Does Broadsword consider dropping traps Scripting/macroing ?



  • edited December 2018 PM
    Just keep banning new accounts

    And it’s not really master trolling, it’s more to do with a company who is too afraid to take action it seems.
    Post edited by BurkleyRIP on
  • He’s got everyone flustered, but on topic. Its not illegal to drop traps been doing it for years, no idea why they would ban for running dual boxed dropping traps. Wonder what they would say if me my woman and my kids ran a trap group. They probably ban us too cause they can’t prove me and my family could all be working together. Smh :#
  • edited December 2018 PM
    Well, as many others have posted, the main difference between Nate and the others that trap is that Nate has been banned for macro/mulit boxing before AND he was doing MANY other things to upset the gm's and forum mods. When you attract that much attention to yourself you can't get mad when you get busted. The other players doing this don't bring attention to themselves. I would think a school administrator would know and understand that.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • edited December 2018 PM
    Snaillyn wrote: »
    Problem is he is paying just like everyone else. Can’t really get rid of someone with money. It’s bad for business. Even if they ban all of his accounts, he will just lvl up another one, and continue to troll everyone. Pretty epic how far all of this has gone. Master Troll NATEBURNER!

    Not a bad business model if they are smart enough. If they continue to sell accounts, then ban his due to his track record and pushing the limits of their rules. Who know's, maybe someone high enough is leveling toons, and waiting on said player being hard-headed enough to keep pushing that line, receiving a ban on that account, then knowing that said player is stubborn enough to keep coming back, sells said player the new account. Brilliant cycle of free market.

    Knowing this person will come back, continue to pay multiple subscriptions, and having enough free flowing cash to continue to purchase higher rr, leveled characters for a pretty substantial amount of cash. Cudos if thats the case.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »

    [edited] ? your upset someone is trollin you on the internet ? you do realise he only pokes you because you keep sayin ow ?

    your a fkin adult, I mean seriously lol ? are you new to the internet ?

    "someone is lauqhin at me on the internet omq omq omq I don't know what to do, I cant handle it omq omq, omq mod please ban them out omq"


    You're welcome to that opinion Hue. Whether its internet or many modern games that adults play there are consequences to trolling or taunting. Pick most any adult sport and there are rules in place for it. Baseball/football/basketball are great examples. These are adult games where you are penalized for taunting. Sure, some people will say that its a grown sport and grown people play it. But in the back someone has created a rule that these adults who continue to taunt people are penalized, fined or banned. You don't have to like it.
    There are several options. Continue to rebel and deal with the results. Choose to leave and take your business with you, or play by the rules.
  • Track record proves that 7K will continue to play with complete disregard to anyone else. He dragged @Jenini guild and everyone that chose to group in Midgard. Now he's back to macro'ing by himself because no one will group with him Albion. Midgard refugee statues again...
  • Sleepwell wrote: »
    [ Pick most any adult sport and there are rules in place for it. Baseball/football/basketball are great examples.

    and if a penalty was thrown and the ref had no reason for why but he docked the team anyway, the entire stadium would riot

    exactly, thanks for explainin what I was tryin in a way I couldn't

    that is what you are missinq, I don't complain when I qet modded for breakinq the rules, I complain when I qet modded for breakin 0 rules and threatened to take perma action by the same volunteer mods that are deletin my threads they don't like and cant qive a reason why because there was no rule broken
  • edited December 2018 PM
    and as far as nate, he ssittin there droppin traps watchin people run into them and die, and if they don't he dies, and yet hes banned, hes not runnin all chars on 1 set of keys, and anyone who has ran into him / died to him knows that

    the unprofessionalism and favoritism displayed is disqustinqly qross

    and that's a fact, just because you don't experience it doesn't mean its not real, I assume you don't believe in qod either because he didn't come visit you in person ? so its not real never happened everyone is a liar ? lol.. come on now, your more intelliqent than that
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • edited December 2018 PM
    But its clear that you arent interpreting the rules like most do. Your interpretation isnt correct. At least not in my opinion. But neither my opinion or yours matters. it is BS's opinion, their gm's. If for instance they view CoC 16 as trying to circumvent language filters by mispelling the most popular 4 letter word (ing) in the english language, then i'd suggest stop trying to circumvent. There has to be misinterpretation, if you believe you're not breaking that rule. Thats what i have to believe anyway. Maybe you are being modded elsewhere by misinterpretation. Hopefully they will be able to answer why you were modded on your other post.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • @Natebruner Play 1 account and just call it done. Unless you farming in pve anything more than 1 is a waste. If you don't wanna farm buy plat like the other 75% of the ingame population.
  • @Huehuaehue the god argument is funny, not sure where you were going with that one
  • edited December 2018 PM
    Natebruner wrote: »
    Each toon drops their own traps by pressing a number on bar or clicking to drop it.

    Is this macroing/scripting ?

    ban ban ban... [edited]
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Snaillyn wrote: »
    He’s got everyone flustered, but on topic. Its not illegal to drop traps been doing it for years, no idea why they would ban for running dual boxed dropping traps. Wonder what they would say if me my woman and my kids ran a trap group. They probably ban us too cause they can’t prove me and my family could all be working together. Smh :#

    I think nate is on the out. They are looking for any reason or excuse no matter how small the infraction to ban his accounts because of the negative impact he's had on the community. You look at all the rules he has broken and some of those rules are broad and are not enforced because BS doesn't want to go down that road. They are going to catch him now on small things to move him along.
  • And rightfully so
  • Snaillyn wrote: »
    He’s got everyone flustered, but on topic. Its not illegal to drop traps been doing it for years, no idea why they would ban for running dual boxed dropping traps. Wonder what they would say if me my woman and my kids ran a trap group. They probably ban us too cause they can’t prove me and my family could all be working together. Smh :#

    I experienced this first hand. I have five kids, at one time (almost a decade ago) they all played. But if they ran a group they would get accused of macroing, and since they are all logged into the internet on the same router it was hard to prove otherwise. Never got banned but the harrassment got to them, they all play eve online now.
  • edited January 2019 PM
    rocketait wrote: »
    @Huehuaehue we understand this is a game (I think perforating someones artery would be very messy/and slightly illegal, and I wound not want to do it out of game). However, "it's just a game" is not an excuse for everything, being rude, personal attacks, breaking rules (rules are what makes it a game, a game with 0 rules is not a game in my opinion), bulling, ext; are not things that acceptable in our current society. Maybe back in 4000bc or something before sociaty realized that acking like wolfs could only progress as far as... well... wolfs could progress.

    Now on topic I would like to know exactly what is allowed. Most of the rules are not 100% clear.

    If I use 8 account on 8 different computers with 8 different keyboards is this allowed.

    Next If I then make a wooden contraption that allows me to press the same key on all keyboards at the same time is the setup still allowed.

    Then instead of a wooden contraption I use phisical kvm switch so that I only need one keyboard and I it just phisicaly duplicates the keyboard to every phisical keyboard (USB is repicated 8 times and devices is phisicaly installed on a USB port on each computer.

    Then what if we just us a kvm over ip to do the key inputs? Or what if we just us VM (virtual machines) for the other 7? What if I use a sever based thin client (Google stream, on-live, Citrix, PlayStation streaming service) to play Daoc on a server.

    The rule just gets supper messing and you have to list everything so in general they give you a rule and you are supposed to understand why they made it (or if your in the USA you get a lawyer and just hold every one up until the public gets anyoed enough to make the law clear or judge feels like they can say it clearly stated your wrong)

    In Daoc the company is judge jury and Congress (but if we don't like there rulings we don't pay them) but from what it seems most people don't seem to mind what the "judge" ruled here on this ambiguous rule.. I guess you could start and poll if you wanted though.

    Like you said, ultimately Broadsword decides how they handle each case. But, the rule isn't difficult to understand. The rules are crafted in a way to strongly hint that one person performing multiple actions in RvR by any method is not allowed. So, all the above examples you cited would be violations of that rule.
    Post edited by Ciddire on
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »

    and if a penalty was thrown and the ref had no reason for why but he docked the team anyway, the entire stadium would riot

    exactly, thanks for explainin what I was tryin in a way I couldn't

    that is what you are missinq, I don't complain when I qet modded for breakinq the rules, I complain when I qet modded for breakin 0 rules and threatened to take perma action by the same volunteer mods that are deletin my threads they don't like and cant qive a reason why because there was no rule broken

    That alone is part of your issue - One of the rules here is literally :

    Refrain from admin or mod bashing. If you have an issue with a moderator or actions a moderator took, please PM an administrator (Broadsword). Discussing moderator actions is not allowed on the public forums. Anyone found to be abusing the complaint system will have action taken against them.

    Creating a thread disputing mod actions is a rule violation. You can't fault them for enforcing their own rules. If you don't like something, PM Broadsword. If they don't agree with you, that's their choice. It's their game and their rules.

    On topic of Nate - Broadsword's rules are loose enough to allow them to take action on any account for any reason that they feel violates their standards. In the case of Nate's antics, I wholeheartedly agree with the most severe punishments on his account, assuming he is indeed the person behind the recent relic dramas. In regards to this trap question, I will agree with what the other posters have said: If you keep poking the bear, it's going to eventually bite back.

  • lots and lots of people run multiple accounts in rvr openly nothing happens, I didn't even know that was against the rules, just not using a out of game program to make them all go with 1 keyboard, which u can tell by his vids nate doesnt
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »
    I don't even know why I bother postin lol

    You aren't the only one son.
    Huehuaehue wrote: »
    which u can tell by his vids nate doesnt

    Why would he post a video that makes him guilty? That makes even less sense that everything else he does or tries to do.

  • have you experienced what he does ? or your just talking about something you know nothing about ?

    you need to look up the word ignorant on or and reevaluate how you post
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »
    lots and lots of people run multiple accounts in rvr openly nothing happens, I didn't even know that was against the rules, just not using a out of game program to make them all go with 1 keyboard, which u can tell by his vids nate doesnt

    Broadsword doesn't disclose when they action an account. So, we have no way of knowing what they do and don't do to other players. I've personally witnessed a CSR blapping a macro group in a BG.

    Nate's that dude who has the 1% off from illegal tinted Windows that provokes the cops constantly and wonders why he always gets pulled over.
  • Ciddire wrote: »
    [Nate's that dude who has the 1% off from illegal tinted Windows that provokes the cops constantly and wonders why he always gets pulled over.

    1% is 1% needa back up off and let a playa live ! lol ;p
  • edited January 2019 PM
    Huehuaehue wrote: »
    have you experienced what he does ? or your just talking about something you know nothing about ?

    you need to look up the word ignorant on or and reevaluate how you post

    Maybe it is not me that need to visit

    You are blindly trying to defend a repeat offender and

    then continuously attack / undermine anyone that makes logical and likely statements.

    The USS B'runner is sinking, are you gonna be the one of the only crew left to go down with the ship whilst the valiant captain sneaks away in the only life raft left. You won't be the first to be hung out to dry and left behind.

    Post edited by tald on
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  • edited January 2019 PM
    tald wrote: »

    Maybe it is not me that need to visit

    You are blindly trying to defend a repeat offender and

    then continuously attack / undermine anyone that makes logical and likely statements.

    The USS B'runner is sinking, are you gonna be the one of the only crew left to go down with the ship whilst the valiant captain sneaks away in the only life raft left. You won't be the first to be hung out to dry and left behind.

    i only sail my own ships @tald , and I tend to not join convos of things ive no idea about, and that's why my ships don't sink, unlike your uninformed rowboat struggling to stay afloat in the powerful waves of ingorance

    ive been in nates grps where he sits there and bombs, ive faught against them, died to them, and watched them die

    where is all these vids of him multiboxing to 1 keyboard ? all he does is play more then 1 char, which tons of people do, macro grps running to poc try to get me everytime, chase me 5 zones, macro fins grps sit there trying to kill me np all day, I have to avoid 3-4 dif people in the alb bg for grp invites cuz twhen im like why is so and so not doing anything ? they like oh those are my alts I carry along each night

    as you can see 1 person dies to the bomb, then as nate fights the other stealther, not 1 of the chars is also trying to cast spells or melee as he pushes the keys of the char hes on, clearly not macroing^^ lol

    the whole point is he gets banned for stuff everyone else gets away with everyday, and I just feel the need to stick up for someone being treated unfairly is all I suppose ;\

    and hes not the only one who has rules applied to him others break freely on a daily, just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean its not real

    but please stop speak uninformed in convo's you've no first had experience on, it just makes everyone who posts here as a whole look very unintelligent ;\
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • @Carol_Broadsword

    Please close. This is a personal issue between Broadsword and nate. Other posts with actual meaning have been closed way to early and this garbage is still going.
This discussion has been closed.