Return Resource Crates
Just tossing out the idea of bringing back the resource crates that used to be along each Realm's Coastal Keeps. My thought was that they could be brought back but scattered across EV instead. The way to turn in the new EV keys you would receive would be either at the three EV Towers or in the back room of Knoc Meayll when your own realm owns it. Curious on everyone's thoughts of the old resource crates and if anyone would want them back in game.
I go to the maze a lot now on my wizard to try to get my 1 solo kill for quest there a day to try to avoid getting line of sighted to hell at the solo spots, but I like NEVER EVER see anyone there, giving people a reason again to be out in that area would be nice
How do you stop the afk farming @beibhinn
It would be nice to see plants and ore somewhere else - the benefits in those little dens of iniquity is a bit over the top.
At first no one used them at all but now after solo quest and the new solo buggane Obby there’s a reason to at least walk there.