Hibernia Curse 1-8 7PM CET (Berlin time)

How to start the Campaign?
1. Speak to Supreme Eldritch Cystilla in Tir Na Nog near the Catacombs Entrance
2. You'll have a quest called [Curse] A Glimmers Hope
3. Check Journal and speak to all NPC's mentioned in the Quest (Curse) A Glimmer Hope.
4. Check Journal again and it should tell you to investigate the Dark elf in Sheeroe hills / Defeat the Dark Elf... Either of these quests are fine.
5. Port to Connla and grab a ticket from the Stables Master to Innis Carthaig
6. Wait there till BG has all arrived.
1. Speak to Supreme Eldritch Cystilla in Tir Na Nog near the Catacombs Entrance
2. You'll have a quest called [Curse] A Glimmers Hope
3. Check Journal and speak to all NPC's mentioned in the Quest (Curse) A Glimmer Hope.
4. Check Journal again and it should tell you to investigate the Dark elf in Sheeroe hills / Defeat the Dark Elf... Either of these quests are fine.
5. Port to Connla and grab a ticket from the Stables Master to Innis Carthaig
6. Wait there till BG has all arrived.