just need some clarification should i contact EA or U?
this is the stuff that is literally insane. [edited]
sick 3 day waiting period tho! cant wait to see what the next response is lol

happy @Ciddire ? would rather see you solve a problem than just make more hoops to jump through
lets see if this works though /shrug
sick 3 day waiting period tho! cant wait to see what the next response is lol

happy @Ciddire ? would rather see you solve a problem than just make more hoops to jump through
lets see if this works though /shrug
Post edited by Driralin on
Unfortunately, your posting does not contain enough details on what happened here, so my reply will be based on a guess what the issue is here.
It seems that you bought something to be used with DAoC via EA Origin, and now want to refund it. Since it is not possible to buy something directly from Broadsword, you will need to contact the seller of your purchase, which in this case is EA Origin. Therefore, the Broadsword Account Support Team informed you that EA Origin - the seller - is who you need to contact with your issue. Please follow the instructions they provided you, so that the EA Origin team can assist you with this!
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Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos