Albion Dragon's Curse 29/03 16:30 CET

How to start the Campaign?
1. Speak to Commander Selan in Camelot by the North Gate(Old Catacombs Entrance)
2. Speak to the undead next to her, then to Commander Selan again
3. Check Journal and you'll have a quest called [Curse] A Friendly Face
4. Go to Hall of Fellows in Camelot and Speak to the NPC "Quest Journalist" and accept both options he gives you.
5. Port to any town find a Dungeon researcher and port to Catacombs of Cordova
6. Wait there till BG has all arrived.
1. Speak to Commander Selan in Camelot by the North Gate(Old Catacombs Entrance)
2. Speak to the undead next to her, then to Commander Selan again
3. Check Journal and you'll have a quest called [Curse] A Friendly Face
4. Go to Hall of Fellows in Camelot and Speak to the NPC "Quest Journalist" and accept both options he gives you.
5. Port to any town find a Dungeon researcher and port to Catacombs of Cordova
6. Wait there till BG has all arrived.