Dark Age of Camelot - Reforged in Unreal Engine 5

edited July 2024 in General Board
I just found a video of a fan project remastering DAoC with the Unreal Engine 5.

Dark Age of Camelot [Reforged] in UE5



YouTube Videos here:
Video 1: Dark Age of Camelot in UE5

Video 2: Muspelheim in UE5

Video 3: Myrkwood Forest in UE5

He/She also implemented new animations to the character and character models as well.

I mean, i am not wasting my time asking for a sequel.. but could this actually be a thing please?
I mean it even looks like a new modern game. Dark Age of Camelot Reforged, yes? ;)
And yes, hire this guy :smiley:

That would be amazing. :wink:

Don't know how you guys think about this.
Greetings :smile:

  1. Would you like to have a reforged version of Dark Age of Camelot?6 votes
    1. Yes, totally!
    2. Nah, it's fine as it is.
Post edited by Bothka on


  • edited July 2024 PM
    It's very good looking, and quite impressive - but my immediate concern drifts to performance and logistics. Once you start rendering every blade of grass, how is that going to impact gameplay in fights with 50 people? How will pet pathing respond? What sort of minimum system requirements are we looking at now? What's the budget we're looking at to refurbish the entire game engine at this scale? I assume this would mandate a complete re-do of all models and texture skins? Do you need to re-bake the game's entire walk-mesh?

    I love the notion of a "modern era" DAoC rebuild. It would be nice to actually push the very expensive gaming rig I built. (DAoC runs fine on a $200.00 laptop these days after all). But once you start looking at the work needed at scale, I wonder if it's actually feasible absent a large cash injection.
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • I would like to think it's not the graphics which drove people away from the game in droves as much as the antiquated subscription model, poor F2P offerings, and somewhat dubious game changes over the years.

    TBH i think the new graphics would drive more people away due to the technical reasons previously brought up by Northerncross
  • I would think, based on MY experiences over the last two years, that it has a lot to do with everything I have uncovered and uploaded on my YouTube channel
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