UI everything is micro tiny.... Where is the scaling?

ok next question (new player here).

My monitors run at 2560x1440.

Is there anyway to change resolution while IN the game?
More importantly... Is there a way to scale up all the UI elements? seriously... my window drag and close hit boxes are like 2 pixels by 2 pixels (so it seems anyway).


  • There's an options button on the character select screen which lets you change resolution, but you can't change UI scaling. I've personally had the best luck resetting my monitor resolution to 1024x768 while playing and setting the game to match. The drag and close hit boxes are still a bit smaller than they should have been, but it's a lot more manageable.
  • Thanks for tips that helped a lot. I went to desktop, tweaked my font scaling to125% / 150% that made a huge diff in game.
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