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  • here i'll put a screen shot of a damage log. so, you see me doing level 34 constrictor flex style spam, damage 139 to 186 range, proc from the style 129 ... then the weapon proc happens, you can see that where after the 129 proc, there is …
  • forgot to add, no realm relog timers for accounts that made no rp, so if you log in in a realm and find, say no friends, you can relog without timer to different realm to see if you have friends there and maybe get a group there, or if you just pve'…
  • i'm not sure it was planned or an oversight that basically a soloer can break ports off all the realm's ports past the middle keep. that is certainly something i don't like about this event. i prefer ruined keep in a place that doesn't affect po…
  • i sure hear a lot of complaints about this .. also, if prefer to have this sort of discussion on the forums and not on discord, that way all the relevant stuff is together in one easy to access thread and not buried in a wall of text that has n…
  • Not only to make the sub stats look better, But for the actual subscription revenue from bot accounts... Makes no sense to make it harder to use buff bots effectively if they don't want to lose revenue from those bot accounts.
  • because ... they are different damage types... slash weapon, you can get other slash skin.... etc heat weapon.... no other heat weapon to take the skin off... you have a heat weapon, it shows as you having a heat weapon. if you have a heat weapon…
  • it's nice to see irc back in game after they had their 7 day guild meeting, away from computers, they felt a bit squishy though when today we ran into them...
  • Daelin wrote: » I will say, I do not agree with calling out your two longest supporting groups who join you even when others have not and demanding they form groups to your liking. I get it, you are frustrated with not being able to open towers/k…
  • BS you are on a trail to make this game a caster only game....
  • Shieldla wrote: » Muylae wrote: » Shieldla wrote: » They need to give the BG leaders some incentives too. Maybe they should do something like give the person leading the BG a bonus to RP/Gold/BP based on the size of the BG and how many groups…
  • Shieldla wrote: » They need to give the BG leaders some incentives too. Maybe they should do something like give the person leading the BG a bonus to RP/Gold/BP based on the size of the BG and how many groups of 5+ it has. lol, no. that would…
  • Shieldla wrote: » I feel your pain. I have lost count of how many times on alb i've been the only melee in a 20-30 person BG. Caster groups just rule the game, and keeps / towers don't really have any value to a lot of people beyond a RP bonus …
  • atm i basically quit leading bgs because my main two group outside of my guild groups are caster groups with not a single melee chlass in thim and even if if g get lucky and i have 30 people with me, we have 3 people hitting a gate. all 3 of them …
  • and the german alliance why do you do you run as a fg/ 16 man and get farmed every single day and don't run with the mid bg ? together we could obliterate herorius, but you you choose to run in your small bg and wipe every time... why ? why …
  • are savages the only melee class that don't have an anytime or frontal melee or reactionary stun style ? savages are the only melee class that need to permanently abuse game mechanics to be able to abuse game mechanics to actually stun ? in a grou…
  • what is wrong with paladins ? they are basically a 'weak armsman' with huge group utility and good self buffs ???. i'm probably more scared of a paladin then from an armsman one on one. this sort of class can survive me while i kill myself with …
  • you would think that for a paying service they would actual do that, right ?
  • six casters doing 1500 damage on range, combined with their own ranged AS spells ? wtf us BS thinking ?
  • i mean, wizard bolts, wait for first bolt to hit and hit VP5, if the target isn't dead, second bolt hits if the target isn't dead it probably means you hit the wrong target ?N and you should have nuked something different
  • i'm going to get banned
  • i've been playing a bit on the patch on pendragon and the only thing i can say ... omg don't let this thing go live. my wizard with VP 5 executes single target with double bots and VP 5 what is BS thinking with these changes ? no more climb wall…
  • DaRedANT wrote: » Muylae wrote: » i don't get it. BS seems to want to change the game ? why ? why do people think change for the sake of change is good ? most people playing this game have been playing this game for a LONG time ....…
  • i don't get it. BS seems to want to change the game ? why ? why do people think change for the sake of change is good ? most people playing this game have been playing this game for a LONG time .... chess .... the rules have been the sa…
  • did you resize your UI with the ingame option to do so ? if so, move mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the screen, press left mouse button and move the mouse while holding down the left mouse button to see if it changes the ingame UI size.
  • is probably your best bet.
  • i hate this event, it just destroys the normal rvr. might as well take a week of from the game. and while you are at it, might as well let everyone create new chars that are level 50 and rr 10-11 and fully geared at creation. this sort of even…
  • Don't forget to set your recall in svasud/sauvage/drium liggen for the duration of the event
  • great event. i was glad i was able to create and coordinate this event with the required bg leaders in all 3 realms and Carol to make it happen. it was vergibtnix's birthday, so i didn't lead midgard and having him lead this for midgard was my bi…
  • some notes on the UI scaling. first of all ... at last it's there. but i find some issues with it too. scaling the UI makes the fonts way less readable, it would be nice if the fonts didn't scale with the rest of the UI. you can already cha…
  • you need credit for taking a tower or keep before you can get the cloak i think.
  • ok, we are a few days further now ... i think the effect of the free moc effect in lord rooms and the top of the keep is broken ... badly broken. first if you have moc, you don't get the 100 % effect but the effect of your moc. if you have moc…
  • RonELuvv wrote: » I have to agree with @Gavner here. I don't think there is anything wrong with any of the classes you listed. Nothing. You didn't give the option of "nothing" for each of the classes. I don't think anything needs to be changed…
  • i like this, but time will tell ...
  • some years ago they reduced the slam duration of all the non heavy tanks from 9 to 5 seconds .. maybe they can reduce the duration of all the casted stuns on all but one class in each realm to ... say 7 seconds . that would mean that clerics, heal…
  • ragsandrocks wrote: » the next problem is zerging. no body is really doing keep defense, its all about swarming in predefined paths and sweeping up and farming players. the excitement of long drawn out castle battles is gone. the situation is r…
  • ragsandrocks wrote: » Note I just started evaluating game trying to decide if I want to come back. I do miss good RVR. However there are some really bad problems at this point they really SHOULD Address if they want players to reconsider this game…
  • Did i just bury this thread with a single comment ?
  • Seamuss wrote: » I really hate the EV event. The whole zone is a bust at the present time and dueling at folly is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. In most cases, you don’t have to duel to know who will win. High RR characters will win 95% of fi…
  • This thread .. Let's explain some basic English vocabulary ... FACT : a thing that is known or proved to be true. THEORY : definition of this word varies depending on every day use or scientific use. in scientific use a theory is a hypoth…
  • what's the point in making an alternative server if noone can agree on what i should be ?
  • is there anyone advocating for a wipe of ywain that isn't someone who wants to deny people who have up to 20 years of gaming and time invested in chars to be placed on equal footing as themselves ? i mean, might as well do a server wipe and get rid…
  • audizmann wrote: » Muylae wrote: » audizmann wrote: » You don't even need an EC account to post here. When they introduced EC they opened the forum to all accounts. I agree with the OP. DAoC is a fantastic game, but it is in desperate need …
  • audizmann wrote: » You don't even need an EC account to post here. When they introduced EC they opened the forum to all accounts. I agree with the OP. DAoC is a fantastic game, but it is in desperate need of solid improvements, perhaps in the f…
  • Ceiweth wrote: » If you’re thinking about reactivating but are perusing these channels to try and get a sense of what the game is like before you make a decision, I can offer up my personal experience. I reactivated a week ago given that I used…
  • i think for most people leveling 1 - 50 is just a 4 hour waste of time when creating a rvr (level 50) char these days. yeah, if you want to do the long time consuming 1 - 50 in the classic pve zones, relying on lfg to group with random people ... y…
    in nostalgia Comment by Muylae January 2021
  • perfectly legal for macro groups to be used in the rvr dungeons (labby, poc, DF) and engage in rvr there.
  • perfectly legal for macro groups to be used in the rvr dungeons (labby, poc, DF)
  • and that's how my BB got to rr 11 when i'm defending a keep without being in a FG ... lol
  • Brut wrote: » Hilarious reading these posts albs don’t have any effective tank groups for a reason they are at the bottom of the food chain for a full heavy tank group. And before you say a full tank heavy is no good for 8 v8 I am aware it used t…
  • Sepphiroth75 wrote: » Was playing my shade for the first time since the envenom nerf and mos changes. I am definitely weaker on the shade due to losing ra points and the envenom changes which was needed but my request is to make viper great aga…
    in Viper Comment by Muylae January 2021