Protect Ya Neck SupaFly Jimmy Stooka
*** Stats ***
Strength: 124/106
Constitution: 116/116
Dexterity: 59/78
Quickness: 83/80
Hitpoints: 431/430
*** Resistances ***
Crush: 32/26
Slash: 42/29
Thrust: 37/28
Heat: 30/26
Cold: 30/28
Matter: 30/31
Body: 31/26
Spirit: 36/26
Energy: 26/26
*** Specs ***
Crush: 13/11
Parry: 10/11
Polearm: 13/11
Slash: 13/11
Thrust: 13/11
Two Handed: 13/11
*** Others ***
Melee Damage: 8/10
Melee Speed: 13/10
Style Damage: 10/10
Armor Factor: 40/50
Fatigue: 9/25
Myth Endurance Reg: 5/10
DPS Increase: 6/10
*** Items ***
Torso: Unyielding Soldier Hauberk
+ 3 Parry
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 5 Strength Cap
+ 24 Strength
+ 24 Quickness
+ 4 Melee Damage
+ 4 Style Damage
+ 3 Slash
+ 3 Crush
+ 3 Thrust
Head: The Winged Helm
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 5 Fatigue
+ 10 Armor Factor
+ 15 Dexterity
+ 5 Matter
+ 15 Strength
+ 5 Spirit
Arms: Silvered Sleeves of Eternal Retribution
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 8 Crush
+ 8 Slash
+ 9 Thrust
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Heat
+ 3 Melee Speed
Hands: Cursed Blood Gauntlets
+ 25 Constitution
+ 50 Hitpoints
+ 50 Hitpoint Cap
+ 10 Constitution Cap
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Energy
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Thrust
+ 5 Slash
+ 15 Constitution Myth Increase
Legs: Astral Greaves of Fortification
+ 16 Strength
+ 16 Constitution
+ 7 Strength Cap
+ 7 Constitution Cap
+ 2 Style Damage
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 2 Melee Speed
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 44 Quickness
+ 23 Dexterity
+ 14 Constitution
+ 76 Hitpoints
Neck: Dark Dragon Locket
+ 21 Dexterity
+ 21 Constitution
+ 3 Dexterity Cap
+ 3 Constitution Cap
+ 6 Body
+ 6 Energy
+ 6 Spirit
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 25 Hitpoint Cap
Cloak: Shades of Mist
+ 3 Stealth
+ 3 Parry
+ 15 Strength
+ 15 Quickness
+ 10 Armor Factor
+ 5 Melee Speed
+ 4 Fatigue
Jewel: Skull of the Soul Keeper
+ 25 Strength
+ 25 Constitution
+ 6 Strength Myth Cap
+ 6 Constitution Myth Cap
+ 60 Hitpoints
+ 15 Armor Factor
+ 4 DPS Increase
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Matter
Belt: Illustrious Combatant Belt
+ 30 Hitpoints
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Crush
+ 7 Slash
+ 2 Thrust
+ 2 Style Damage
+ 3 Melee Speed
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 4 Parry
Right Ring: Ring of Arcane Strength
+ 4 All Melee Skills
+ 21 Strength
+ 5 Strength Cap
+ 35 Hitpoints
+ 35 Hitpoint Cap
+ 5 Armor Factor
+ 4 Slash
+ 4 Crush
+ 4 Thrust
+ 2 Style Damage
Left Ring: tour
+ 6 Crush
+ 6 Slash
+ 6 Thrust
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Energy
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
Right Bracer: pendragon
+ 100 Hitpoints
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Energy
Left Bracer: Band of the Dream Conqueror
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Energy
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Spirit
+ 6 Crush
+ 6 Slash
+ 6 Thrust
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
Myth: Freezing King Mythirian
+ 5 Myth Endurance Reg
+ 2 DPS Increase
+ 8 Strength Myth Increase
+ 5 Quickness Myth Cap
+ 5 Cold
+ 2 Cold Myth Cap
Strength: 124/106
Constitution: 116/116
Dexterity: 59/78
Quickness: 83/80
Hitpoints: 431/430
*** Resistances ***
Crush: 32/26
Slash: 42/29
Thrust: 37/28
Heat: 30/26
Cold: 30/28
Matter: 30/31
Body: 31/26
Spirit: 36/26
Energy: 26/26
*** Specs ***
Crush: 13/11
Parry: 10/11
Polearm: 13/11
Slash: 13/11
Thrust: 13/11
Two Handed: 13/11
*** Others ***
Melee Damage: 8/10
Melee Speed: 13/10
Style Damage: 10/10
Armor Factor: 40/50
Fatigue: 9/25
Myth Endurance Reg: 5/10
DPS Increase: 6/10
*** Items ***
Torso: Unyielding Soldier Hauberk
+ 3 Parry
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 5 Strength Cap
+ 24 Strength
+ 24 Quickness
+ 4 Melee Damage
+ 4 Style Damage
+ 3 Slash
+ 3 Crush
+ 3 Thrust
Head: The Winged Helm
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 5 Fatigue
+ 10 Armor Factor
+ 15 Dexterity
+ 5 Matter
+ 15 Strength
+ 5 Spirit
Arms: Silvered Sleeves of Eternal Retribution
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 8 Crush
+ 8 Slash
+ 9 Thrust
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Heat
+ 3 Melee Speed
Hands: Cursed Blood Gauntlets
+ 25 Constitution
+ 50 Hitpoints
+ 50 Hitpoint Cap
+ 10 Constitution Cap
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Energy
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Thrust
+ 5 Slash
+ 15 Constitution Myth Increase
Legs: Astral Greaves of Fortification
+ 16 Strength
+ 16 Constitution
+ 7 Strength Cap
+ 7 Constitution Cap
+ 2 Style Damage
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 2 Melee Speed
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 44 Quickness
+ 23 Dexterity
+ 14 Constitution
+ 76 Hitpoints
Neck: Dark Dragon Locket
+ 21 Dexterity
+ 21 Constitution
+ 3 Dexterity Cap
+ 3 Constitution Cap
+ 6 Body
+ 6 Energy
+ 6 Spirit
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 25 Hitpoint Cap
Cloak: Shades of Mist
+ 3 Stealth
+ 3 Parry
+ 15 Strength
+ 15 Quickness
+ 10 Armor Factor
+ 5 Melee Speed
+ 4 Fatigue
Jewel: Skull of the Soul Keeper
+ 25 Strength
+ 25 Constitution
+ 6 Strength Myth Cap
+ 6 Constitution Myth Cap
+ 60 Hitpoints
+ 15 Armor Factor
+ 4 DPS Increase
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Matter
Belt: Illustrious Combatant Belt
+ 30 Hitpoints
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Crush
+ 7 Slash
+ 2 Thrust
+ 2 Style Damage
+ 3 Melee Speed
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 4 Parry
Right Ring: Ring of Arcane Strength
+ 4 All Melee Skills
+ 21 Strength
+ 5 Strength Cap
+ 35 Hitpoints
+ 35 Hitpoint Cap
+ 5 Armor Factor
+ 4 Slash
+ 4 Crush
+ 4 Thrust
+ 2 Style Damage
Left Ring: tour
+ 6 Crush
+ 6 Slash
+ 6 Thrust
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Energy
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
Right Bracer: pendragon
+ 100 Hitpoints
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Energy
Left Bracer: Band of the Dream Conqueror
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Energy
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Spirit
+ 6 Crush
+ 6 Slash
+ 6 Thrust
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
Myth: Freezing King Mythirian
+ 5 Myth Endurance Reg
+ 2 DPS Increase
+ 8 Strength Myth Increase
+ 5 Quickness Myth Cap
+ 5 Cold
+ 2 Cold Myth Cap
Post edited by Wemeetagain on