are rp gains over the top atm (largely due to the daily quests) ?
the amount of people dinging rr 12 atm is insane.
i used to be happy when i made over 10k an hour.
now i'm happy when i make over 50 k an hour.
rr12 is the new rr 5.
by the time the free accounts come into play and you won't have a rr 12, you'll have to be a very casual player.
those free account players with huge restrictions in RR and gear will just be canon fodder for legions of rr 12+ players in godmode templates. how long will those players stick around ? when they are just lambs to the slaughter ?
i used to be happy when i made over 10k an hour.
now i'm happy when i make over 50 k an hour.
rr12 is the new rr 5.
by the time the free accounts come into play and you won't have a rr 12, you'll have to be a very casual player.
those free account players with huge restrictions in RR and gear will just be canon fodder for legions of rr 12+ players in godmode templates. how long will those players stick around ? when they are just lambs to the slaughter ?
Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
higher realm rank doesn't mean you will slaughter lower realm ranks - just means you've put in the time on those characters. last night 4 of my 5 solo kills were RR12+ including 1 RR13. Yralic, Rainantt, Mysterie and Elykam.
Sure you might not consider them or me great players, but its a perfect scenerio of RR12's not being something to fear.
Also, as the game has evolved, Mythic and BS have introduced many other ways to gain RPS, which invites different types of play-styles (solo, group, zerg, keep defense etc), all of which have come about as the game has matured and they look to retain players over other threats (games, real life, work etc)
This is a screenshot from 2002 showing the TOP 25 RP earners on Percival in the past 7 days
This is from today from Excidio.
Notice that the highest earner from 2002 (136k), has 15% of the RPs of the lowest from 2018 (909k) for the same period (7 days). Back in 2002 we didn't have daily / weekly RP quests, RP rewards, keep and holiday bonuses, RP templates / items and charges. We didn't get 4k for killing a solo (you might get 6-700) and we didn't have buggane and battlefield pots to help bump up the numbers.
It took Echoic 12 months to become the first rr10 on any server (which included the level 50 grind). It now takes's less than 2 months. Things change. Personally, I prefer being able to get RR5 in a weekend. It feels right in an age of instant gratification (no, i'm not a millennial), and allows me and others to play a lot of different toon's to a higher rank, and make an impact quicker, especially when playing against established players who are already RR11+.
To be frank, I might have had 60+ hours a week to sink into DAOC back in 2001-2005, but I and many others do not now. We have families, jobs, kids and other commitments. Being able to get x10 more RP in x10 less time is a sign of the times and one that we shouldn't necessarily complain about.
When you take the reward out of it, the grind to get rp and progress becomes less and less interesting, as does the attention of the player.
I’ve had a month back on DAoC and now my subs are down again for the next few months as my interest has already gone. There’s no real progression to hold my interest.
I'd go with the 80/20 rule. It takes 20% of the time to learn 80% of the classes capabilities, just as it takes the remaining 80% of the time to get a complete handle on the final 20%, before you can be considered an expert. This generally takes time, as you often need ranks to be able to afford the levels of RA to fully exploit a classes abilities.
People who flit between many classes / specs often become better overall players, because they are able to transfer their knowledge, skills and experience between classes of a similar archetype. They also have the benefit of being 80% good at 10-20 different types of character, than maybe 100% expert at 2-3. I'd take an generalist with experience across a broad set of classes, over a specialist with experience in just a couple. The upward trend of RP and the value we place on this helps to get these players some ranks, so they can at least be semi-competitive.
There are more ppl that cares and say * DAoC on live has nothing to do with DAoC in it`s glory days* as you might think. The population is down for a reason, and the number of ppl that are interesed in DAoC is high enough to fill a 3k server. You might not care, others do.
Are you actually saying that the reason people left the live server for a freeshard was because RP's were too easy to get here? Sorry, but I call 100% bulls&*t on that. People leave for all kinds of reasons ($, upset about particular changes to classes, not liking the direction of the server, being upset at GM's, nostalgia and wanting to play in an older patch setting, etc..), but I seriously doubt that anyone left because gaining RR's is too easy. Hell, I know several people that left that main freeshard and guess what they all said the reason was? Too long to level and gain RR's. Fill a 3k server?! Yah, for about a month or two until everyone realized it sucked. Whats that sever sitting at now? Like 250 during American Prime time? Maybe 500 during Euro prime time? They also have about 10 people that RvR and the rest just BG twink. Thanks but no thanks. I played there for 4+ years before coming back to live and live is WAY better. Basically everything on that server took too long to achieve, and you are talking to a player who loves the grind. I personally feel that live has hit a perfect sweet spot, at least in terms of getting to 50 and gaining RR's.
I ask again, why do you or anyone care if it's easier to gain RR's and levels on live than when it first started? How is that a bad thing? If you want to make it more difficult on yourself than push to RR13. That still takes a long time to do. Its like people that complain about how you don't have to do ML raids or farm for artifacts anymore. Feel free to do that stuff if you want, but 98% of players don't want to waste time with stupid time sinks.
Honestly, what this sounds like is that some people are upset that RR12 doesn't mean what it used to. Who cares? I can tell you right now that as a player who came back almost 2 years ago that if I had to farm my RR's like I did when played from classic through Catacombs that I wouldn't have came back. It would have taken me YEARS of playing at a moderate level to even come close to get to a RR to be able to compete. Making it easier to get to a higher RR makes it easier for returning players to come back. Its not a deterrent, its a benefit. A benefit that a very tiny of minority wants so they can brag about how they have a RR12 and others don't.
They left for several reasons, that all goes way to fast on Ywain was just one of the reasons.
The 3k era was for 6 month, and what they have know is a direct result if a developer f*cks it up.
Btw, i wouldn`t be playing on Ywain without playing there before. They brought me back to DAoC...not Broadsword.
That would leave everyone that had the bonus at rr12+ and then everyone else stuck never getting to that level.
Talk about a game killer, try this and the game is over.
Think before you speak.
Unless that is your goal. You are rr12 and want to forever outrank everyone.
Remove these quests and the casual gamer will not feel like they are progressing at all towards the higher ranks.
It was high rank back then but thats just nostalgica .
Whyane nailed it.
What we need right now is to have progression for todays playerbase to keep them playing.
And as Tald pointed out, most of the RR12 have the skill of RR6 so no issue killing them.
I know some rr12 sav that dont know how to /face to get a one-shot kill off casters strafing thru them
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Perhaps some quests should no longer be available above a certain RR. I don't know if they still exist but in the past we saw tiered RP rewards for quests. Perhaps the next step should be quests available to certain RR's to help casual and low RR characters bridge the gap between higher RR characters.
High RR chars are punished enough
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Making things easier and faster is a good thing. If you don't like it then don't get the tasks and don't get bugganes. Problem solved. Don't try to ruin it for the 95% of the population who enjoys it as it is.
I do think a progression server like Path of Exile with seasons would be awesome, but it is likely never happening due to the age of the game and the amount of resources it would take to make it happen.
As someone who is 395k rps away from rr12, I 100% endorse this entire post. (I also agree with everything you said regardless @RonELuvv)
When most ppl in rvr was lv 45-49 a level 50 rr6 was considered high
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Noobs, I ran a level 20 minstril on dial up connection (think almost everyone was dial up) through OF in a guild group back in the day
Making things easier and faster is a good thing. If you don`t like it then don`t get tasks and don`t get buggane.
May i add the 3rd option that tons of ppl followed? - Don`t play at all.
Not all ppl like the idea of a mmo where you can reach max level in 10h played.
When it’s often 20-30 mins between a fight, a player will feel they need to be adequately rewarded for it, the old RvR system doesn’t provide that.
@Letum_Bleed summed it up. You can't go back now. You have rr12/13/ all over the place. A majority of players roll alts to break monotony. If you want to roll it back to the "good ol' days" then you're asking people who are starting newer characters to compete with that? Take it a step further. A brand new player who is trying the game like day one. How long would it take for that player to reach rr6, 7, 8....Theyre not gonna hang around for that. Today's gaming style has changed. Instant gratification is the norm. They adjusted for that here. They are trying to hang on to the majority of the active player base by making it easier to level alts and get them to a decent rr (sliding scale with bugg is a great example). This also allows brand new out of the box players to reach a competent rr in a fair amount of time... not the 4 years it used to take you to get to rr12. Rolling back would be a slippery slope too... where do you stop? Just rp gain? What about no gain during death?, which would include no quest credit because you're dead. That would be the suck. Of course if we're talking old school, then no kill quest so i guess it wouldnt matter.
No matter the solution, its gonna affect everyone. As we've seen if you pacify 50% of the population with a change, you're gonna piss of the other 50% who didnt want the change. I dont envy BS or any other mmo lead for that matter.
I know that we can`t go back, not here.
But you have to keep an eye on this system if you wanna go f2p.
If you`re a brand new or a a returning after 10y player, do you really think this is going to be fun?
Cmon, from a neutral view, not from a daoc enthusiasts view....
I know i`ll get a ton of rp`s farming all this (if i still play once f2p hits the road) ppl in kings gear, trying to get some rubble, boxes and barrels. But fun? Fun is something different....
But I guess that is my point. If a person truly wants the grind, whether its in PvE and getting to 50 or working on climbing the RR's, they don't have to take advantage of the faster system. If a player wanted to they could avoid doing BG's for leveling, they could form/do ML raids and farm items naturally, they could go out in RvR and not get bugganes or kill tasks and they would get their wish. It's up to the player to choose, and as you see the vast majority of players choose to go with the faster route rather than the grinding route.
I still remember a person in region about a year ago complaining about how not doing ML raids and grinding levels had killed the social aspect of DAoC and they needed to revert back to a grind. Everyone in region said the same thing.... If you want to grind then do it as the option still exists, but don't complain because nobody else wants to grind with you. Same applies here.
For the few players that it would bring back by making it more akin to what it was back in the "classic" days, it would surely upset MANY more players who now would have to play much longer to achieve the same results.
Propose a solution then? You'll get disagreement. Some will chastise you, but some may agree with you. Its like politics. A blanket statement is easily agreed upon "this isn't gonna work". Most of us agree that f2p as i stands won't do much, won't last long etc. Give some ideas. Brainstorm. What do you suggest?, but take the criticism to any suggestions you make at face value. Most people on this forum arent gonna slam you or your ideas (some may, but lately they've been mod'd pretty well).
I would setup a new server with f2p, where returning/new players can stay or transfer to Ywain later, their choice.
There is no real grind anymore in DAoC, even if you level with quests it will take 12-15 h max. The social aspect in pve is gone, and it isn`t going to come back. But the PvE (and casual RvR) players in DAoC were always way more than the only-RvR players. Thats the part of the playerbase we lost, and they won`t come back with f2p, not with a shard that is providing what they`re looking for... pve and sometimes rvr.
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"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
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