Question about Astral Mephitic Fang
I was curious on this and nobody in game seemed to be able to answer this, what does the 10 fatigue on the astral Mephitic fang actually do? I checked amd it doesn't do anything for endurance regen. Does it just increase your maximum endurance?
I think so but best way to test would be take it off put it on see if you "lose" end
Teehehe Shadowblade The Adventures to RR10
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You are correct. Took it off and put it back on and lost about 10% end. This also explains why some times when switching between bow and mele it seems like I can lose a chunk of endurance. Thanks Teehehe and Dreamscape.
Yea that is on a lot of items, I think it might even be an SC 5th slot bonus on some pieces?
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if your playing a savage you need to try to make a weaponless temp, or a temp with phys weps u want, and sc those stats onto leg weps and mostly use those, and have all the temp able to throw meph fang on for the times you need to disease, then when it proc swap back