Paladin Mess Around

*** Stats ***
Strength: 133/112
Constitution: 132/120
Quickness: 87/90
Hitpoints: 581/600

*** Resistances ***
Crush: 28/28
Slash: 29/29
Thrust: 26/26
Heat: 27/26
Cold: 35/28
Matter: 23/26
Body: 28/26
Spirit: 34/31
Energy: 27/26

*** Specs ***
Crush: 10/11
Slash: 10/11
Thrust: 10/11
Two Handed: 10/11

*** Others ***
Melee Damage: 10/10
Melee Speed: 10/10
Style Damage: 10/10
Spell Speed: 6/10
Buff Bonus: 5/25
Heal Bonus: 22/25
Armor Factor: 54/50
Myth Health Reg: 30/50
Myth Endurance Reg: 5/10
DPS Increase: 9/10
Conversion: 3/10

*** Items ***
Torso: Unyielding Protector Breastplate
+ 3 All Melee Skills
+ 22 Strength
+ 22 Quickness
+ 50 Hitpoints
+ 50 Hitpoint Cap
+ 4 Style Damage
+ 4 Melee Damage
+ 3 Slash
+ 3 Crush
+ 3 Thrust

Head: Otherworldly Mighty Eyes
+ 15 Strength
+ 15 Constitution
+ 6 Strength Myth Cap
+ 6 Body
+ 6 Cold
+ 6 Matter
+ 2 Style Damage
+ 4 Melee Speed
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 7 DPS Increase

Arms: Infernal Plate Vambraces
+ 13 Strength
+ 13 Constitution
+ 12 Quickness
+ 5 Constitution Cap
+ 5 Quickness Cap
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 15 Armor Factor
+ 30 Myth Health Reg

Hands: Cursed Life Gauntlets
+ 25 Constitution
+ 50 Hitpoints
+ 50 Hitpoint Cap
+ 10 Constitution Cap
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Energy
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Thrust
+ 5 Slash
+ 12 Heal Bonus

Legs: Astral Greaves of Fortification
+ 16 Strength
+ 16 Constitution
+ 7 Strength Cap
+ 7 Constitution Cap
+ 2 Style Damage
+ 2 Melee Damage
+ 2 Melee Speed
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap
+ 3 All Melee Skills

+ 15 Quickness
+ 76 Hitpoints
+ 5 Crush
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Energy

Neck: Ghostly Medal of Valor
+ 100 Hitpoints
+ 75 Hitpoint Cap
+ 20 Armor Factor
+ 7 Cold
+ 7 Heat
+ 7 Matter
+ 7 Body
+ 7 Energy
+ 7 Spirit

Cloak: Cloak of the Loyal Paladin
+ 6 Strength Myth Cap
+ 6 Constitution Myth Cap
+ 2 Melee Speed
+ 4 Spell Speed
+ 5 Buff Bonus
+ 10 Heal Bonus

Jewel: Flask
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 15 Strength
+ 15 Constitution
+ 15 Quickness
+ 5 Constitution Cap
+ 5 Spirit

Belt: Sulphurous Demon Belt
+ 14 Armor Factor
+ 18 Strength
+ 18 Quickness
+ 5 Strength Myth Increase
+ 5 Constitution Myth Increase
+ 7 Spirit
+ 7 Cold
+ 50 Hitpoints
+ 5 Quickness Myth Increase
+ 18 Constitution

Right Ring: Midsummer's Triumphant Wrap
+ 3 Conversion
+ 25 Constitution
+ 8 Constitution Myth Cap
+ 40 Hitpoints
+ 2 Melee Speed
+ 2 Spell Speed
+ 8 Crush
+ 8 Slash
+ 8 Thrust
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap

Left Ring: tour
+ 6 Crush
+ 6 Slash
+ 6 Thrust
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Energy
+ 40 Hitpoint Cap

Right Bracer: pendragon
+ 100 Hitpoints
+ 100 Hitpoint Cap
+ 5 Heat
+ 5 Cold
+ 5 Matter
+ 5 Body
+ 5 Spirit
+ 5 Energy

Left Bracer: Bracer of Arcane Vigor
+ 4 All Melee Skills
+ 21 Strength
+ 5 Strength Cap
+ 35 Hitpoints
+ 35 Hitpoint Cap
+ 5 Armor Factor
+ 4 Slash
+ 4 Crush
+ 4 Thrust
+ 2 Style Damage

Myth: Freezing King Mythirian
+ 5 Myth Endurance Reg
+ 2 DPS Increase
+ 8 Strength Myth Increase
+ 5 Quickness Myth Cap
+ 5 Cold
+ 2 Cold Myth Cap


  • edited May 2020 PM
    Wow really nice and weaponless would have to look up the on uses I’m a huge fan of som but is that really outdated now as well as astral bp? The omni heal was op
    Post edited by Sidgel on
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