes and RA's, i personaly have alot of things i think have gone wrong here.
    2. Items / healing, DAoC have imo gotten a stupid high powercreep with new DF / OW / cursed / GMOV / Midsummer ring / uses / heal procs / etc you name it, tone all this crap down.
    3. RvR quests, imo the majority of RP's shouldnt come from buffs, quests and stuff like that, imo it promotes zerging, jumping to the winning side for quest completion and other bad things.
    4. With a sort of FTP comming and it hopefully brining in more new / returning people, i think a token system should be added, either in form of reusing old tokens or making new tokens, so that any new or returning player can explore old content if thats what they would like to do and in that process make progress toward a RvR template. That way new and returning players arent forced to do OW and cursed on repeat for items + making plats to buy seasonal items with, it gives them a different option to getting run over by high RR players and stealth zergs while trying to get a strong template. ( Personally i would enjoy those options too, while templating alts and helping new / returning players )
    5. Transparency from Broadsword and a vision for DAoC that seems to cover longer then the next patch.

    There you go, if you read anything i have said in another way, then either you missunderstod the situation or i wasnt clear enough and i should be given a chance to clarify.

    I personally think we share alot of opnion about DAoC's current situation, just express them from different angles and in different ways.

    Reading throug the posts that came while i was writing, i didnt include bugs and cheaters in my list as i found it obvious what should happen with those lol.
    Post edited by Vrisslar on
  • keeping my two accounts open--6months at a time lol
    but not playing.....
    the birds realm timer and banning of cheaters publicly has me playing there.
    actually seen a name from here banned for a few days for griefing--lol dont even know what that is lol
    realm hoppers and cheaters ruined live----and i thought you had to have an active account to post here?
  • i do have to log on to keep my gm status lol
  • edited February 2019 PM
    In short for my previous comment to stop flame war on this matter:

    - More PvE means for me wanting players do more PvE content then they already are, which is untrue
    - or Introducing More PvE Content, which is also untrue
    - Some want More Ways to PvE with existing encounters, thats not the same in my book.

    at least in my understanding, but I think basic misunderstanding of each other caused the unnecessary argument.

    p.s.: I also would disagree with more PvE Encounters made, or locking players to do more PvE atm at least.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Gavner wrote: »
    In short for my previous comment to stop flame war on this matter:

    - More PvE means for me wanting players do more PvE content then they already are, which is untrue
    - or Introducing More PvE Content, which is also untrue
    - Some want More Ways to PvE with existing encounters, thats not the same in my book.

    at least in my understanding, but I think basic misunderstanding of each other caused the unnecessary argument.

    p.s.: I also would disagree with more PvE Encounters made, or locking players to do more PvE atm at least.

    Providing more ways to obtain the same items is still more PvE no matter how you swing it. I do not see a good justification for adding more pathways to acquire end game gear when obtaining them is extremely easy now. The only thing you can't do is farm them with a class + bot combo which was intentional.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Gavner wrote: »
    In short for my previous comment to stop flame war on this matter:

    - More PvE means for me wanting players do more PvE content then they already are, which is untrue
    - or Introducing More PvE Content, which is also untrue
    - Some want More Ways to PvE with existing encounters, thats not the same in my book.

    at least in my understanding, but I think basic misunderstanding of each other caused the unnecessary argument.

    p.s.: I also would disagree with more PvE Encounters made, or locking players to do more PvE atm at least.

    As i said to @RonELuvv in a PM convo:
    I pretty much think the only thing we disgree on is the definition of more PvE, where i see more PvE as new items and new encounters forcing me to retemplated for the 300'th time, where a token system in old PvE content with the same rewards, i just see as a different option you can take.

    And that it bugs me that i apparently cant make what im trying to say clear enough so that it isnt missunderstod lol.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    @Beetleguisse No issue with disagreement ofc, I agree it ain't hard don't get me wrong, but at least I see no issue with players progressing when can't find any do encounters. I recruited some returning players, most of them said they have hard time completing those encounters, since they don't know people yet, or have knowledge to run those raids since they never done it.

    It might be easy for you and me to gather 8 person to do those, but for new players it ain't that easy.

    I still have hard time understanding that how currently existing PvE is more PvE in your book, but fine I go with it.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Gavner wrote: »
    @Beetleguisse No issue with disagreement ofc, I agree it ain't hard don't get me wrong, but at least I see no issue with players progressing when can't find any do encounters. I recruited some returning players, most of them said they have hard time completing those encounters, since they don't know people yet, or have knowledge to run those raids since they never done it.

    It might be easy for you and me to gather 8 person to do those, but for new players it ain't that easy.

    That's where building a community comes into play which is dependent on the player-base to develop, not Broadsword. They introduced content that encouraged grouping as opposed to soloing. This is a good approach for any MMORPG. We can either be participants or bystanders in community building. I do my part when I can and certainly will be more active when EC goes live by hosting PvE raids during the week.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • edited February 2019 PM

    I agree that encouraging people to group is overall healthy, but plat inflation, allowing macros to game and Chinese in the game also resulted in malfunction in PvE besides those raids, which both Broadswords doing, yet to me you sound like that everything is in game currently are intended and fine as it is. Which would mean intention to loose players as it stands right now.

    I am perfectly fine you enjoying current state of game, in fact there are many fine with it besides you. I merely point out people leaving or left during years or now for a simpler competition is not a coincidence, and means, many also not happy, so why their point not valid but yours are?

    Edit: Yes, I am not among those even if I have issues with the game right now. I probably be around till DAoC closes.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Gavner wrote: »

    I agree that encouraging people to group is overall healthy, but plat inflation, allowing macros to game and Chinese in the game also resulted in malfunction in PvE besides those raids, which both Broadswords doing, yet to me you sound like that everything is in game currently are intended and fine as it is. Which would mean intention to loose players as it stands right now.

    I am perfectly fine you enjoying current state of game, in fact there are many fine with it besides you. I merely point out people leaving or left during years or now for a simpler competition is not a coincidence, and means, many also not happy, so why their point not valid but yours are?

    Edit: Yes, I am not among those even if I have issues with the game right now. I probably be around till DAoC closes.

    Plat inflation happens because people are buying it from the farmers. As long as there is a profitable demand, they will continue to supply it. This is difficult to combat without Broadsword setting prices. If they brought back the Traveling Merchants more frequently, it would be less of an issue.

    I don't think your (or anyone else for that matter) points are invalid, I just don't view them as being high priority. Mythic started the trend of making old content obsolete with each expansion release which was perpetuated by Broadsword through various patches. They made an attempt to update some of that content but it's a time intensive process with little pay off. At the moment, Broadsword's focus should be on developing a solid F2P model. However, I am concerned about their lack of transparency on its development.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • edited February 2019 PM
    @Beetleguisse Sure, priorities for all of us will be different, it isn't high priority for myself, but for new / returning players I feel like may be somewhere up high alongside with battled inflation, realm timers, less powerful items etc.. However yes, for me Titles are the less important.

    I give credit where it's due, I cherished decent Grab Bags (not recently), proc nerfs, Cursed nerf etc. However yes I am bit vocal, since I also do wish Broadsword would be more transparent on planned changes, and their ETA.

    Also, I am bit torn on blaming Chinese, since they legalized Macro farming, and didn't introduce enough plat sink out of system (like travelings, yes). I farmed OW easily with macro too before Cursed nerfs, I am pretty sure I would be able to farm Cursed too if I didn't stop doing it since I didn't need it anymore. We can go check Discord, or check this forum, and we can see many trying to buy their ways off plat. This is an issue, and it's been like this for a long time now (maybe because GTC sales are a good thing, who knows, if I would want to be a bit harsh).

    Yet people still think Plat farmers bring down prices, without any basic knowledge of how economy works, go figure. The fact that many just buying off their ways to temp, regardless whats intended or not, is not a good thing because either they find inflation too huge, or don't enjoy the content at all.

    Edit: Of course there are instant gratification players too, being part of the problem I do recognize that.

    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Regarding prices for items... just drop the amount of BP needed for those items to 25% of the current value and you will see dropping prices on merchants.
  • As far as prices go, we have already seen prices drop pretty significantly. When the bp recipes first came out I sold a frozen recipe for 350p. I then sold a curse recipe shortly thereafter for 300p. The last two I have sold were for 170p and 165p.
  • Really, the population is that low and you`re talking about adding more pve to live and about item prices?
    You understand nothing...where is a facepalm pic if needed?
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Really, the population is that low and you`re talking about adding more pve to live and about item prices?
    You understand nothing...where is a facepalm pic if needed?

    ^ ^ This is pretty much what I got out of reading this thread.

    There should be NO pve required. All the items in the game should be free on a merchant with all the BP, CL's, and Pots ready to rock. Free. Do your huge come back to Camelot campaign with F2P added 1-49. If you wanna 50 RvR and enjoy the "free" merchant, you pay monthly.

    The game is done. It cannot be saved at this point. DAoC will die in the next few years. Ywain is what we have left now. They need to trim all the fat and let us enjoy what's left of DAoC unrestricted. Get returning and new players in game and geared quick, and not at the cost of 500p+ per temp (or 1,000,000 BPS). Then everybody can enjoy the RvR until it dies for good.

    If BS does the right stuff ( and quickly )... I think Ywain could see a jump in population. If numbers get anywhere near the current fire bird server...Ywain would be amazing IMO. However... it may be too late already, they should have had something ready to combat fire bird opening a few weeks ago.

    This is just my opinion... i'm sure lots will disagree, but I don't really care either way. I'm going to play the game I love on a server that actually has people on it. Hopefully soon it will be Ywain again. B)
    Post edited by Calconious on
  • Calconious wrote: »

    ^ ^ This is pretty much what I got out of reading this thread.

    There should be NO pve required. All the items in the game should be free on a merchant with all the BP, CL's, and Pots ready to rock. Free. Do your huge come back to Camelot campaign with F2P added 1-49. If you wanna 50 RvR and enjoy the "free" merchant, you pay monthly.

    That is not what i´ve meant.
    There is already enough PvE-content in this game. It just needs some loot-adjustments.
    But tbh, if i want to play a pve centered game with some kind of rvr i would play other titles with better pve.
    And insta-ALL will get you nowhere.

    It`s all about numbers, DAoC is no game for 100 rvr players on each side at primetime where 4/5 of them stick to the zergs ( lol...50 players are a zerg now :D ). If you enjoy that, i don`t. I like the first M in mmorpg.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Really, the population is that low and you`re talking about adding more pve to live and about item prices?
    You understand nothing...where is a facepalm pic if needed?

    "There is already enough PvE-content in this game. It just needs some loot-adjustments."
    At least for me, thats literally what I said...
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Gavner wrote: »

    "There is already enough PvE-content in this game. It just needs some loot-adjustments."
    At least for me, thats literally what I said...

    Same here :)
  • edited February 2019 PM
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    As far as prices go, we have already seen prices drop pretty significantly. When the bp recipes first came out I sold a frozen recipe for 350p. I then sold a curse recipe shortly thereafter for 300p. The last two I have sold were for 170p and 165p.

    Yes, it's a good thing, we want to make sure that keeps going, but with current BP prices its highly unlikely. If many plat hoarders leave the game however, the less Macro groups farming, it might go a bit lower, but for that we also need to increase plats leaving system (travelings, etc..).
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Koe wrote: »

    68k in less than an hour is action, even if you think rps are artificially high.

    and how much of that 68 k was made from actually killing people ? take away the rp from quests, buggane, underpopulated and siege bonus and the rp for actually killing stuff is at an all time low. we get a false sense of action is good due to relatively high rp while the action has never been less.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    The only silver lining I’ve seen is a few coming back onto Live. I’ve helped them out where I can steering them into guilds and the daocutils website. Not playing that much anymore mostly dabbling with the GK quests.

    same here, i actually spend a considerable amount of my time and in-game resources on returning players. and the ever returning comment i get is 'wow, this game is hard to return to because it's almost unrecognisable.' those returning players really need a lot of help from the playerbase to stick around and not quit after a few days or weeks in bewilderment and frustration.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Muylae wrote: »
    and how much of that 68 k was made from actually killing people ? take away the rp from quests, buggane, underpopulated and siege bonus and the rp for actually killing stuff is at an all time low. we get a false sense of action is good due to relatively high rp while the action has never been less.

    20k from the siege quest, zero under population bonus, w/e buggane bonus a 11l9 hero gets.

    There was no siege bonus as the keep hadnt been taken at that time.

    Action is relative. Some ppl need 100 man zergs running round mowing everything over, Others are happy with just groups running around fragging each other.
  • tald wrote: »

    20k from the siege quest, zero under population bonus, w/e buggane bonus a 11l9 hero gets.

    There was no siege bonus as the keep hadnt been taken at that time.

    Action is relative. Some ppl need 100 man zergs running round mowing everything over, Others are happy with just groups running around fragging each other.

    Using that logic, 2 people are enough for the game --- not a good business model

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