What Video Card Drivers?
What Nvidia version drivers works best with the game ( If any)
I have been experiencing choppy/laggy video, not sure what happened ( I did not change drivers ) but id like to try something to fix it.
It may have happened after following this video
for fixing crashes in daoc ( although i never had much problems before)
I have been experiencing choppy/laggy video, not sure what happened ( I did not change drivers ) but id like to try something to fix it.
It may have happened after following this video

Twitch Youtube Mixer
Yes with a complete Uninstall with DDU and then install drivers without Nvidia Experiance
Twitch Youtube Mixer
Do you have a laptop with hybrid graphics? DAoC has been having issues with hybrid GPU laptops for quite some time, the fix is to force the game to use the proper GPU via NVIDIA control panel or the AMD equivalent.
Once I disabled 3D, it seemed to help.
Not 100%, but an improvment for sure.