cancelled subs x2

all the ST's are beyond stupid. no point playing a tank.


  • i don't think rm's or tics needed ST, i think an alb class needed to lose an ST.

    agree with clumsy.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Mine ends on the 29th. BS was very poor in adding this patch. heretics are now out of control everywhere.
  • There's always an uptick in pop right after a buff. You'll learn how to live with AOE Stun.
    Minstrel. Thane, Druid
    Heretic, BD, Animist
  • broke the game in one shitty patch GG
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Interesting choice of words...uptic.... Exactly. Still same amount of thane's, RMS, warlocks, savages... But the almighty tic is out in retarded levels... Wonder why that is? Maybe cause BS made a horrible choice with this patch..... [removed - statements like this are false]
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Same thing happened when necros went gawd mode
  • edited November 2018 PM
    + 1 ends on 2nd
    Post edited by Kairen on
  • Broadsword was going to make the right decision this patch and give the static tempest to minstrels. Then everyone had to start whining so they changed the plan. Be careful what you wish for.
  • Tanky wrote: »
    Interesting choice of words...uptic.... Exactly. Still same amount of thane's, RMS, warlocks, savages... But the almighty tic is out in retarded levels... Wonder why that is? Maybe cause BS made a horrible choice with this patch..... But they don't care if half of mid or hib quits since they apparently favor Alb

    I guess they're just happy to be more balanced in RvR, classwise, with the other realms!
    Minstrel. Thane, Druid
    Heretic, BD, Animist
  • Well no one is complaining about speed warps anymore. No reason to even drop one. So much crowd control tonight I couldn’t even get charge to work. Everyone is saying just play a class with a ST. Yeah that is not the answer it is game of maneuvers and abilities not a game of cast some many Static Tempest no one can do anything. The ST should have gone to a low populated played class to get that class back into the game not the favorite over populated class.
  • They should just not have given anyone another st, it was completely unnecessary. Add to that the extra duration on tic snare and added survivability for them, it’s just dumb
  • IMO Tics would be a great class even if they just stuck with the first few buffs only (tick rate on ramp DDs). Also give back Monster Rez pls.

    But a few Hib/Mids could see some recent buffs toned down.
    Minstrel. Thane, Druid
    Heretic, BD, Animist
  • Tanky wrote: »
    Interesting choice of words...uptic.... Exactly. Still same amount of thane's, RMS, warlocks, savages... But the almighty tic is out in retarded levels... Wonder why that is? Maybe cause BS made a horrible choice with this patch..... But they don't care if half of mid or hib quits since they apparently favor Alb

    what saveges in the BG ? i still have to see one savage climb a wall in a BG

    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Dunestan wrote: »
    Broadsword was going to make the right decision this patch and give the static tempest to minstrels. Then everyone had to start whining so they changed the plan. Be careful what you wish for.

    If you thought giving minstrels ST was balanced then /facepalm @ you.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Lotta hateraid up in hurr
  • Quick someone rp pl me and paint me green, position open!!!
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Nightmare wrote: »

    Patch inc soon try me :)
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Dunestan wrote: »
    Broadsword was going to make the right decision this patch and give the static tempest to minstrels. Then everyone had to start whining so they changed the plan. Be careful what you wish for.

    To be fair , most felt that removing one from Hibb was the better choice --- just too much CC period. There wasn't a good choice

  • While the new patch gets sorted out I do have visions of Runemasters and Heretics facing off with an empty plain between them with tumble weeds blowing by while each side dares the other to drop theirs first.

    For a static tempest, you can wait it out; run around it; what else ? To counter it would you try to get the other side to drop theirs and then charge in ?
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • Xyorman wrote: »

    To be fair , most felt that removing one from Hibb was the better choice --- just too much CC period. There wasn't a good choice

    I haven't been playing in a few months, is Hib now preforming at a level that would warrant the removal of ST from one of its classes or is the argument purely that it shouldn't have more than one class with ST regardless of how it is currently preforming?

  • edited November 2018 PM
    Ugh, here we go again. People asked for more classes with ST on Albion. Then the mids jumped and asked for the same. BS actually listened and delivered. Now everyone is pissed. "But why doesn't BS listen!?" They did. Don't put this on them. There were a very few minority of players who did advocate for removal of ST so each realm only had 1 character, but the vast majority of Mids and Albs wanted a second ST class. You made your bed, now deal with it....
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • JakJak
    edited November 2018 PM
    Won't let me quote on phone.../sigh

    Exactly how are you running around the st? Yes, it takes several secs before it kicks in, allowing you to get out of it. But when you have 10 sts dropped (and no, this is not an exaggeration), there is no place to run.

    Drop the sts already. Just take them right out of the game. Or drop it back to one each realm. With regards to hib, because they are mythical beings that rarely venture out during the times we play, it is hard to give actual feedback (on my perspective only) on whether it should be removed from them.
    Post edited by Jak on
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    Ugh, here we go again. People asked for more classes with ST on Albion. Then the mids jumped and asked for the same. BS actually listened and delivered. Now everyone is pissed. "But why doesn't BS listen!?" They did. Don't put this on them. There were a very few minority of players who did advocate for removal of ST so each realm only had 1 character, but the vast majority of Mids and Albs wanted a second ST class. You made your bed, now deal with it....

    think you need to go back and re-read; most wanted it equal, so if more to Allb then equate on mid, but preferred the removal of one on Hibb.....the belief that there is too much CC in game has been around forever, adding more is never good....didn't make our bed, it was thrust upon us

  • It’s like a parent, kids will ask for outrageous stuff, they should know their game well enough to know what is gonna make it completely out of balance. I can ask for a 500 delve 750 radius ae stun and dd combo, doesn’t mean they should give it to me.

    The patch, for as long as it took to go live, is completely awful with stability problems, fundamental things like auto split and defense bonus stuff being jacked up and balance completely thrown off.
  • JakJak
    edited November 2018 PM
    And like a good parent, you do the right thing. Not give into children having a hissy fit for what they want. Sorry, re-read what you wrote and actually comprehended it. You would hope they would know their own game, but it makes you wonder.

    It is to easy to place blame on your community when certain view points are listened too and the vast majority of rationale ideas are glossed over.
    Post edited by Jak on
  • edited November 2018 PM
    OH.....MY......GOD..... @BurkleyRIP and @Xyorman. I read and post on these forums every single day, as well as postcount. A FEW players asked for removal. The VAST majority of Alb amd Mid players asked for a second ST class. Saying differently is a flat out lie @Xyorman. Sorry @BurkleyRIP, but we can't have post after post after post of people complaining that BS doesn't listen to the community and then complain when they do. Almost every single change in 1.125 is in direct response to many community members direct requests. We can't have it both ways.

    Now I do agree that alot of the messed up stuff in your second paragraph sucks, but that is typical after a patch. Getting mad at BS for listening to us is not right.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • I read them every day too as long as I can sift through the spamming of garbage. A majority of in the people don’t even post here, but rightfully so, they have the final say so. They should not give in to the loudest whiner, like politicians seem to do. It’s their game and it should take into consideration the complaints and requests, but let’s be honest, nothing put on the heretic or involving ST’s should have made it to live.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    OH.....MY......GOD..... @BurkleyRIP and @Xyorman. I read and post on these forums every single day, as well as postcount. A FEW players asked for removal. The VAST majority of Alb amd Mid players asked for a second ST class. Saying differently is a flat out lie @Xyorman. Sorry @BurkleyRIP, but we can't have post after post after post of people complaining that BS doesn't listen to the community and then complain when they do. Almost every single change in 1.125 is in direct response to many community members direct requests. We can't have it both ways.

    Now I do agree that alot of the messed up stuff in your second paragraph sucks, but that is typical after a patch. Getting mad at BS for listening to us is not right.

    Careful with the lie silliness -- it's unwarranted and just dumb. When presented with an apparent decision to grant a second ST to a realm, people will always say give it <also> to the realm shorted ---- that doesn't mean that most still think there is too much CC, and it doesn't mean that there was ever any rational discussions with people in re: ST's with the population -- a recurring theme
    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • edited November 2018 PM
    So as I have said numerous times here @Xyorman, who do you listen to if you are BS?! If 30 people are asking for ST on a second class on Mid and Alb, and 4 people are asking for removal from 1 class on Hib, who do you listen to? Most would agre that you listen to the bigger crowd. I will agree with @BurkleyRIP relating this to kids and parents but then we can't get mad and say BS doesn't listen.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • Xyorman wrote: »

    think you need to go back and re-read; most wanted it equal, so if more to Allb then equate on mid, but preferred the removal of one on Hibb.....the belief that there is too much CC in game has been around forever, adding more is never good....didn't make our bed, it was thrust upon us

    Funny to hear from someone who plays a class that has every form of CC basically in the game complain about CC. Albs received ST on Minis and the cry was "to powerful" it got moved to the tic and the cry was "we need equality" Mids received a second ST and now the cry is Tics are too powerful, remove ST from one class on every realm. Heaven forbid our enemies can complete.
  • Vixan wrote: »

    Funny to hear from someone who plays a class that has every form of CC basically in the game complain about CC. Albs received ST on Minis and the cry was "to powerful" it got moved to the tic and the cry was "we need equality" Mids received a second ST and now the cry is Tics are too powerful, remove ST from one class on every realm. Heaven forbid our enemies can complete.

    LOL, A) I don't have every form, B), I do no damage, C) Me and many, over 17 years, have been concerned about the increasing amount of CC --- sorry to burst your bubble, but when you continually increase count and amount the logarithmic progression becomes untenable.

    As to who BS should listen to Ron E; as I have said numerous times, I would like to know to whom they do listen and what the logic train is .... bad decisions happen, but they can be changed. They have Knights who are advisors, who seem as surprised by things as the rest of us.

  • Actually. People cried it was dumb for a tic also but then we got the whining about how there are so many thanes and albs st class heals and can’t drop st’s without dying. Now we have another alb healer class with it. Notice no one whines about it then? Because some saw how stupid tic changes would be combined with giving them an ST on top of it
  • Still can't quote.

    You can't compete? Lol just wow.

    St immobilizes you, there is no counter. Mezz has a counter as does stun and root. Positioning is a huge factor in the above as well. There is none of that in an st (as in multiple sts being dropped)

    To hand out sts, that have been said since the get go that they are too powerful, is asinine.

    It was stated that it would be too much on a tic given the buffs they have received.

    If we all keep crying about x,y and z, there is not going to be a game left.

    I want a healthy game. Period. That is not being acheived when people are logging in disgust because they are imoblized for an entire fight and can't counter it.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Add to it, they drop an st and snare you permanently inside of it. You are locked down for the entire duration, plus the extra 8 seconds or whatever they extended the snare duration to. So st5 = 35 seconds, stack them it’s even longer and another 8-10 seconds of being snared so even in between the st ticks you aren’t going anywhere

    Runie can donsimilar now as well but much lower survivanility and they are interrupted much easier than a tic
    Post edited by BurkleyRIP on
  • Champ / Thane / Paladin. This continues to be my suggestion. Regarding Hib performance, the population just isn't there to see whether or not two ST classes are necessary. This change primarily affects RvR (large scale fights). I suspect if Hibs were running a BG during US prime consistently with Mid/Alb BG numbers before Patch 1.125, it would have been obvious that two ST classes is too many.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • I agree one class having st seems fine, it wasnt until maulers came out that two twf existed and twf is on par situationally with st, id argue st is much stronger

    Put st ln one class, its kinda useless in 8 man and far too strong in zerg, i dint care too much as i dont zerg often but it does seem to have been a badly thought out change with the other boosts for tic too
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)
  • My feeling about static tempest is that it is only needed to get into a heavily defended Lord room. The aoe is them is just too much, otherwise. That said, if, and I mean this, if people would take time to destroy inner keeps with siege the resulting damages to those defenders could negate a need for any ST's. Remove Static tempest altogether. it is overpowered in RVR.
    That alone might prompt me to resub to play my Hero just for its siege abilities. I'd like to add sacrificing anything on it to climb walls would have been unacceptable at the time it was implemented.
  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    Actually. People cried it was dumb for a tic also but then we got the whining about how there are so many thanes and albs st class heals and can’t drop st’s without dying. Now we have another alb healer class with it. Notice no one whines about it then? Because some saw how stupid tic changes would be combined with giving them an ST on top of it

    Friar is an alb group is a primary healer. If your friar moves to drop and ST you lose 1/2 of your heals during that period. Heretics are secondary heals, so ST makes more sense on them (than on friars), if a heretic moves to drop an ST you lose DPS, not heals. Tics should not be healing as their primary role, if they are, your group setup is bad.

    Albion will see a huge increase in ANY non-healing class given ST. Even if ST were move from Friars to Paladins, there would now be a ton of Paladins running around. Why people aren't playing RMs on Mid, I'm not sure; maybe those QQing should level one and try it out.

    It's the first time on Albion we can actually plan around using ST in a way that doesn't threaten to wipe a group, so its going to be popular no matter where its placed. Whatever class gets it, Albion will play, a lot.. at least initially because its new to us.

    To everyone who cant adapt their play style or stand the idea that we now have a competitive ST and would rather quit the game, goodbye. You won't be missed, and your QQing certainly won't be missed.

    Albs beat mids pre 1.125 - "Albs had 4x our numbers"
    Albs beat mids post 1.125 - "Albs have too many STs"
    Albs beat mids, anytime "QQ QQ QQ"

    Get over it
  • No thanks. I will not get over it until it is brought back to reality.
  • Ewer wrote: »

    Friar is an alb group is a primary healer. If your friar moves to drop and ST you lose 1/2 of your heals during that period. Heretics are secondary heals, so ST makes more sense on them (than on friars), if a heretic moves to drop an ST you lose DPS, not heals. Tics should not be healing as their primary role, if they are, your group setup is bad.

    Albion will see a huge increase in ANY non-healing class given ST. Even if ST were move from Friars to Paladins, there would now be a ton of Paladins running around. Why people aren't playing RMs on Mid, I'm not sure; maybe those QQing should level one and try it out.

    It's the first time on Albion we can actually plan around using ST in a way that doesn't threaten to wipe a group, so its going to be popular no matter where its placed. Whatever class gets it, Albion will play, a lot.. at least initially because its new to us.

    To everyone who cant adapt their play style or stand the idea that we now have a competitive ST and would rather quit the game, goodbye. You won't be missed, and your QQing certainly won't be missed.

    Albs beat mids pre 1.125 - "Albs had 4x our numbers"
    Albs beat mids post 1.125 - "Albs have too many STs"
    Albs beat mids, anytime "QQ QQ QQ"

    Get over it

    I'd rather fight 20+ Paladins than 20+ Hererics. On a side note, does Amnesia still cancel Tic pulses? I don't think anyone tried last night.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • I would assume it would cancel the current pulse at least. Although it isn’t melee so who knows. Too bad mids don’t have a focus ae nearsighted like bains do. Only counter I can think of
  • No it doesn't stop it
  • @Natebruner and the alb nation killed clumsy and he quit ? lol
  • Ewer wrote: »

    Friar is an alb group is a primary healer. If your friar moves to drop and ST you lose 1/2 of your heals during that period. Heretics are secondary heals, so ST makes more sense on them (than on friars), if a heretic moves to drop an ST you lose DPS, not heals. Tics should not be healing as their primary role, if they are, your group setup is bad.

    It's the first time on Albion we can actually plan around using ST in a way that doesn't threaten to wipe a group, so its going to be popular no matter where its placed. Whatever class gets it, Albion will play, a lot.. at least initially because its new to us.

    To everyone who cant adapt their play style or stand the idea that we now have a competitive ST and would rather quit the game, goodbye. You won't be missed, and your QQing certainly won't be missed.

    Get over it

    Agreed. I love ST on my friar, but the Heretic having ST has been a refresh and a blast to play again. I have not touched the heretic prior to this patch. No reason to not think differently with the RM or any other classes that can be better utilized.

    It seems Broadsword is trying to listen to feedback yet they get railed no matter what they do even when they listen to said feedback. Realms never have been and never will be equal in abilities. In a game that is 17 yrs old, perhaps the player base should be adapting more to what each class has to offer to counter.

    To those that are leaving the game in protest, sorry to see you go.
  • JakJak
    edited November 2018 PM
    You have a lot of issues if your number 1 warrior and one of the top 5 players ups and leaves.

    Wait i just realized someone is whining about friars being the main healer and having to drop st. Wth, why is the friar your main healer? That is silly. To whine that your healer has to stop healing to drop st...wth do you think healers have been doing all this time?

    To say that alb is not competitve before the st change...oh please. You are really standing on that? Albs have some wonderful utilities on a lot of classes, to say that the st is going to make or break things is just...well, i have to polite.

    Please tell me in your great wisdom here how exactly to get around 15 sts being dropped in open field or at a choke point? You can't cure , demezz, clear ns, deroot etc.

    The answer is to wait it out till the novelty wears of...sounds advice.

    If he is having trouble getting through the lines, there is a slight bit of a problem there.

    Yes, dust off your tics have fun dropping 15 sts in a fight all together. Soon, you will not have any one left to drop them except mobs.

    If im not mistaken. Albs whined and left the game in protest...why ok for Albs, but if Mids do the same it is not?
    Post edited by Jak on
  • Xyorman wrote: »

    LOL, A) I don't have every form, B), I do no damage, C) Me and many, over 17 years, have been concerned about the increasing amount of CC --- sorry to burst your bubble, but when you continually increase count and amount the logarithmic progression becomes untenable.

    As to who BS should listen to Ron E; as I have said numerous times, I would like to know to whom they do listen and what the logic train is .... bad decisions happen, but they can be changed. They have Knights who are advisors, who seem as surprised by things as the rest of us.

    Didn't say you had every form but depending on the spec of your class it has every form available to it. As to doing no damage that is the trade off for playing that class. And you are not bursting my bubble, I was in favor of removing ST from the Friar and moving it to another class. leaving it 2 hib one alb one mid class that had it available. But as it played out now every realm has two classes with ST.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Look at what you wrote, Vix, as you said every form, and regardless, healers don't -- but no one does -- it isn't the point now or then; it's about too many ST's and what the cause...moving may have been fine but that would be a longer discussion <but certainly a better diea then what we have>
    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    Look at what you wrote, Vix, as you said every form, and regardless, healers don't -- but no one does -- it isn't the point now or then; it's about too many ST's and what the cause...moving may have been fine but that would be a longer discussion <but certainly a better diea then what we have>

    Exactly the point, it would have been better on a light tank such as a Pally, rather then mini or tic. And please for my education, excluding RAs Healers get root mez and stun, what form are they missing? Hence the "every form basically".

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