People fighting from out of bounds
I understand sometimes people get zeffered out of the playable area of the map (or under stuff), but arnt they required to make an effort to re-enter the map? we had a group of 3 (Swootspeed, drizztelflord, pxg) who we fought at alb bypass (banana, by alb mile), we killed 2 and one got zeffed up the wall and he ran away (ok np it happens). but then he healed up ran around for a 5-6 min up there so we steathed up and surrounded the hill so we could get him when he came down. however, we noticed that he was rezing his teammates and brought them out of bounds, they then all buffed up and hung out up there for another 15ish minutes until an alb 3 man hit a hib 3-4 man and they jumped down adding and killing everyone.
Does this see like something groups should be doing? a few days ago I had a group of mid hunters that were out of bounds killing people at alb safe port, I reported them but didnt know exactly what you would call this. I feel its exploiting (similar to if i lag jumped up there and used it to my advantage but i just thought i would try to bring some light to the type of behavior we have been having lately late at night).
uploaded a pic so people could see where they were (red circles show there they are and their names after examining them)
Does this see like something groups should be doing? a few days ago I had a group of mid hunters that were out of bounds killing people at alb safe port, I reported them but didnt know exactly what you would call this. I feel its exploiting (similar to if i lag jumped up there and used it to my advantage but i just thought i would try to bring some light to the type of behavior we have been having lately late at night).

uploaded a pic so people could see where they were (red circles show there they are and their names after examining them)
- Exploiting?15 votes
- Yes86.67%
- No, they came down after 20 min13.33%
Post edited by rocketait on
but you ran down rather quickly right? didn't stay up there attacking people (not that you probably had many range attacks)? I under stand its easy to get zeffed up there but we are suppose to re-enter the playable area not rez our group right?
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My emotions dictate the same response. However, them remaining up there and further using it to their advantage is exploiting. But given the nature of the exploit I wouldn't expect them to be actioned unless they repeatedly engage in this type of exploit.
Teehehe Shadowblade The Adventures to RR10
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That's why I said repeatedly engaged. Nate's history of breaking the rules even after having his accounts unbanned from the first large stretch forfeit any expectation of leniency in my opinion.
Including albs?
you can stop gagging on him now..
sorry if i believe in equality when there is plenty of other trash that runs rampant.
Teehehe Shadowblade The Adventures to RR10
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One for a game braking bug (zef didn't work right, lol does it ever).
And one for a group exploiting the above bug.
It's sad though that the game has so many well known bugs that I didn't even think to be upset about them not being fixed. The fact that I was pissed at people exploring a bug more the the company not fixing it says something, and might explain why bs never seems to do anything about people publicly useing exploits.
I really don't know how I feel about this though.
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