buff vendor vs classes with buffs?

in regards to the "buff Vendors" in towns and battle grounds. you can buy a set of buffs from them (like a buff bot) in a sense.

my questions are:

If I have a class, say a heretic, cleric, healer, druid that has its own buffs. Are the buffs the vendor gives in addition to my own buffs? OR do they over ride my personal buffs? OR are they the same ones? Are the vendor buffs more/less powerful?


  • Whichever is higher value will exist. If they are concentration based (the classes you mentioned have conc baseline buffs) those won't be able to be overwritten. Buy the NPC buffs then do your own. If yours overwrite the NPC buffs, yours are better. At 50, your buffs will always be better
  • Total value of buffs from NPC are 135. Total value from a player is 155 (buff bonus etc)
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