Alb Nation Continues To Dominate Open Field And Outsmart All Opponents ( Wed Night Fights)
You want to fight ALB NATION open field ? Lets throw down then MIDGARD......

Run to Glen... TO Blendrake... To Glen... back to BLendrake...
What did the folks say after getting farmed like that ?

Hibernia-- We will chop you down too... You know you can't even begin to fight open field... much less take KM from us.. THis IS USA PRIME TIME... ALB NATION DOMINATES ALL

Run to Glen... TO Blendrake... To Glen... back to BLendrake...
What did the folks say after getting farmed like that ?

Hibernia-- We will chop you down too... You know you can't even begin to fight open field... much less take KM from us.. THis IS USA PRIME TIME... ALB NATION DOMINATES ALL

Post edited by Natebruner on
"I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Message me for an 8v8 if you wanna try me.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
What does the Nouveau Parti Démocratique have to do with Alb Nation?
As usual you're incorrect, but don't let facts ruin your narrative --- you did nothing useful last night, get over yourself
I invite all to come and join us!
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
I had your whole bg hiding in a tower vs my 3fgh(about a month ago @ the shoreline tower of berk)..
Message me for an 8v8 if you wanna try me.
Yes this is interesting
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Now now, this is something you often did in the past so I would think you are actually quite qualified to answer your own question.
LoL at the peanut gallery....if I had that many more and a reason, I did, if I didn't have my relcis I would try and get em back....your protestations notwhithstanding
You built a game reputation over the course of years out of doing the exact same thing you're criticizing Xyorman lmao
Actually, I and many many others can think of many instances in the past where you did not try for relics and even left relics for Hibernia to recapture purely because you had no interest in relics. I'm not commenting on the validity of your motives/tactics at the time, I'm simply pointing out that you're flat out lying in your statements.
Pls tell me when I left a relic for the HIbbs -- ever -- Pls tell me when I opened a relic Gate and didn't go for it myself....Pls tell me exactly where I am lying...You folks have this distorted opinion of how things work, and I am fine with you being loyal to your realm <even though there are few and far between who are anymore...but, calling me a Liar??? That is a classless act
I disagree. The classlessness is on your part in that you simply can't admit that in the past there were instances where relic capture was not your top priority. Given the conviction with which you are denying reality, perhaps it's incorrect for me to state that you are lying. Lying implies that you know the truth and are denying it. If your passionate denial is to be believed, the more appropriate word would be delusional. So I'll allow you to choose, you are either lying or delusional in your denial of never not going for a relic or allowing Hibernia to recapture a relic.
This does not matter... ALB NATION IS COMING to kill everyone who opposes us !
Download discord and friend request Natebruner#3781 and join us tonight !
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
You keep changing you stance so let me as blunt as this board allows, you wouldn't know truth if it bit you; your opinions and statements are about the least needed...[edited]
I didn't get to read your full statement though I doubt I missed out on any thought-provoking ideas. My stance remains the same, I change the verbiage because I thought you seemed the sort that has to hear the same thing in many different ways in order for it to finally be understood.
Also, I found it amusing that you start out by saying, "as this board allows" which is then modded. Not a ringing endorsement for your comprehension skills; but again that's just my least needed opinion/statement on the matter.