Realm Loyalty Suggestion
We've all suggested bonuses and realm timers, and BS said it was No Bueno. But what if we charge two different subscription fees? One fee is $9.99 and you are locked into playing one realm only and as an incentive you also get 25% bonus to realm points and maybe 100 mithril per month as a gift. Then for 14.99 per month you can to play any realm you want but you don't get any bonus at all.
- Would you play one realm if you were rewarded with a lower subscription fee?12 votes
- Yes58.33%
- No41.67%
Maybe if they could use some of the same coding as the free levels, and make it chck sum if the account has logged into another realm in the last week and then any char on that realm on that account can visit the mithril merch and get a free pot equal to the Aurulite pots? Account bound? Or its avail to the account, but only purchasable by 1 char and then non tradable? <shurg> just an idea to elaborate with..
Also, it would be nice, at this stage in the games life, to see more thing account bound than char bound. 16 years for loyal subs, I think hero is the only person that doesn't play alt's. I know of 10 people that have multiple R11+'s and several with multiple R12's. Would be nice to see something that I could work towards when my char's have that rank...
I'm negative on Fridays, and positive on monday's, trying to legitimatly be helpful.
Consider: /title
Really? Wow! What a return on my investment!