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  • Not to mention LOTR is a huge IP, they prolly paid/pay sizeable license for. With the IP getting a new series and more attention, it's a bit easier to find funding for that, it's an investment.
  • I will ask the Gaheris experts for help, but it's pretty fast. PS: BGs aint the fastest on Ywain either, town quests till 35 then toa questline usually a bit faster.
  • I would still recommend Gaheris, it has a passionate community, doing events, raids and such. While Ywain has a bit higher pop, much less engage with PvE there. It also gives you an extra progression with RR which is fun. They having a bigger eve…
  • Siambra wrote: » If Gav is "The Governor" I can say that he been helpful and silly as needed.
  • Hello and welcome back @Cacos ! For PvE, pet classes still do good, cabby, sm, chanter especially. For Zerg RvR most play what they enjoy, but easy to find out whichever realm you play what BGs miss most, and usually that is the smartest to play,…
  • You can leave feedback on forums, they read it. Can also leave feedback on official discord where they are quiet active, and here: Hard to tell if there is point without knowing the feedback itself, but go for…
  • The most chilled BP farm I do is just run ToA yes. Once you done it a few times its crazy fast. With one toon the weekly might not be enough yes, but I leveled a bunch of toons just for fun, the first time they all get tons of bps, and i just do wee…
  • Reality is, a new solo player will have to learn when to use his abilities against what, in casual groups people still casted-stun det tanks to give them immunity, sometimes melee trains try to assist down a heavy while casters freecasting etc.. The…
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • Almhin wrote: » Shoke wrote: » That's a great point. The general argument is that while scripting does make a difference (or else why would people do it in the first place) it doesn't play for you, which is what Brut and them are implying. They …
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • Difference is, this is not an FPS. There are great solo players, and difference is not that one being 0.1 second late on insta dd. However i can do that for you without using script, but prolly would put abilities to different binds then in your exa…
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • puter wrote: » Those who argue against scripting should inform themselves first. Download Mojo, autohotkey, or use the program that comes with a modern keyboard/mouse and try it out. Test to see if your gameplay becomes insanely better. My bet is …
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • DaRedANT wrote: » Gavner wrote: » @DaRedANT Most new gaming keyboard/mouse have the option of hardware-imputting more then one action on one button which is almost impossible to detect. However that doesn't make you a good player instantly, it j…
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • Vrisslar wrote: » Gavner wrote: » Vrisslar wrote: » Gavner wrote: » There is no secret magic What a load of BS, DAoC got plenty of magic classes and many of them got secrets im sure. You got me, now i have to provide a tutorial on how…
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • Vrisslar wrote: » Gavner wrote: » There is no secret magic What a load of BS, DAoC got plenty of magic classes and many of them got secrets im sure. You got me, now i have to provide a tutorial on how to use dark arts to perform in DAoC.
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • TLDR, I am not a broadsword employee, I don't use Mojo, and I stream how I play. Only thing you might see is I use Qbinds. Can put up a tutorial if it helps anyone about QBinds or how to be efficient with mouse/keyboard, its pretty basic. I use AHK …
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • @DaRedANT Most new gaming keyboard/mouse have the option of hardware-imputting more then one action on one button which is almost impossible to detect. However that doesn't make you a good player instantly, it just not how this game works. You just …
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • AHK is convinient, but nothing more. QBinds which been part of the game since day 1 (part of every game to remap keyboard) makes much more difference. Some are trying to adapt their playstyle to be more efficient with keyboard/mouse is not some kind…
    in Scripting Comment by Gavner October 2020
  • While I enjoy these topics, let's try. Hibernia still not OP because it has the most consistent BG leader. His lemmings adapted to his style for years, high rank tanks pushing, many casters for keep takes, and even ice bolting sieges (which might…
  • Maybe it could lead somewhere, as this is pretty normal nowdays tbh. Did alot of small man in the past myself, and did quit it for a reason. There is 0 incentive these days where small-mans show up during primetimes. EV too zergy, pin quests did …
  • @Cartoan this game let one realm dominate because it has been a community issue not game related. Even if the intent to level playing-field why is it bad? If tables would turn the rules are even.
  • @Strolch I don't necessarily think its a hibernia nerf only. While some could argue that Hero dominating is a community issue, not a game-related issue, thing is, many 8 man playstyle has been changed over the years based on how one group perform…
  • Great balance patch, won't pick on everything as with majority I quiet like. Obviously there be some people less happy who play some of the classes changed, but thats nothing new. I've tested grp heals on friar yesterday, it's totally fine, need …
  • AHK is a convenience. The guy referring to it probably seen some use it for /face -> jump -> spellcast. It's used to face, then break the auto-face with jump, not to make it harder to target at all. It's fun, but I don't like jump tied to ever…
  • It's absurd people still think they cheat/exploit. They been around for long, and some point even streamed to see people what to do. The reason they crap on everyone is game knowledge, effort to do good, and experience playing together. Simply th…
  • Tyrantanic wrote: » Gavner wrote: » @Xalara DAoC already had Classic. Sure seasons will let people forget all the issues. Times have changed. Classic had many issues people ignoring/forgot. If it happens, I be there having so much fun at the…
  • @Xalara DAoC already had Classic. Sure seasons will let people forget all the issues. Times have changed. Classic had many issues people ignoring/forgot. If it happens, I be there having so much fun at the sight of failure that noone could see b…
  • Thing is, nostalgia wears off, private servers would have technical difficulties running current live as it's not even an option. Live will always struggle to race with free options of the same, and less legal restrictions on stuff. If you could mak…
  • Xalara wrote: » Gavner wrote: » @Xalara Just transfer em few millions of $ as a guarantee which you get back if so. Seems like a no risk deal. Oh wait, all those classic servers for free, how many died so far? Hence the "seasonal" feature. W…
  • @Xalara Just transfer em few millions of $ as a guarantee which you get back if so. Seems like a no risk deal. Oh wait, all those classic servers for free, how many died so far?
  • I am sure someone has mentioned before, but I don't see a new classic server do any good for daoc live currently. It's the same as EC, everyone imagined huge hype, thousands of players pouring into the game, and as it turns out nothing as simple.…
  • Same realm 1v1 doesnt matter, mauler wins all anyway. Also they are all different roles in groups, paladin does an arms job worse, hero and champ cant even compare in terms of roles. If thats an argument, give Reavers same PB dmg as bainshees, since…
  • So you nitpicked the items that dropped in price cause of increased supply from devaluing their price, ignoring everything else. Item prices been inflated for years, and since they couldn't deal with it they just made them easy to get. You speak …
  • @Koe In some things you are right, some things shortsighted by reading two wikipedia pages to lecture. I might be limited by my English vocabulary, since I am not from a native American/English speaking country but I do my best. "I spoke to t…
  • Koe wrote: » Gavner wrote: » Lotion wrote: » Add platinum tokens to the MTX Merchants. Over the life of many games including this one, customers have profited off selling ingame currency for real life currency... Many gaming companies offer th…
  • Lotion wrote: » Gavner wrote: » Lotion wrote: » Add platinum tokens to the MTX Merchants. Over the life of many games including this one, customers have profited off selling ingame currency for real life currency... Many gaming companies offer…
  • Lotion wrote: » Add platinum tokens to the MTX Merchants. Over the life of many games including this one, customers have profited off selling ingame currency for real life currency... Many gaming companies offer their ingame currency in their real…
  • @Amp_Phetamine So heavies still good in 8 we kind of agreed on that one bit at least. Hero leverages tanks better in zergs then others is not the classes fault, and sorry but not much to do with only being Hib. As for solo, still don't think th…
  • Heavies great in 8, defo not lack in zerg, and far from bad at solo. Still don't get it. Edit: although if by miracle BS agree they need change, i will have so much fun till they nerf it back.
  • Realm pride today? Long timer->People will choose the safe bet and log hib->Teams that want to swap will use multiple accs.
  • This is a tricky topic, with everyone having different opinion based on the narrow field they play in. There always been frustration towards something by the "losing" side, but losing sides in general also been varied depending on which prime peo…
  • @debain Communication is important I agree, but just last Grab Bag they said when we can expect changes based on feedback/their view on changes, plus posted the same reply to multiple topics. There are some things that they fixed fast after patch li…
  • Ease up people, jeez. There is stuff to do for sure but year is barely started.
  • Sounds fun, time to get bots spam this so everyone have to reply 6 characters every second in order to stay in game. (even with delay it would be annoying as fk, don't make people do i'm not a robot survey every game session)
  • If ever wonder why Frozen, DF CL15 update etc looked cool, and why Cursed items look basic af, just have to look at the MTX store. It's not a huge surprise things showed up there with the amount of work EC needed, and extra cost it brings. Would cal…
  • @Fateboi Yap, about EC being "free", it never really is, is it? Regardless, even subbed people wanted EC, costs need to be paid somehow. Dyes are meh, first off that 5g was 30g, crafted dyes costs same, and we all know DAoC economy was highl…
  • @Tyrantanic Hence my comment about if you weren't happy before, why expect EC solve all the issues immediately. Especially since restrictions been clear even before, I don't get why it's a huge surprise. They gone for the safe start (TBH thats alrea…
  • My experience so far not just negative. Population in general has picked up a bit, it just didn't meet everyone's expectation. This of course partly because the restrictions, partly because everyone expects different FTP experience, and not all g…
  • @Fateboi Don't discredit hero though, he is popular because of his laid-back style, and consistency. Also keep in mind some in his BGs are willing to play accordingly to BG gameplay, which most mids refuse (RA/ML/Classwise). He has a simple plan wh…