Otherworld chapter 6-10

Dear Warriors of Hibernia,
We are organising a battlegroup to do chapter 6-10 of Otherworld. We already have one full group and are looking for additional groups to do chapter 6-10 of Otherworld.
When: Tuesday 23 FEB 2021 at 19:00 GMT
Where: Make sure you do beforehand chapter 1-5 of Otherworld and let's meet up in Otherworld - Howth - Chapter 6
How: We are very experienced as a group and can almost do Chapter 6 on our own but we would need an extra bit of damage dealing as to push through it.
Voice comms: Voice comms on Teamspeak 3 will be available
Extra info: send me a direct message on this form.
Otherworld: all info here: https://darkageofcamelot.com/content/Otherworlds-Campaign
We are organising a battlegroup to do chapter 6-10 of Otherworld. We already have one full group and are looking for additional groups to do chapter 6-10 of Otherworld.
When: Tuesday 23 FEB 2021 at 19:00 GMT
Where: Make sure you do beforehand chapter 1-5 of Otherworld and let's meet up in Otherworld - Howth - Chapter 6
How: We are very experienced as a group and can almost do Chapter 6 on our own but we would need an extra bit of damage dealing as to push through it.
Voice comms: Voice comms on Teamspeak 3 will be available
Extra info: send me a direct message on this form.
Otherworld: all info here: https://darkageofcamelot.com/content/Otherworlds-Campaign