Stun - this is getting out of hand.
I got stunned in RVR last night and died. Please remove stun from the game. If not I'm going to cancel my subs x2. I may even cancel other people subs. No bamboozle. #StunFreeRVR #SaVeDAOC #HotFixOrQuit
I'm not trolling anyone. In my opinion stun should be removed from the game. I hate it. Everyone else is allowed to threaten to cancel if they don't get what they want but I'm not?
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Just because you believe your terrible sarcastic bait post isn’t such, doesn’t change reality.
So my opinion doesn't count? Remove stun from the game, in ALL forms, including ST, from ALL realms.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Its not a joke. I, and I suspect many others, would love a DAOC without stuns. Like I said above, no bamboozle.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
I'd accept melee only stuns.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Off you go, make sure st goes as well
and sure, i can't hide my dislike for stun nukers, but that's been the way it was from day one ... so i don't expect changes. hib has 3, alb has one, mid has none, i accept it even if i think it's unfair.
Heretic, BD, Animist