What kind of #$%@ery is this? @Carol_Broadsword
I am sitting here enjoying my day off watching videos while I eat my lunch and this pops up...How on earth is this account able to have a place holder in the game that he or she can instantly pop back to on demand...run through target, get about 350 units away and BOOM instantly back behind the target. If this isn't cheating for all to see someone please tell me the add on that allows this type of game play. Watch the video at .25 speed see him instantly appear in a spot behind or to the side of the target.

nice troll attempt @Saren
you have no idea how blur works...you just see an SB and think oh i'm smart i know what i'm gonna type in response...here let me help you. blur has a 1 minute 30 second cool down, that means that after you use blur you cannot use it again for exactly 90 secs. again i'll say that this account is using his or her hack over and over again during the fights. the video starts with him or her on a reaver. that last time i checked my reaver dose not have blur. if you had slowed the video down to 25% and watched it like instructed you would see what i am talking about. but you didn't the video is high def so you can see it clearly. No one is trolling here but you. i would recommend you roll an assassin and learn to play them so you know what they get and don't get. can you even fathom a class with a blur that could be used every couple seconds like this account holder is doing? cmon now....
I get the distinct impression that a lot of the complaints about cheating is people percieving perfectly normal events like this incorrectly due to circumstance, paranoia, inexperience or what have you. I can't imagine what the /appeal queue must look like. The truly sad part is I'm sure that some of the people who are convinced cheating is occuring will quit out of frustration when they see the "cheater" hasn't been dealt with.
I don't let him forget.
BTW hi.
What you are actually seeing is someone with a good internet connection using their mousepan/strafe/sprint and macros to face for positional. Because the video shows that instant change in view and you don't know that he timed the face for when he had just crossed the enemy. It makes it look like he went from front to side/back instantly, and your viewing change makes you want to believe this, but that's not really accurate. Some will tell you it's not hard to do that, but if it was easy everyone would do it. Also it's a video so sometimes people cut it.
I'm not that good on stealth, not sure I've every taken out 3 high rr stealth and definitely not 3+ a caster. That said the guy has been out of game the last 7 days so you never know...
Females should be prevented from teabagging.
He's still on ... I happen to know that kid (and it's a he); and he's more awesome than any will ever know
Wholesome and adorable
Some people know the little sh*t stain doesn't cheat ahaha
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
;D . ty Sire.
This made me think that we need a /hat emote in game .... cause I'd do that now
... start the petition.
Hundreds of people petitioned for years to allow dwarves to become Bonedancers. But the results fell short of expectations. That might have been moving the bar too high.
Agreed .. but righteousness by definition destroys any bar.
/hat 2037!